Ok, here we go and Peter is in charge. As many know, we photographed a fantastic wedding last weekend. Helena and I started at eight in the morning and worked until six in the morning the next day. We photographed from two directions because we wanted to get a whole and we ended up with 450 pictures that we have edited from the wedding. We had three hours before we had to be in the church alone with the wedding couple to take photos and relax. We had a lot of fun and we also have a new service on the blog, FREEDOM event.
take away nervousness
Dessi and Lasse had been planning this wedding for a year and they had even taken dance courses from the Watson couple in Let's dance. There were 6 people who worked with everything about the wedding around the clock for the last 14 days. At 12 o'clock the four of us left for the nice wedding pictures but also to get away from all the stress for a while. We got the bride and groom to relax and have fun for a few hours and what wonderful hours it was.

Pre-wedding photography
In southern Europe, people often take photos a week before the wedding to get good pictures. Then you can look for beautiful views or perhaps a favourite place. You can also choose a day when the weather is beautiful, so you can really get the pictures you want and be completely relaxed.

We are now creating a new service on the blog with photography at weddings and corporate events. We also have a service with DJ ELDIN who plays everything from classical music and 40s music to today's heavy house music. So if you have someone who asks, get in touch with us because we think this is so much fun. Now I'm curious about the best moments from your week!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Be happy for the little things
åsa in åsele says:
The best thing of the week is of course that Elin avoided a new operation on her arm,
The fact that she received an OK stamp on Monday and is thus considered healthy/recovered is the best of the best 🙂.
I really like your wedding pictures,
amazingly beautiful and personalised.
26 August 2016 - 7:21
Marina says:
With that preparation, I understand that it must have been a wedding to die for! There were also very nice pictures! My "weekly best" comes now I guess because I am about to go to the royal capital and there it can only be good, right?
26 August 2016 - 7:38
Lennart says:
Great photos!
26 August 2016 - 9:07
Goatfish says:
Really best photographers and models 😀 Great, hope you get many jobs!
The best of the week for me is clearly my visit to my former boss Carina. Cycled there, just over a mile away, was spoilt and filled with good energies in many ways 😀.
Happy friday, which will be very sunny! ♥
26 August 2016 - 9:12
snort says:
I know from my own experience that organising a wedding is a lot of work. We held on until the last minute when our daughter was getting married, but it turned out well. We haven't seen the wedding photographer's pictures yet, but soon...
Have a good Friday!
26 August 2016 - 9:13
Anette says:
Nice pictures! Always fun to be at weddings that are planned but still feel like a long party! This week's happy, well you, maybe I have been told that the employment service will help me with a new different job, otherwise I would probably have fit into your event team, after 35 years in the restaurant industry! But when the body says no, then you have to listen! Nice weekend, now Elmia is approaching ...
26 August 2016 - 9:19
Solan says:
Well, now you're being clever. What a great idea to offer weddings and events of all kinds including a DJ. Good luck in the future...
26 August 2016 - 9:29
Mr Frank Olsen says:
Well, now you have a new profession Peter 🙂 Congratulations !!!
The best moments from our week have to be the visit to Mostar:
and in Tekija:
Have a wonderful weekend Helena and Peter!
And everyone else 🙂
26 August 2016 - 9:30
Ditte says:
Very nice to see more of the great pictures you have taken. Really!
And outdoors, it's usually easier and more natural than in a studio.
That there is a lot of work behind a wedding I know from my own experience. (But we rented out the food part and most practical things like serving, bar, cleaning, dj and other things, but it was a lot anyway. The logistics when you are almost 100 should go by itself.
I understand that it was a very successful wedding and a memory for life.
You really did a great job!
Hope you can now get some new assignments. Fingers crossed!
26 August 2016 - 9:56
Ama de casa says:
Yes, what an event! Incredibly well organised. And fantastic pictures of it - what a memory for life! 🙂
Here the week has rolled on about as usual. And hardly a day goes by without me thinking about how GOOD we have it, and feeling lucky 🙂.
