The night before last we had planned to just hang out at home and do nothing, but it turned out that one of our travel blog colleagues from Finland was in town. And then suddenly there was a spontaneous blog meeting at the Diplomat Hotel.
Meeting with eminent travel bloggers
So Stockholm was visited by the eminent Finnish travel blogger Veera Biancawho is so committed to her job as a travel blogger that she currently holds the title of homeless. After Stockholm it will be Italy and Malta and then Thailand for several months.
Visiting the Stockholm Veera wanted to mingle with Swedish travel bloggers. Cecilia Löwenadler, who previously blogged for Travellink, showed up. Perhaps you recognise both of these lovely ladies from our blog. visit to Hungary in June this year?
In addition, Christian Muda, who runs the professional Food and travel blog. He was actually also in Hungary, and has since then, among other things, road tripped in Denmark with the family. Always so much fun to meet blog colleagues!

Goatfish says:
But, how nice it can be! SO fun to meet other bloggers and see the face behind the screen, as well 😀.
Now I'm going out on the road, but apart from one reason, it's the cosiness factor with my youngest daughter.
Good morning 😀
31 August 2016 - 6:58
Mr Steve says:
What fun. Imagine how many new contacts you make during your trips and activities.
You travel bloggers have become a tremendous asset to the travel industry.
31 August 2016 - 7:12
åsa in åsele says:
Fun with a spontaneous meeting,
I understand that you travel bloggers have many experiences and tips to share.
31 August 2016 - 7:29
Jenn - forever abroad says:
But so nice! It's always fun to meet fellow bloggers 😉.
31 August 2016 - 7:54
admin says:
Geddfish, isn't it fun when you get to know the bloggers behind the screen for real! And it will be fun to see where you are out and about today 😉.
Steve, yes I think travel bloggers have become a force to be reckoned with in the travel industry!
Åsa in Åsele, always a lot to talk about 😉.
Jenn, always super fun, and you have so much to talk about 🙂 .
31 August 2016 - 8:17
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
Yes, what an exciting time ahead for Veera Bianca!
Great that you got a date. (I followed the conversation on FB about where to meet. ??) Wish I could have been there, but there will be more opportunities! See you next week, if nothing else, at Travel Massive. ?
31 August 2016 - 8:21
Lennart says:
31 August 2016 - 8:40
Christian says:
How fun it was to meet, we must do it more often! Hugs Christian (food and travel blog)
31 August 2016 - 8:45
Ditte says:
How nice and rewarding! I understand it was a fun evening!
And the Diplomat as a meeting point is usually successful.
31 August 2016 - 9:21
Nicki says:
Sounds nice and cosy...
31 August 2016 - 9:28
LinizTravel says:
Oh how nice!!!! Thought to take a pram walk towards Pampas some day! Maybe I can check out your houseboat then!!! Have a fantastic week!!! Hugs
31 August 2016 - 9:36
admin says:
Anna, see you at Travel Massive! (Possibly I have started working then, but in that case try to come by for a little while)
Christian, really nice to see you! We will see you again at Travel Massive, we hope!
Ditte, I don't think I've been to Diplomat before, but it was nice and we could sit outside despite the rain (good awnings and heat lamps ;)).
Liniztravel, great fun if you stop by! You can take a chance and see if we are home (we live on pier D) or, if you want to be sure we are home, send a message on FB or something first!
31 August 2016 - 10:02
Erase says:
Oh, love spontaneous! You chose a perfect day too, when Stockholm decided for a little more summer! 🙂 Veera I have missed, must immediately go in and read!
31 August 2016 - 10:31
snort says:
The spontaneous usually turns out very well 😀.
31 August 2016 - 10:52
Violen on Brandholmen says:
Fun with a spontaneous meeting Usually it's good to just meet like that without a lot of preparation! And you had fun together!
31 August 2016 - 13:05
Renate's travels says:
It sounded like a nice and cosy evening ðŸ™'
31 August 2016 - 13:11
Anette says:
It's great to meet other bloggers, especially from "abroad".
What a great picture of the hotel.
31 August 2016 - 13:23
Ruth in Virginia says:
What a great picture of wonderful Stockholm!!!
I can't get enough of it.
You never see cloud formations like that here.
for some reason.
Fun meeting, of course!
