The beautiful city of Brno in the Czech Republic! When we arrived, by train from Ostrava, we were surprised that this is an incredibly beautiful city, filled with impressive Art Noveau buildings. We have discovered the city with a guide and have been down to no less than two underground attractions out of four.
Table of contents
The beautiful city of Brno in the Czech Republic
This time it's the beautiful city of Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, with 100 000 students out of 400 000 inhabitants. But where in the Czech Republic are we? Brno is located in Moravia in the south-east of the country.

Swedish history in the beautiful city of Brno
Brno has a historical link with Sweden. In 1645, during the 30 Years' War, the city was besieged by Sweden, led by General Lennart Torstensson. According to legend, Torstensson decided that if Brno was not defeated by 12 noon, the troops would retreat.

This plan was heard by Brno residentsand when the Swedish troops were about to enter the walls, the bells were rung, even though it was only 11 o'clock in the morning. And that's how the city survived... Even today, 350 years later, St Luke's church bells ring every day at 11am to remind them that they beat the Swedes with cunning and brains in 1645.

Beautiful houses in Art Noveau style
Brno is also a city filled with beautiful Art Noveau style buildings.. The house in the picture below also has a special history. As you can see, the wall on the right side is in a completely different, newer style. The house is a hotel and in the 20th century a young couple checked into one of the rooms.
Their families did not agree to their marriage and they killed themselves with a homemade bomb. The entire side of the hotel was destroyed and subsequently renovated in a more modern style.

The maze during the 'Cabbage Market'
Cabbage market is one of the oldest squares in Brno and is mentioned from the beginning of the 13th century. Underneath the entire square, and under the houses around it, there is a labyrinth of underground passages.

In the past, people rented space here, where they stored vegetables to be sold in the square above these aisles.

Today, the pedestriana open to tourists. The rooms have been arranged to show how vegetables were stored, and there are also exhibitions on everything from ancient lighting solutions to medieval punishments for the inhabitants who committed crimes... It's definitely worth a visit! For guided tours in English, you can book an appointment in advance, or borrow an audio guide.

Address Zelný trh 21, Brno. Closed on Mondays.
The Master of the Mint's cellar
The second of four underground tunnels is under the 'New Town Hall', in Dominican Square. It's the mint master's basement where you can see what the old coins looked like when they were traded, and it's right under where the old fish market used to be.

Address Dominikánské nám 1, Brno. Open Fri-Sun.
The catacombs under the beautiful city of Brno
50,000 skeletons found in catacombs under St James church the city of Brno when investigating about excavation for metro in 2001. The Ossuary as it is called is the second largest after the catacombs under Paris.
Brno was born in the 11th century and grew, and by the 13th century the cemetery next to Cabbage Square (Jakubské náměstí) was full. Tunnels (ossuaries) were dug and the dead were brought up and stored under the church, making room for new burials.

For several hundred years these rooms and passageways were filled in, but then things went faster because the plague and cholera ravaged and there were a lot of people. In 1741 more rooms were made but quickly became full, and then they would expand and dig out the tunnels under the church and Brno even more.
In 1784, new reforms came and the church was closed due to health problems., and the descent to the catacombs from the crypt of the church, was closed with a large marble disc with writings in Latin. People died and everything fell into oblivion until 2001 when the catacombs were found. Jakubské náměstí, or St James Square, is the name of the place where St James (now St Jacob's Church) is located for guided tours.

Shelters Nuclear shelter 10-Z
In Brno there is another (completely different!) sight underground. These passages are not from the Middle Ages, but from the communist era. Originally, this underground location was secret, so important political figures could take shelter here in times of crisis. There was a sophisticated air conditioning system and systems to communicate with the outside world.

Today you are welcome to the shelters on a walking tour as a tourist, with or without a guide. It is also possible to stay overnight and there is a restaurant serving "communist food". Definitely a different kind of attraction!