Have a great Friday!
26 August 2016 - 10:23
Peter Bergström says:
Åsa in Åsele: What a relief and one less thing to worry about, so maybe a festive dinner this weekend.
Hi Marina! What are you doing this weekend? There is of course lots to do in Stockholm and we are not booked up at all, so if you want to meet up, just write here or on Insta.
Thanks Lennart: Hope you have a nice weekend and thanks for writing.
Hello Gerd: What a nice day you had and it was both exercise, nice company and refreshments. Now we take a sunny weekend.
Znogge: How exciting to wait for the pictures. Our wedding couple got them yesterday because we sent the USB memory stick by post but they were ready on Tuesday. Have a nice weekend.
Anette: Of course we will see you at Elmia and it will be fun. I hope things work out now with a new job and it sounds exciting to hear about the future.
Solan. We think it's great fun to take photos from two sides and who doesn't want to go to parties when the atmosphere is at its best.
Frank Olsen: What great pictures and what great days you have. now we miss being out around Europe. Have a great weekend you two and thanks for sharing the links.
Ditte! Thank you for all the nice words and it would be fun to get some assignment in the future. Now we have a sunny weekend ahead of us if we are really positive.
26 August 2016 - 10:35
Peter Bergström says:
Ama de Casa! That's it! We have to stop sometimes and appreciate what we have. It is nice that you write it out and on "Happy Friday" as well, wonderful. Have a nice sunny weekend and enjoy life.
26 August 2016 - 10:38
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
Wonderful pictures! You have really managed the trust to photograph well. Go for it! Great idea to advertise this service on the blog as well. I wish you good luck!
Regarding wedding planning, I remember how extremely busy it was. My husband-to-be and I organised everything ourselves, and since this was before the internet, a lot of work was required. 🙂 But it turned out well!
Best of the week? It has to be getting back in touch with my fantastic customers after the summer break. It is a privilege to work with what you really enjoy.
26 August 2016 - 11:52
Mr Steve says:
Lovely wedding pictures you offer. How well planned everything was. But, I understand that the planning work also paid off well.
The FREEDOM event sounds like a fun organisation.
Those of you who are not afraid of new things will certainly be successful in this new endeavour. GOOD LUCK!
I've been enjoying lovely garden evenings and delicious greenhouse meals this past week. And the best part, the week is not over yet.
26 August 2016 - 12:18
JoY says:
You've got such nice pictures and it's beautiful to take pictures out in nature. Instead of inside a studio.
Best of the week: I don't think I'm going to get any more of a cold than I already have, now I want to get well!
Have a nice weekend
26 August 2016 - 12:23
nils-åke hansson says:
The best part of the week is that we met the grandson in Denmark.
You shoot from two directions with the camera and then you have to sort pictures. Imagine when there was film in the camera that had to be developed, now digitally just hold down the shutter button and pictures are taken.
26 August 2016 - 15:36
Peter Bergström says:
Anna: Thanks for the support and we'll see what happens in the future. Personal contact is too wonderful and we have it on the blog all the time, we love it. Have a nice weekend and we will hear from you in the future.
Hi Steve: Lovely garden meals sound so tasty and enjoyable and I think you have. Thanks for believing in us and we will see where it goes. Have a nice and sunny weekend.
Joy: We have also had a cold this week and we got it after the wedding. We spent a lot of hours and refreshments so our immune system disappeared and we got sick. We will recover together. Have a nice weekend.
Nils-Åke Hansson: Then you have had a happy moment this week and that is exactly what "Happy Friday" is all about, so thank you for sharing. I love the digital world and it just gets more and more. Have a great weekend.
26 August 2016 - 16:43
Ruth in Virginia says:
A whole year to plan a wedding! And it turned out beautifully.