31 August 2016 - 14:20
Dessan says:
Always fun to meet bloggers, the face behind everything live 🙂 Hugs!
31 August 2016 - 14:25
Christine - 29°. says:
How nice! 🙂
31 August 2016 - 15:06
Eva - People in the Street says:
What a lovely bunch! Understand that you had a great time 🙂 .
31 August 2016 - 16:07
Elisabeth says:
So much fun with spontaneous meetings with friends
31 August 2016 - 16:30
Ama de casa says:
Lovely with spontaneous meetings like that 🙂 .
We are actually quite a few bloggers in Torrevieja, and we meet quite often both planned and unplanned. Very nice! A large part of our social circle in Spain has been created through the blog 🙂 .
31 August 2016 - 16:40
Lena says:
Certainly it is fun with spontaneous meetings with bloggers and others with for that matter, other people's experiences and adventures are exciting and self-experienced very often touch on their own interests and experiences. Sometimes you wonder if there is an invisible magnet when you discover commonalities ie that you are attracted to each other!
31 August 2016 - 18:13
Comsi Comsa says:
Spontaneous dates are almost the best dates in my opinion. ?
Hugs ❤
31 August 2016 - 19:21
Role o Carina says:
Yes, imagine how many Bloggers there are in Space 🙂 .
Take care and enjoy.....
31 August 2016 - 19:27
admin says:
Ämma, Veera blogs in Finnish and English, but is most popular on Instagram (in English)!
Violen, of course it can be very nice and be good when it doesn't have to be so pretentious and planned.
Anette, glad you like the picture! 🙂
Ruth in Virginia, glad you like the picture! And interesting that you don't have the same cloud formations there...!
Well, of course it is!!!
Rolle and Carina, there is a whole gang! And always fun to meet in reality when you previously only heard on the net, I think! (Although we have met these bloggers a few times before).
Eva, really a lovely bunch! I think the whole travel blog gang is very lovely! Many nice and fun people 🙂
Ama de casa, you seem to have a great time in Torrevieja with many meetings!
Lena, yes, you can wonder sometimes! We feel that it is very fun to meet bloggers and people who like to travel (both with and without a motorhome). Then you often have a lot in common, in addition, it is often open and curious people who like to travel, I think!
31 August 2016 - 19:59
BP says:
Great fun with a spontaneous blog meeting with people you have met before and can share experiences with and update each other:-)
31 August 2016 - 20:32
nils-åke hansson says:
Nice to have a face behind the blog Always nice to meet.
See if we meet?
01 September 2016 - 9:27
Maria's Memoirs says:
Veera Bianca is new to me, but I have no idea about Finnish travel bloggers either (unless they are Finnish-Swedish ones anyway) 🙂 Will check out the blog right away!
01 September 2016 - 10:55
Veera Bianca says:
Hahaa, tried so hard to read this in Swedish but didn't get a word! Was fun seeing you guys! See you in Malta next then!
01 September 2016 - 14:57
Annie - easy vegan food says:
Oh, I really love meeting fellow bloggers. It's like a vitamin injection!
01 September 2016 - 18:00
Christine's Stories says:
No how nice! Oh, it's so much fun to meet other talented and inspiring bloggers 🙂 !
01 September 2016 - 20:05
KajsaLisa says:
Very nice building, unfortunately I have never been inside it.
01 September 2016 - 23:57
Discovering The Planet says:
Spontaneous cosiness is always best ??
02 September 2016 - 1:46
admin says:
BP, here's to more blog meetings! 🙂
Nils-Åke, are you coming to Elmia?
Maria, Veera blogs in Finnish and English but is probably most active on Instagram (English).
Annie, really! Well described! 🙂
Christine, you always get inspiration and have a lot to talk about 🙂 .
Kajsalisa, very nice houses here and this is almost extra nice with the red awnings!
Discovering the planet, 🙂
02 September 2016 - 7:27
Lena - good for the soul says:
Agreed. Always great to meet fellow bloggers!
Hug Lena
02 September 2016 - 15:45
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
Spontaneous meetings rule! Great! 😀
02 September 2016 - 17:12
Maria at Interior design says:
Spontaneity is my name haha 🙂 all the things that are spontaneous in life are ALWAYS better than those that are crumbled.
Have a great week 🙂
LOVE Maria
04 September 2016 - 22:46