OK, here we go and it's Peter in Malta at the controls. Full speed from 02.45 Thursday morning because our bus left 04.14 from Fridhemsplan. Good start, hmm. We were delayed and had to run to the bus in the morning with packing, and if no one else would get on the bus in Fridhemsplan we would have really missed it. Ok, now we are on track and we are going to Malta and how fun and what a first day.
Table of contents
Here we go
I really wanted to sleep on the plane and we sat in seat 2D and that means some kind of premium class and we would get breakfast, and you get woken up because I had already fallen asleep for the start. Now it was breakfast and I was more alert so no sleep here.
We landed and a guide picked us up with a driver. We went directly to a fishing village called Marsaxlokk which is an attraction with all its small colourful fishing boats in Malta. How wonderful it was to step out and it was hot in Malta.

Luxurious and exciting
After we took lots of photos and I had bought a new hat, we moved on to the excavations of Hagar Qim. It is an excavation that they have found and it is from 3600 years before zero and the buildings are probably the oldest in the world. We got a little guidance with 3D glasses, haha, but how cool.
We had our own guide and driver so no worries. Off to lunch and look out over the capital Valetta and 3 courses of amazing food. Phew, now it's a food coma.

even more of the good stuff

Off to our five-star hotel and here we get a little over an hour to unpack and load cameras, send off an Insta post, yes everything you have to do. Now we are going with a new guide and driver on a vintage car meeting with Porsche and Ferrari. WHAT CARS and what nice people! We have so many wonderful photos so it will come out later in a separate report.