The shelters are called "Nuclear Shelter 10-Z" and are located at Husova, Brno-střed in Spilberk park. It takes 5-10 min from the main square.
Špilberk Castle
There are three castles in the city of Brno (Špilberk, Veveri and Lisen Castle), of which Špilberk Castle is the largest and most significant. From a royal castle to a baroque fortress, then to a notorious prison from the Austro-Hungarian era and now to a city museum.
The castle was founded around 1300 in Moravia. and home to counts and gentry, located on a hill overlooking the entire city, Brno became the capital at that time. Earlier capitals are Znojmo and Olomouc, and Prague only became the capital after the First World War in 1919.

Address: Špilberk 210/1, Brno. Closed on Mondays.
Villa Tugendhat
One of the most interesting The main attraction in Brno is Villa Tugendhat. Greta and Fritz Tugendhat brought in architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who was a pioneer of modernist architecture.
This villa, which is actually occupied a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was built between 1929 and 1930. However, the design feels much more modern than that. Unfortunately, Greta and Fritz had to leave after a very dramatic story, which you can read about in the link below. This is also where the documents were signed when the Czech Republic and Slovakia became two countries in January 1993.

Villa Tugendhat is located at Černopolní 45, a 30-minute walk and 2.4 km from the Main Square in Brno. You can also take bus 5 from Šilingrovo náměstí.
More from the beautiful city of Brno
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Punkva caves north of Brno
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This trip was a press trip. The images, thoughts and opinions are, as usual, our own.
Matts Torebring says:
What a cityscape and story, which you can experience on site. And with a guide. Everything is so much easier to take in and understand. Fantastic trips you get to make. Really fun to follow you both below and above ground.
19 July 2016 - 6:39
AuntieGlad says:
Beautiful and exciting reading.
Enjoy and hugs.
19 July 2016 - 6:41
Lena - good for the soul says:
What a beautiful city with an exciting history.
Hug Lena
19 July 2016 - 7:52
Goatfish says:
Wow, how exciting!
Brno looks to be a beautiful old city, absolutely wonderful to explore! What lovely old ornate houses. First photo, amazing in its colours, I think.
And the exciting story underground. Scary too.
I assume you are completely satisfied with the trip 😀.
Sunny hugs <3
19 July 2016 - 8:15
Ama de casa says:
Haha! Clever Brno people and gullible Swedes 🙂 !
It was a nice way to go underground - as an excursion destination 🙂.
19 July 2016 - 8:18
Diana'sDreams says:
Wow, what a beautiful city Hugs
19 July 2016 - 8:24
Lennart says:
Interesting city!
19 July 2016 - 8:41
Ann-Sofie says:
19 July 2016 - 9:37
Ditte says:
It's great to visit these places that are both beautiful and have a story to tell (here are several stories...).
A good guide is worth a lot and I understand that you have access to it.
Nice to know and see more of Brno through you.
19 July 2016 - 10:01
admin says:
Matts, yes this was a very interesting trip! And of course it is good to have a guide, it will be a different experience when you get to know the history of things.
Aunty Glad, a great city and glad you enjoy reading!
Lena, really! This is a city I would love to see more of!
Geddfish, we are very happy and I would love to see more of Brno! Beautiful, interesting and nice city!
Ama de casa, yes haha, right?
Diana's dreams, yes we liked them in this city right away! Beautiful houses and relaxed atmosphere.
Lennart, definitely worth a visit!
Ann-Sofie, the visit here was very interesting!
Ditte, Brno was a city that surprised me in a positive way, and having a guide gives you an extra boost.
19 July 2016 - 10:02
Mr Steve says:
The pictures above ground don't really give any old Eastern European vibes. I understand that you were surprised by what you encountered.
The underground activity really brings history to life.
Communist food, what could it be?
19 July 2016 - 10:31
admin says:
Steve, I think it was simply the food of that era. And so with the accompanying menus: typewritten text without any enticing paraphrases 😉.
19 July 2016 - 10:46
Anita Malta says:
It's amazing really that there are so many little gems close by to visit. I have never even heard of this city, which makes your post even more interesting. Nice pictures and a very readable text 🙂 .
19 July 2016 - 12:19
