We have several journeys ahead of us right now and we have actually two booked trips in July. The first is a week-long press trip to the Czech Republic, followed by a visit to friends in Poland.
Ostrava and Brno in the Czech Republic
We will fly to Praguebut that's not where we'll be staying at all. Instead, we will see other parts of the Czech Republic, which will be very interesting! First we will go to Ostrava in the eastern Czech Republic, where we will experience the music festival Colours of Ostrava, with everything from pop and rock to jazz and world music. During the day, we'll also have time for all sorts of exciting things, like kayak trips and mining museum.
After a few days in Ostrava, we move on to Brnowhich is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. There we will visit everything from castles and wine regions to radioactive fallout shelters. This trip is going to be soooo interesting and exciting!
The trip is organised by CzechTourism Scandinavia and Finland and Statutory City of Ostrava. We will be travelling together with bloggers and journalists from Sweden and Finland. Any readers who have been to Ostrava or Brno?

Poland's Baltic coast
When we come back from the Czech Republic, we won't be home for many days before travelling to Poland. We didn't think we'd be able to afford any private trips this summer, but this is just a case of too cheap. We fly for 450 SEK per person, round trip from Skavsta to Skavsta. Gdansk. There our friends Lennart and Beata pick us up and we stay with them in their apartment.
Lennart and Beata normally live in Sweden, but have bought a small apartment by the sea in Poland as a summer holiday home. The apartment is located in a cosy fishing village called Mechelinki (northwest of Gdansk) and we travelled there together in the camper van all four of us in 2014, but then the their apartment not finished. It will be interesting to see it now. It will also be interesting to see if Peter and Lennart go out in windy weather with the catamaran this time!

Matts Torebring says:
We wish you a couple of really nice trips. A summer without any travel, would not feel good in autumn/winter. The Czech Republic was a completely different country to pass through when we started our motorhome trips in Europe in the early 2000s. Then there were armed guards, who stuck the barrel of a rifle in the side window of the car. On steep hills, where lorry traffic slowed down, the road was lined with rows of prostitutes. In many car parks, these were filled with "Santas of various sizes". Perhaps camouflage for "other" activities. Have a good time!
06 July 2016 - 6:33
Goatfish says:
No experience in either the Czech Republic or Poland. Wish trips both 😀
I congratulate you on both your trips! Have checked the links, seems great!
15.8 degree stuff! 😀
06 July 2016 - 7:58
Åsa says:
Have fun in July!
06 July 2016 - 8:21
Lina says:
What fun! We will also spend some time in Poland on holiday at the end of July. We thought we would make a road trip around the Baltic Sea. Just north of Gdansk there is nice kite surfing so we thought we would stay there for a few days. Maybe we'll see you there?
06 July 2016 - 9:12
Ama de casa says:
Wonderful journeys in progress. Haven't been to those areas at all (other than the fantastic city of Prague), so it will be exciting to follow your travels 🙂 .
06 July 2016 - 9:28
Diana'sDreams says:
Wonderful, here we go on a spa and girl's trip to Riga next week hugs!
06 July 2016 - 9:44
Anja says:
Hahaa, what fun! I googled for pictures of the fishing village where you are going in Poland - and what do you get if not pictures of Helena and Peter at their friends' home :-)!!! The little "home summer" on the houseboat gets its little nice breaks, it seems. All the best!
06 July 2016 - 9:49
Lina says:
How wonderful!!!! Fun m many trips!!! I go with Diana above on a spa trip to Riga next week! Then it will be Roadtrip in Sweden in 3v and Crete 2v 🙂
Have a nice sleep!!!
06 July 2016 - 9:58
Ditte says:
How nice with some travelling. And the trip to the Czech Republic will be very different and interesting and nice to have plenty of time and be able to both see and experience interesting things. Sometimes it is so short that you only have time to see, but not take in.
Poland sounds nice and surely there will be a sailing trip?
There will be some travelling in Sweden this summer and then we will see....
We have a short starting distance.
I wish you great trips and look forward to your reports.
06 July 2016 - 10:40
admin says:
Matts, thank you very much! I guess many of the countries in the East have changed a lot over the years. We drove through the Czech Republic in 2009 and did not see what you experienced in 2000. And now a few more years have passed... But interesting to hear about your experiences!
Geddfish, thank you very much! We will of course report from the destinations 🙂
Åsa, thank you! We will try that 🙂
Lina, but what fun! Yes there is a lot of kite-surfing there in the areas, including in Rewa! Who knows, maybe we'll see you!? 🙂
Ama de casa, we have also been to Prague (and Kutna Hora). It will be very interesting to see some more of the Czech Republic!
Diana's dreams, but oh how wonderful! See that you are going to go with Lina, how fun! Hope you have a great trip! We have a lot of tips for Riga actually (under "Travel Tips"), but I think Lina has already found them 😉.
Anja, haha but what fun! We have also experienced that sometimes actually. Peter usually whines when he googles something and only gets my blog posts, haha 😉.
Lina, but so much fun! And what many trips you have booked! We liked Riga a lot, but I saw that you found our travel tips 😉 Wishing you and you a great summer with great trips!
Ditte, yes it will be interesting to see some other places in the Czech Republic where we have not been. Looking very much forward to that trip!
06 July 2016 - 11:03
mygodastefinest says:
Luxurious with two trips booked! Haven't been to either place!
06 July 2016 - 11:24
AuntieGlad says:
That sounds great, and I have Polish friends. So I have some knowledge.
