Okay, here we go! That's Peter behind the wheel. The big Nolia fair in Piteå was a lot of fun, mixed with both praise and criticism. We experienced quite a lot of headwinds along the way, but it is important to turn defeat into profit.
Strange start
Before we went up to Nolia, we were offered to stay with the motorhome for 50 SEK per night on a site with electricity and service house that the Motorhome Club had rented. Said and done, we whisked over 900 SEK to the chairman of the club and thought it would be very nice to get to know more of the board.
The chairman would not be there for the first two days and we quickly realised that we were unwelcome by some of the other members of the club. We were not allowed to borrow any keys to the shower or toilet. After two days and with a very uncomfortable feeling we left and went to see the chairman at the fair. He thought it was very unfortunate that things had turned out the way they had.

We wanted a refund of 700 SEK for the remaining nights, as we did not feel welcome. However, we didn't get that because we had previously booked a dinner with the Motorhome Club which we had cancelled 10 days before the date. Now the chairman kept the money for the pitch and explained that it was not possible to cancel the dinner. Now I know how it works in Pite. Top or flop?
Cooperation with Nolia
In March, we were told that we were welcome at the Nolia fair and would be given a place in a tent together with the Swedish Camping Association (SCR). At the end of June, SCR cancelled and I started emailing and calling the people responsible for the fair. We wanted a new place, but they were on holiday or could not answer.
I emailed 15 times with different people to get a small table for us to start from while we were blogging about all the fun things happening at Nolia. I wrote that "if you can go to the moon with a space rocket, you can get two square metres", but they replied that it was full and impossible.

They offered us access to the press room and we decided to go anyway. Now we have been blogging for a week about all the fun things happening at the fair. Since the Nolia fair is the size of 6-7 football pitches, there would have been room for us, if only we wanted to. Top or flop?
From defeat to victory

Now it's Friday and we're heading into another lovely weekend, so let's let go of all the not-so-good stuff and just enjoy it. We all face adversity from time to time, and we must learn to let go of them and move on. So I wish everyone a great weekend! What has your week looked like?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Win a trip to Prague
Jenn - forever abroad says:
Ohh, it feels like you managed to face a bit too much adversity!!! However, I want to point out how nice and genuine it is of you to share this. Transparency is very underestimated anyway - and it is somehow inspiring to read that it does not always go like a dance on roses, actually.
So thanks for the Friday tip! My week has not been great either, but I'm trying to keep it together 😉 And today is Friday, soon weekend, going to the cinema tonight and on Tuesday Moomin comes home from the USA!
Big hugs to you Helena and Peter, keep going - you are amazing!
12 August 2016 - 6:48
Peter Bergström says:
Hi Jenn-forever abroad: Thank you for your kind words and they are very warming. Of course, things happen to us in life that are a bit tricky but we feel good and that is the most important thing in the long run. We have said that we will be honest all the time and this applies to both good and bad things, but now we will have a wonderful weekend in the boat. Hugs back.
12 August 2016 - 7:04
Thore & Catarina says:
Felt a little uncomfortable that the management of the motorhome club does not communicate with each other, as one says that he rented the entire facility and does not know that the chairman promised something else and that this could not be solved in two days. Our intended membership in the motorhome club will probably have to wait until the management is more organised. A thumbs down!
12 August 2016 - 7:23
Peter Bergström says:
Thore & Catarina: I can only agree with the previous speaker. The content was that the fair was very fun and the people of Pite are extremely nice and humble. Thumbs up!
12 August 2016 - 7:40
Mr Steve says:
It's not a very good aftertaste Nolia delivers. Good that you are taking this forward. But so right to let it go and then move on. Have a great weekend!
My week has been a "trip down memory lane" as my last 15 years in the job have been recognised in the media. Really fun.
12 August 2016 - 7:50
Thore & Catta says:
A big thank you to you for taking us on this journey 😉.
12 August 2016 - 7:54
nils-åke hansson says:
It's good that it turned into a positive.
Husbilsklubben Been a member for many years but I didn't like to read this. The club should be open to everyone and if you haven't met before, you get acquainted.
12 August 2016 - 8:00
Kjell says:
Thank you for a beautiful picture of you two. Good Friday feeling picture:)
A nice picture of two nice people. We know that now since we had the honour of meeting you up in "Pitstan".
So damn bad style of the Motorhome Club representatives on site!!:( Shame tamefan!!!!
Also crappy by Nolia. The area is huge, so one more table would have gone in!?
Our Friday and the weekend will be dedicated to "hugging".
