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Exclusive viewing - private collection of cars in Malta


Cars in Malta! We had the chance to see a private collection of cars in Malta. We didn't have any special expectations beforehand but... wow! Over 100 original cars such as Mercedes 59, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Cadillac, Jaguar and many more. Join us and check out the amazing cars in Malta! This collection is not open to the public, but we do show a bunch of photos - and Peter has also put together a film.


Private collector of cars in Malta

The man who collects cars in Malta is called Leo and runs one of Malta's largest bus companies. He collects cars as a hobby and the collection is not open to the public. He usually goes by himself and maybe brings some friends. Sometimes he invites private individuals or journalists who have shown great interest in the collection.

The collection is located behind an ordinary garage door in an ordinary neighbourhood. It's really impossible to imagine what will be on the other side of the grey door... Even our guide, who has been guiding in Malta for 12 years and before that worked for a long time in museums, had no idea that this exhibition existed. He had been instructed by Visit Malta to bring us here, and we wandered around for quite a while before we found the right place ... but eventually we did!

Privat samling av bilar
Our guide Clive, collection owners Leo and Peter. The car (a Morgan) is special order, with a 6 year wait, and the chassis is wooden. The car has not been driven a single mile ...
Parkering för jaguarer
The sign is quite clear ...
Straight from the factory
First copy! straight from the factory

Want to see more?

Peter has started filming more and more, and filmed some sequences inside the collection of cars in Malta. Now he has put together both film clips and images into a film that takes you inside the exhibition. If you like cars: watch and enjoy!

All our top tips from Malta. Click on the image!

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