BP says:
Brno is very similar to Gdansk I must say. Oh what an interesting read. Very funny. Oh the guide actually looks very communist - prejudice, I know;-)
19 July 2016 - 13:26
Snows says:
What an exciting experience, but I'm a bit claustrophobic and don't know if I've managed it. There are similar alleys under Edinburgh and we refrained from...
19 July 2016 - 13:55
Biggeros says:
It was an interesting dish (municipal dish):)))
What an interesting story from an ancient city. Incredible way to store vegetables and other things underground. I wouldn't want to spend the night there though. Nice pictures of buildings. Hugs
19 July 2016 - 14:51
Renate's travels says:
Really beautiful place, yes! The underground labyrinth also sounded exciting. Now I wanted to visit more of the Czech Republic myself. 🙂
19 July 2016 - 17:03
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
It seems that Brno is both a very nice city and an exciting destination in other ways!
19 July 2016 - 17:15
admin says:
Anita Malta, there really is a lot to see around Europe!
BP, yes we also thought about Riga, which also has many Art Noveau houses. And the guide probably went into the communist feeling I think 😉.
Znogge, there was quite a lot of space in the aisles so I didn't find it uncomfortable at all. But of course I do not know how anyone else can experience it! I myself am afraid of heights instead 😉.
Biggeros, "communist food" was probably the food eaten at that time. Probably more traditional food and without so much outside influence 😉.
Renate, Brno is indeed a beautiful city, and with a lot to see and experience!
Marianne, we can definitely recommend Brno, and we ourselves would have liked to stay a little longer 😉.
19 July 2016 - 17:27
Role o Carina says:
Wow, how beautiful you get to see and be a part of!
Take care and enjoy.....
19 July 2016 - 17:53 says:
Great to hear about Brno and your adventures there! Many Czechs we have met have said that Brno is nicer in Prague. May well compare a little later 🙂
19 July 2016 - 19:34
Deciree says:
Much better with guided tours...then you get to know everything!!! :-))
19 July 2016 - 20:38
Susjos says:
What an exciting city! And it's fun to have a guided tour, you get to know so much more!
20 July 2016 - 0:08
Kicki says:
What nice and interesting journeys you tell us about, have a nice summer, kraam!
20 July 2016 - 0:10
admin says:
Rolle o Carina, yes indeed, and there is a lot to see and experience in the Czech Republic 🙂 .
Denandraresan, interesting to hear the Czechs say that! We haven't spent enough time in Prague to really compare, but we liked Brno a lot. Very beautiful and nice city, and also a lot to see! By the way, I replied to your blog about the mine in Ostrava, hope the comment got through!
Deciree, I agree! It's always interesting to have a guide who can explain what you see.
Susjos, really, we were surprised by this beautiful and interesting city!
Kicki, glad you like our travel stories, and thank you!
20 July 2016 - 8:59
Katta - Bucketlife says:
How cool with all this history! I would love to wander around the underground passages and fantasise about those who went there before me.
Looks very beautiful above ground too 🙂
20 July 2016 - 11:22
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
What a beautiful city! Wonderful to get to know both the beautiful pictures and the stories behind them. Cool with the visits underground too. What a finale you got on the trip!
20 July 2016 - 15:32
admin says:
Katta, I also think it's interesting when you really get a sense of what it might have been like in the past, and you got that here!
Anna, yes we were tired (full programme) but Brno was really a nice city! Would have liked to see even more 😉 .
20 July 2016 - 18:14
OnTripdk says:
Wow what a beautiful city. I have never heard of it before but it seems to be a hidden gem and it must be on the wish list. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us:-)
29 July 2016 - 22:43
admin says:
Ontripdk, Brno is truly a gem! We can definitely recommend a visit there!
30 July 2016 - 8:36
Jesper, The Biveros Effect says:
Brno along with Olomouc are my favourite cities in the Czech Republic. I prefer them both to Prague. Didn't get enough visits to Brno when we lived in Bratislava, which was only 1½ hours away. But the times we were there were some of the best excursions we made. 🙂
However, don't tell a Czech that the Czech Republic is part of Eastern Europe, or you'll probably get an explanation of about 1 hour that it's central Europe 🙂.
06 November 2017 - 10:52