(Hug your loved ones before the journey begins)
Hugs to you båda❤️
12 August 2016 - 8:04
Peter Bergström says:
Steve: Really nice to be recognised in the way you have been and a great contribution on Friday Steve. Enjoy your weekend.
12 August 2016 - 8:05
Dessan says:
I agree with Kjell that the picture of you was super lovely. It matches how you are...happy. Therefore, I am ashamed of how you have been treated here in Pitep. Because you are 2 happy positive people who have only encountered patrols. Those sourpusses in the board of the Motorhome Club should be replaced.
They have behaved just as badly towards us once. They don't care if we hang out privately with the chairman and his wife ... we were not allowed to borrow the toilet key where we stood either ... even though we wanted to pay for us. So we moved on and will never associate with those who think they "own" the entire Motorhome Club themselves ever again. A group that behaves badly....they are losing members in this way. They must soon replace the most sour and unpleasant in the management. Then thumbs down for Nolia who did not want to help. Right now we are ashamed of all this and that it happened in our city ????????. Otherwise, we think it was suuuuppperkul ? to meet you and your friends. Have a nice trip home. ??
12 August 2016 - 8:20
Peter Bergström says:
Nils-Åke Hansson: We have been in the motorhome club for 7 years and we will of course remain. We were just surprised by a bad attitude and a bad treatment. Maybe something to bring up at a meeting?
Kjell: Thank you Kjell and Dessan for all the positive things you shared with us and you made our stay even better because you exist. We look forward to a real Pitepalt together with you and we will follow you on the journey. Warm hugs from us.
Dessan: Great to hear from you and we would have loved to spend more time with you. What lovely people you are, you and Kjell! I think it's a responsibility to be social with your members, so maybe you should bring up things like this at a meeting. And this is not the first time, we have heard this from others as well. It will be fun to follow you on your journey! And I'll keep an eye on you on Instagram 😉 Warm hugs from us.
12 August 2016 - 8:25
Ann-Sofie says:
And yet you have written such positive reports! Thumbs up for that.
We ourselves will take a proper grip in moving into the apartment n this weekend, yesterday it was a trip to IKEA (groan and breath) today it will be shuttle traffic with the dinghy between boat and moving car. Ending the weekend with a BBQ on the beach, to reward body and soul.
12 August 2016 - 9:16
Leif says:
Hello there!
To correct some information, regarding the dinner, you had ordered four dinners at a cost of SEK 640. Unfortunately they could not be cancelled by the supplier as I informed you, however, I offered to pay 60 kr which was the difference but you declined.
Then I have to apologise for the trouble with the access to the venue, but if you had contacted me directly I would have solved this. I got the impression when we discussed this at NOLIA that you didn't have any hard feelings, but apparently that wasn't the case.
With kind regards
Leif Edström
The President
12 August 2016 - 9:32
Aila says:
Sorry about Hbk... But good that you share it.
I think you have blogged very well despite the setbacks.
Fingers crossed that it will be better at the next fair.
Maybe we can meet there?
Hugs Aila
12 August 2016 - 9:36
Inga Magnusson says:
What a mess!!! How badly you can be treated! Yet you write so many good things about the content of the fair itself. Next year you must get a super spot when the management has read it! And you reach a lot of those who are concerned and interested. You've made great posts about everything there is to experience at this gigantic fair. I have read through them.
Have a good weekend!
12 August 2016 - 9:41
Marina says:
A fantastic picture!!! So sad when it messes up like that, but as I said, it's just to "break down and come back" and I have a feeling that you manage it very well.
12 August 2016 - 9:42
Ama de casa says:
But it was very what rigid northerners seem to have become? Maybe it's just as well that I moved away from there a few years ago 🙂.
Here the week has been fantastic. The best thing is that Anders was declared completely healthy with his eye, so now we may dare to go a little further away soon 🙂.
12 August 2016 - 9:53
Goatfish says:
It is good that you tell us. You pay to be part of a club. No, it was badly done.
I'm a TripAdvisor writer, and I definitely write both pluses and minuses. You have to be honest.
However, you have blogged so nicely from the fair, so I have read with pleasure 😀 and your picture, wow, best couple 😀.
Have fun on the boat this weekend ♥
Ooops, forgot myself 😉 my week's most fun was yesterday, when son and daughter-in-law and dogs hiked high up on Kinnekulle in glorious weather! And the good summer buffet at Kinnekullegården!
12 August 2016 - 9:55
Solan says:
I have only seen the motorhome club in action once. Like a swarm of locusts, they took over almost an entire site on the Algarve coast. Marked pitches with bikes and outdoor furniture. Free entertainment and raised eyebrows from non-members.
