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Life on a houseboat in September

When we're not travelling, we live life on a houseboat, and even though it's pretty quiet and peaceful, things happen. always something. Here are some updates from our houseboat life. Latest news: houseboat up in the air and the heron has a mate.


Lifting a houseboat

A week ago, we watched one of the smaller houseboats (a so-called villa voyager) being lifted onto land. A few days later it was lifted back into the water and towed past our houseboat, and back to its place, with a freshly painted entrance and hull. There are three houseboats of this model in the marina and they are all for year-round living.

Livet på en husbåt
Here the small houseboat is lifted onto the shore
Livet på en husbåt
The houseboat has been repainted and is on its way back to its place.

The heron has found a partner

As you know, there is a heron that is used to hang out here in the marinaand right now he (she?) is here every day. One day we also saw that the heron had a mate/girlfriend/boyfriend. However, we haven't managed to capture both of them, so you'll have to make do with two pictures of the heron hanging on the roof of a boat. (Yep, it's there. Look closely!)

Häger i marina
The heron usually hangs out on the piers - but sometimes takes turns with a boat.
The heron checks the boat...?

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