Have a great time and enjoy your travels.
06 July 2016 - 12:51
Lovisa says:
So much fun! Hope you have great trips!
06 July 2016 - 12:54
Emma, sun like sun? says:
I'm thinking about holiday accommodation in Poland and am a bit surprised. It's not exactly the first country you usually buy property in, it's usually in my area.
I have not been to Poland, it is certainly very beautiful there, know that people should be very nice and happy there. Interesting when others find alternatives to the usual sheep! Fun!
06 July 2016 - 13:20
Mr Steve says:
A nice July to look forward to for you. And a learning experience for me, who doesn't know much about Poland and the Czech Republic.
06 July 2016 - 14:05
Role o Carina says:
Seems like a fun destination, we've only flown over there! 🙂
Take care and enjoy......
06 July 2016 - 14:42
Lena in Wales says:
Great trips! Take care!
06 July 2016 - 14:47
Polly says:
But oh what fun. Then you have something to look forward to =). Kramis
06 July 2016 - 14:51
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
What great trips you have ahead of you! Looking forward to sharing the Czech Republic trip with you. However, I am going home after Ostrava (do not have the opportunity to go on the extra trip but look forward to your reports). Poland sounds incredibly exciting too. See you soon! 🙂 (And thanks for the link.)
06 July 2016 - 17:12
admin says:
Mittgodastefinaste, yes it's a bit luxurious. We look forward to the trips!
Aunty Glad, thank you very much. Hugs
Lovisa, thank you!
Emma, Beata is originally from Poland so it's related to that. But Poland's Baltic coast is really nice!
Steve, we will of course report! 😉
Rolle and Carina, we like both Poland and the Czech Republic and it will be interesting to see more!
Lena in Wales, thank you very much!
Polly, yes absolutely, it will be fun!
Anna, it will be great to meet and travel together again! And of course we report on Brno 😉
06 July 2016 - 17:22
nils-åke hansson says:
Take care!
06 July 2016 - 17:41
Monica says:
I so wish I could join you. But since my vision problems make it impossible to read your texts without the possibility of enlarging them as you could before, it is unfortunately not possible. I have to make do with the pictures and wish you good luck.
06 July 2016 - 18:36
Åse says:
What exciting travel destinations you have in front of you, looking forward to joining you on a corner. Åse
06 July 2016 - 19:26
Sarah says:
How fun to travel 🙂
06 July 2016 - 20:22
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
Two great countries! I fell in love with Gdansk and the surrounding area when I was there this spring. In the Czech Republic I have only visited Prague and Lidice, so I am looking forward to seeing what you will experience in Brno and Ostrava.
06 July 2016 - 21:15
Mia's Mix says:
How wonderful with two trips in one month! Hope you get it really nice!
Thanks for nice comments with me! Have now read a little on your blog, about you and all the trips. Feels like we and you are quite similar 🙂 We just love travelling! Have been to China, New Zealand, Australia, lots of different countries in Europe. Two years ago we went to South America and were away for 9½ weeks. Travelled around Costa Rica, Galapagos Islands, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Truly a memory for life. Almost nothing pre-booked but went where we felt like ... If you want to see pictures, check the archive end of May 2014 to early August 2014. Have a good time!
06 July 2016 - 21:22
BeautifulLittleLife says:
Sounds like fun travelling! 🙂
06 July 2016 - 21:30
Eva - People in the Street says:
Wonderful trips coming up! I hope they will be everything you want (travelling with Anna, as you know, guarantees many happy and wonderful laughs :D).
06 July 2016 - 21:50
snort says:
How nice with two pending trips. We have only been to the Baltic Sea coast of Poland and when it comes to the Czech Republic, it was Prague. Both parts gave more flavour!
06 July 2016 - 22:49
admin says:
Nils-Åke, thank you!
Monica, you can set the size of text in the settings on your own computer!
Åse, glad you want to join us! 🙂
Sarah, travelling is great fun and learning!
Marianne, we are also very fond of Gdansk! And we promise to report on Ostrava and Gdansk 🙂 .
Mias Mix, how nice that you also like travelling!!! What a cool trip you made in South America! Just South America is a white spot on our map actually, but hopefully we get the chance sometime!
Beautiful day, we hope so! 🙂
Eva, haha yes exactly, we look forward to travelling with Anna again!
Znogge, Poland's Baltic coast is nice! Prague is a nice city but it will be interesting to see more of the Czech Republic!
06 July 2016 - 22:49
Discovering The Planet says:
In retrospect, I regret a little that I turned down the Czech Republic :).
But look forward to following you. Have a great summer!
07 July 2016 - 21:10
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
Oh, it would be fun to go to the Czech Republic!
09 July 2016 - 10:02
Travelling happiness says:
Happy summer to you! Sounds like July will be great! 🙂
/ Mette
10 July 2016 - 16:49
Linda, 155cm.se says:
Still an impressive year for you. How many destinations do you expect to reach in total?
10 July 2016 - 18:42
admin says:
Discovering the planet, sorry you can't join us, but of course we'll report back! Wishing you a great summer!
Dryden, sorry you won't be joining us! Hope to see you soon in another context!
Happy travelling, thank you very much!
Linda, oh, we haven't thought about that... So far this year we have been to Split (Croatia), Zagreb + Istria around (Croatia) and Budapest + Pécs (Hungary). Then it will be the Czech Republic, Poland, Piteå, Jönköping, maybe Malta... and we'll see 😉.
10 July 2016 - 20:51