You should also never have anything to do with the SCR, this just confirms my prejudice about the association. Well... that's it for today 🙂 ...
12 August 2016 - 10:03
Peter Bergström says:
Ann-Sofie, it was a fun fair! What a change for you, hope you will enjoy the apartment!
Hi Leif! There are no hard feelings. We always write honestly on the blog about what we are going through. Have a nice weekend and see you at Elmia!
Aila, the fair was good and we had fun! We have a table at Elmia and it will be great fun to get there. Hope to see you there!
Inga M, so glad you've been following the blog! The fair was fun and good!
Marina, you are absolutely right! We can do that.
Ama de casa, great that Anders is doing well and that you share here on Happy Friday! 🙂
Geddfish, Hi Gerd! What luck that you didn't forget about yourself! Because then I also got to take part in the positive things that happened to you! 🙂
Hahaha Solan, there are always problems in all organisations, you just have to sort them out. We will definitely continue to be part of the Motorhome Club. (If we can, haha) And thanks again for the last time!!! Greet your other half!
12 August 2016 - 10:37
Lennart says:
Forget the misery and have a nice weekend!
12 August 2016 - 10:40
Peter Bergström says:
Thanks Lennart, it's already forgotten! Have a nice weekend!
12 August 2016 - 10:51
Lena - good for the soul says:
So insanely annoying when things go wrong. Unfortunately, I have so much experience with problems that I never expect things to work out as planned. But you just have to learn from it and move on.
The week has been quiet, actually. Now it will soon be pool dip in 31-32 degrees. Yep, we are luxurious 😉
Hug Lena
12 August 2016 - 16:17
Peter Bergström says:
Lena-good for the soul: Hello! Of course, we also expect some hassle, but when it comes to important commitments, it becomes more like a business deal, and then it should work. Overdoing it for yourself is underestimated because many people have such high expectations. All it takes is a dip in the pool or an extra good dinner to make your day. Thank you for writing and enjoy Lena.
12 August 2016 - 19:45
Alexandra says:
Sad to be met with such sour faces! And isn't it a bit typically Swedish to follow the rulebook to the letter, if it's full then it's full... Then you can't go outside the box even if there was room physically. ?
Good thing you went anyway! You can't let a little defeat stop you!
We have just eaten crayfish for Friday dinner and soon it will be Friday sauna, awesome!
12 August 2016 - 20:44
Camilla says:
Go for it! Well done despite setbacks! Just move on to the future now 🙂
12 August 2016 - 20:53
Ruth in Virginia says:
Happy Saturday. The Swedish women won the match against the USA !!!
Up and onward !!!
12 August 2016 - 20:59
Peter Bergström says:
Alexandra: I think problems are there to be solved and a lot can be done if you really want to. We have also eaten crayfish as a Friday dinner and if we want a sauna, we have to start the stove, haha. Lovely reading and it makes me happy. Hugs.
Camilla: You sound like a wonderful coach and I love it. You've really got the "Happy Friday" thing down pat. I hope you have a great weekend. Hugs.
Ruth in Virginia: What a great win on "Happy Friday" and now it will be an even happier weekend. I hope all is well with you and have a great weekend. I'm sending a hug from me to you Ruth.
12 August 2016 - 21:20
Role o Carina says:
Sad when things don't turn out as promised!
Just like it and move on in life 🙂
Car greetings......
12 August 2016 - 22:21
Henny says:
It makes me so sad to hear how badly you were treated. The members you met should be ashamed. I really hope they read your post and the comments you received. I will not be joining the Motorhome Club any time soon. What a grumpy chairman who kept the money you paid without getting value for it!
It is also sad that the Noli management did not realise the publicity you could give them. You made the best of the situation anyway, but with a little goodwill the problem should have been solved.
In any case, I am grateful that you were there and that we had the opportunity to meet in a hurry. I think you had the misfortune to meet/email with people who are not very typical Pitees.
12 August 2016 - 22:33
Ditte says:
What a lovely picture of you! It looks hopeful! "You can't affect yesterday because it's gone, but tomorrow will come..."
Narrow-minded and narrow-minded people/clubs exist and it's sad for them but it's a pity that others need to be affected.
I have had a great week with a lot of reading and then yesterday a work trip in Bohuslän which is very nice and it continues for a few more days. Just nice things!
Wishing you a great weekend!
12 August 2016 - 22:36
Matts Torebring says:
It's a shame about the Motorhome Club. I have received a lot of help there, but also experienced a lot of annoyance. For some time, I was not allowed to write there because I have a link to the company (considered to be advertising). Now I write anyway, if I have something important to say.
