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Boating in September (and how the back injury is going)


Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you for all the nice and thoughtful comments we received yesterday after the the post about Peter's back pain! It's not much better today, but we find different ways to get around. Since I get to do all the errands (Peter doesn't get out of the boat), I also get a lot of walking ...


Managing days with back pain

You could say that everything Peter is doing right now takes very long time. Going up and down any of our stairs, for example, is a gigantic project. It might be added that our stairs are unusually narrow and tricky in general (we live in a houseboat, remember?). He didn't manage to climb into bed at night either, so we ended up "camping" with the bed mattress in the middle of the floor instead. Almost a bit cosy.

Before I dared to leave Peter yesterday morning, I had to place everything he might want during the day (medicines, food, pots and pans) at a suitable height... Then, of course, I had to do all the errands (no, it's not my fault, I know!) and since I don't have a driving licence, there was some walking. Luckily we have great weather, and there is a lot to see along Hornsberg beach.

Boating in September

You might think that summer is over, but it doesn't really feel that way. As I walked from Pampas marina to ICA Lindhagensplan on Kungsholmen in the early evening, it was really hot. There was no end of boating either! Canoes, stand-up paddle-boarding, motorboats, jet skis and large cargo ships filled the waters. What a wonderfully long summer we've had this year! Are you also still hot where you live?

Boating in September: a kayak, a duck and a stand-up paddle-boarder (in the background) in the same picture.
A slightly larger ship in Traneberg

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