Your photos are very successful. The objects were perfect. 🙂
- Imagine if it had rained that day. 🙁
(I met the husband in January and we got married in June the same year).
26 August 2016 - 17:47
Marie Holm says:
Happy Friday! Very nice pictures!
I really like what you do. It's fantastic!
My weekly challenge is to think correctly and to find solutions instead of blockages.... I ask myself several times a day, What is most important to me right now! And getting better at this question is the best thing that can happen to me every week.
Lots of love for you! ???
26 August 2016 - 18:19
Matts Torebring says:
Great photos. Good luck in the future! We are going to photograph our Santa boxes this week. We have an agency that comes and helps us, since many years. It's also really fun, but it has to look good.
Something to celebrate and look forward to? Well, this week it was only four months until Christmas Eve.
26 August 2016 - 19:26
BP says:
With such thoughtful and professional preparations, nothing can go wrong, and nothing did. Anticipation is perhaps not so bad after all. This is said by me who is more "spontaneous" if you say so;-)
Fun with Freedom Events. You / you are so good photographers, so I hope you get lots of interested parties who want to hire you and Helena.
My best "event" this week was undoubtedly the surströmming disc in your old home town of Sundyberg.
26 August 2016 - 19:56
Freya says:
Wedding photography must be fun! Everyone is happy and dressed up and smiling at the camera automatically! My favourite part of the week is probably my son's and my joint effort to fix up the house!
26 August 2016 - 21:15
Role o Carina says:
Disturbingly beautiful pictures you get!
The best thing is the "Free Week" now 🙂 .
Take care....
26 August 2016 - 21:37
Imelda says:
Sooo nice pictures you offered. Your new service is going to be great!
The whole week long was a delight, working remotely from the motorhome. So grateful!
Hugs to you! ?
26 August 2016 - 21:58
Mia's Mix says:
Lovely relaxed pictures in a nice environment! Good luck with your new assignments!
28 August 2016 - 22:17
Annette says:
Such nice, personalised pictures! The bride and groom must have been more than happy 🙂 I recognise myself in planning properly. When I had just met my current husband, we were invited to a big party where it was said that you would dance Viennese waltz in the evening. Help, I thought. I booked an appointment with Holger in Uppsala and took a handful of lessons in the Viennese waltz so as not to make a complete fool of myself. On the night of the party, New Year's Eve, the music started and I got ready. It only took a few frustrated seconds before I realised that no one was dancing the Viennese waltz, everyone was stepping here and there as usual! The disappointment was enormous, but at least I had fun dancing at the dance school 🙂.
29 August 2016 - 9:50
Peter Bergström says:
Ruth in Virginia: What love Ruth and getting married after six months. You must have been very much in love. The only day that week that it didn't rain was the day of the wedding and we had checked, otherwise we would have had to take them some other day in the sun. Take care of yourself Ruth.
Marie! Thank you for your kind words and we are trying to build a new life but it is taking a while. Your idea of thinking of solutions is superb and it applies even more when things are not going so well. Super tips for everyone. Love.
Haha Matts Torebring: I can't really think about Christmas right now but you have a point when it gets darker, because then Christmas lights up. Photographing Santa's boxes?
BP: I will not eat surströmming, so enjoy, haha... We are quite spontaneous and plan very little in our life so I understand you.
Lovely Freja: Something was done that you might shoot for and it was certainly nice. Have a wonderful week.
Rolle & Carina: I take free week to mean that you are child-free or not working and I believe in child-free. Have a wonderful week and take care of each other.
Imelda: How nice to work from the campervan. We have been in it too little this year and we are looking forward to Elmia so we can live in it a little more. Hugs.
Mia's mix: Thanks Mia and we'll see where it goes. Hugs and have a great week.
Anette: I understand how disappointed you were but you should have gone all out and shown the others what you can do. I hope you had a nice evening with nice clothes and now you can waltz to another time. Thank you for writing.
29 August 2016 - 18:34