Positive week yes! Right now we have our "Finnish Comrades" visiting us.
12 August 2016 - 22:47
JoY says:
Sad to read how you were received both at Nolia and HBK. Yes, there are people for everything so to speak and then it is lucky that you can choose and move on. Thank you for nice reports and a lovely picture of you two.
Hugs and happy holidays
12 August 2016 - 22:58
BP says:
Oooops! You were perhaps too "hip" and "zero-eighty" for the northerners. I think it's terrible - both by the chairman and the campers.
The fact that you didn't get a stand at Nolia is no fun either.
I rarely swear, but here I just say: NEVER with Nolia in Piteå. Never again Piteå. Never with Norrland. What bad advertising they do for themselves. I don't get it...
12 August 2016 - 23:50
Maggan says:
Sad treatment you got from HBK and also from the fair organiser, but we recognise it. Been on two meetings with HBK a few years ago and got about the same treatment...... never again a meeting under their auspices. Have followed your posts about Noliamässan, great fun and appreciated. Fortunately, you met other nice motorhome drivers 🙂.
Not a nice Friday night for me, ended up in the emergency room for a suspected blood poisoning in a finger. Watch out for chips from impregnated wood! Now the Friday night is over 🙂
13 August 2016 - 0:04
Imelda says:
It wasn't fun to read that you had such setbacks, but it's good that you share them.
Here in the cottage we have started working again after the holidays and now we are enjoying a little extra of the grandchild who is visiting for a few days. Have a nice weekend!
13 August 2016 - 8:15
Cat's Considerations says:
You are so positive despite everything you have been through. As you know, I currently have the Motorhome Club campers in front of my kitchen windows. If we neighbours had known what we know today, we could have guided you to another place in the village. Anyway. Look forward and network in the future with what moves us forward. We travel bloggers are always looking forward and now I hope we'll drop down somewhere in Europe together this autumn!
13 August 2016 - 8:50
åsa in åsele says:
On behalf of Norrland, I sincerely apologise, I could never in my wildest imagination think you would be treated badly.
However, I am pleased with your positive blog posts from Nolia.
13 August 2016 - 11:48
Peter Bergström says:
Rolle & Carina: I like the hello and car greetings. I obviously have high expectations of people when we talk business deals, and we are honest on the blog through thick and thin. We obviously move on.
Hi new Henny: How nice you were and how good they were, great. I know that only a few are Piteå residents and those we met up there are absolutely wonderful. We have heard from several people that there are problems in clubs but no one ever dares to say anything. We have promised you to be honest and we will continue to do so. Many hugs from us.
13 August 2016 - 13:53
Peter Bergström says:
Hi Ditte: We are always hopeful but it was a bit difficult when everything started in Piteå but we made the best of the situation...to have fun. What a wonderful week you have had and it is gratifying for me and others to read. Continued nice weekend.
Matts Torebring: Skill or social competence is probably the same thing and I would like to see more of that when sitting on boards. How nice to have Finnish friends. I love to socialise with people from other countries. Have a nice weekend Matts.
Joy: Thank you and thank you for writing with me. It is really appreciated and have a really nice weekend.
BP: Wow, that was not gracious BP. I have met a lot of wonderful Piteå residents during this week and I will take that home with me. What annoyed me a bit is when it comes to business deals or seeing a potential, getting us to reach a hell of a lot of people in terms of marketing. They have not really understood that in Norrland.
Maggan: I really hope it's better with you because it's poison you get in you. There seems to be more and more people who have had a haze with HBK so it is only to be hoped that they take hold of it. Nice weekend Maggan.
Imelda: Now it's time for everyone to get back into the routine after the holidays and find something fun in everyday life, just like you. We don't really know where we are going, but something will happen in the future. Have a nice weekend.
Katta's reflections: It was a bit crazy in the beginning and for me it's strange not to give a lot to us, who are the biggest social media site for camping. We will always be honest and if you cooperate with us you can reach so many people, but it hasn't really caught on. Have a nice weekend.
Åsa in Åsele. We have met so many nice people up there so we are satisfied. We just have to move on and that's what we do. Thank you Åsa for caring and it is appreciated.
13 August 2016 - 14:28
Erase says:
It's fantastic that you chose to go to the fair after all. Somewhat of a control freak that I am, I would probably have said no with that upload. Very cool!
And it's a shame to have a lot of setbacks, but I'm sure you'll be winners in the end!
16 August 2016 - 14:42
Travel Friday says:
Wow, what strange experiences! Nice that it seemed to feel okay anyway, at the end of the week. Hugs
04 September 2016 - 12:48