More food in an idyllic setting
Now they drove us to a small narrow alley to a small family owned restaurant, which played music from France in the 40s. There we met a girl who was an employee of the Malta Tourist Board and would eat with us. Everything was homemade and the two-storey restaurant had about 10 rooms but you only got room 8 in each, and so charming. What food we got and what good wine and everything was local.
This is "Happy Friday" for us but we are exhausted. Is it worth it? Easy ... I still have worrying pain in my back and I do not understand why it does not go away. Helena is in a headache when I write this post and tomorrow it's full speed for 16 hours again. I do not want to share "Happy Friday" alone so I need your positive influence, so write something about your week!
Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Here is my life part 2
Jenn - forever abroad says:
How nice to get a Malta update, you keep your promises 🙂 .
I wake up this happy friday with a freshly cleaned home, finished the weekend cleaning already yesterday, SO nice 😉.
And on Friday I will see Veronica Maggio here in Helsinki - perhaps the best of the week!!!
Hope you can enjoy yourself over there and not run out of steam completely <3
07 October 2016 - 6:30
Lennart says:
So nice!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
07 October 2016 - 7:07
4000mil says:
Malta is a personal favourite for me, but perhaps most of all Gozo.
Most positive right now is that tomorrow there will be a big report about 4000mil.se in the local newspaper here, Västerbottens-Kuriren. It will be exciting to see if it gives any "imprint".
07 October 2016 - 7:10
Dawan says:
Have a nice trip! Here it seems to be a long and gloomy Friday! The day starts with my daughter waking up and crawling over my head back and forth until I wake up...at 5am!? And then it rains here in Switzerland. I'll have to write a post about Indonesia or something....
07 October 2016 - 7:55
Mr Steve says:
Back and headaches. Morr!!! Despite the hardships, you seem to be enjoying yourself and having a great time in Malta. Keep it up!
07 October 2016 - 8:00
Goatfish says:
Love the picture with the Maltese fishing boats, what great colours! And the Ferrari cars in red wasn't bad either!
It seems to go at a fast pace and be careful of your back and head, all the pain - go away!
My Happy is that I got new hearing aids yesterday, which work wow 😀 finally! And today I am rid of the back pain I got yesterday due to some extra volunteer work. Backs are sensitive.
Have a good time in Malta! <3
07 October 2016 - 8:32
Deciree says:
But what a lovely place you seem to have ended up at. Super nice pictures as usual 🙂 Nice you are with the 3D glasses: -) Keep it up. We also follow. Hugs
07 October 2016 - 8:35
Henny says:
Great pictures and a lovely start to your stay in Malta. Well, except for your back problems and Helena's headache. Hopefully that will go away.
Here in the north the sun is shining, we have nice autumn colours, but it's cold. Sub-zero temperatures for several nights in a row. But what does the cold matter when California is waiting around the corner. Here we are packing and planning for a winter in sun and warmth, a lot of socialising with the son and his family, probably a lot of excursions and experiences, such as Las Vegas, Black Friday and not least checking on the large motorhomes above. Keeping my fingers crossed that you will be refreshed and get the most out of your trip to Malta.
07 October 2016 - 9:30
nils-åke says:
See the pictures of the cars.
It's good here, I hope it spreads to you!
07 October 2016 - 9:34
Lena - good for the soul says:
A flying start to say the least. I have never been to Malta. Looks beautiful!
Here I am still happy-bubbly after this morning's training. Coffee break in the work band right now.
Have a great trip!
Hug Lena
07 October 2016 - 9:39
Anette Åhnbrink says:
Looks lovely! But take care of you too, health is most important, although we would like to see more pictures of the red nice bilarna❤️ And on the food, and on everything, what is a ball at the castle, when you get to travel with you!
Happy Friday, yes, we are healthy, the rolling motor home will be packed for a little weekend trip, the sun is shining and the coffee tastes good! All the best/Anette
07 October 2016 - 9:52
Lennart Nilsson says:
I have many pleasant memories of Malta, where I holidayed in the 70s.
A funny incident that I remember particularly clearly was from a journey on the local bus from Valetta. Suddenly the crowded bus stopped in the middle of the street and the conductor produced a bucket of water from his little booth. Opening the door, he stood on the step and threw the water over a man on the pavement. The man was drenched and shook his fist. The conductor laughs and the bus continues as if nothing has happened.
This week a small operation has been completed which means we can go on a winter holiday with the motorhome in a couple of weeks.
07 October 2016 - 10:40
Anita Malta says:
It was undeniably a flying start to your first day here on the island !!! So much you have done already, Marsaxlokk is really a picturesque and charming little town. Nice view of beautiful Valletta, do not know how many times I have photographed the view from there. Is that where you will stay the last days, not in Valletta but at the Fortina hotel where I assume you took your lunch 😀.
Strange that I missed the excavations of Hagar Qim, almost a must visit 😕.
We decided to go and look at the vintage cars this weekend. Can guess that there are many delicious photo motifs.
Keeping my fingers crossed that both the back and headache will go away so you can continue to enjoy everything the island has to offer. I myself will sit and work in front of the computer this Friday ðŸ™'
Take care!!!
07 October 2016 - 11:22
Ruth in Virginia says:
Looks very nice there in Malta. The header picture is fantastic,
but no one in the pool? What a packed programme. No wonder,
that you are tired, especially as you are not 100%.
Malta was strategically important during WWII. Interesting to read about
the siege of Malta, June 1940 - November 1942. Germany-Italy
against England.
Good things that happened this week. Had a visit from Ama de Casa and her husband.
Wednesday; their third visit here in Virginia. That's what happens when you read and comment on blogs, even if you don't have a blog yourself.
Waiting for the next report from beautiful Malta. Hope your "ailments"
disappears quickly. - Nice hat, by the way, Peter. 🙂
07 October 2016 - 11:56
Solan says:
Here it is important to pepper Peter and all of Helena. Nice pictures from the island that seems interesting ... hope you feel better now 😉.
07 October 2016 - 12:48
Ama de casa says:
Oooo... What a horrible start to the trip! I really hate being out at the last second and probably had a heart attack there in the chase towards the bus... But the rest sounded really great! (Except the stupid back and stupid migraine...)
Sure, it's worth it. Travelling and experiencing allows you to cut down on sleep a lot. That's life! 🙂
A lot has happened this week, but the highlight was the opportunity to visit the wonderful Ruth in Virginia again, and meet four generations of lovely girls 😀.
07 October 2016 - 15:18
Across the board says:
Huvva and I thought we were early when we left home at 5.30pm. We have tired feet from walking around both Vatican City and Villa Borghese's beautiful park.
Keep up the good work
07 October 2016 - 17:15
Peter Bergström says:
Thank you for all the wonderful stories and we will take all your positive posts and make things better. I had a better day while Helena went through hell. She was so bad that she almost fainted several times but made it through the day. When we got back to the hotel at 15.00 we asked for ice bags and now she has slept for 2 hours and they will pick us up again. It will work out somehow and thank you all for your support. I do not have time to answer you because there is not enough time, so go out again and take photos and experience and we will hear from you again soon. Big hugs from us.
Peter & Helena
07 October 2016 - 17:56
JoY says:
Not a good start to run with the pack for your back Peter. I really hope you have time to rest and that both your back and migraine will be fine.
I visited Malta in the 70's and I guess a lot has happened since then. I like the picture of the boats, nice colours.
07 October 2016 - 18:05
BP says:
It's very lucky that you get VIP treatment in Malta. Absolutely fantastic! You are sooooo worth it, especially considering the short night and your health condition. Now I actually feel incredibly sorry for Helena too. A migraine from the heave and what terrible timing. I really hope you get a good night's sleep now so you can recover and enjoy Malta. Warm hugs to you!
07 October 2016 - 18:11
Matts Torebring says:
We can't compete with you on location. Unlike you, we are almost in the middle of the forest. That's nice too, after a week like this. So we're having Happy Friday in the forest. Have a good one!
07 October 2016 - 20:09
Imelda says:
Get well soon! Wish you were at the top and could enjoy fully <3
07 October 2016 - 20:10
Comsi Comsa says:
Get well so you can enjoy some of Malta.
Hugs ❤
07 October 2016 - 20:52
åsa in åsele says:
Thanks for the update - I'm glad I can join you on your journey.
Get well soon, I hope you both feel better tomorrow.
07 October 2016 - 20:58
Emma, sun like sun? says:
Wow! Can someone take the batteries out of Peter? He seems to need some rest .... His back if nothing else!
The picture of the boats is wonderful! I can't believe that a lot of colour makes you so happy, but we still paint the walls white or, in our case, cafe latte. OK, they were that colour when we moved in. And we rent.
I hope your back and head will give in and that you still have a positive experience.
07 October 2016 - 21:01
Emma, sun like sun? says:
That's right! You should report positively!
That my 11-year-old son did not give in to his very demanding 10-year-old girl friend who needs to learn the meaning of no. That they are cute and play well - after all. That the chicken skewers I grilled turned out great. That tomorrow we are going on holiday in Fuengirola. That I will get to dress up a little, long time since I did it, it feels like! Damn, hope the mascara hasn't dried... Positive thinking: it will be fine!
07 October 2016 - 21:05
Christine's Stories says:
Oh, but it looks amazingly nice. Despite a stressful start to the trip. I have been through those chaotic starts a couple of times. Fortunately, everything seemed to go smoothly in between a stressful start and a headache. Hope that Helena gets better and that the rest of the holiday will be pleasant.
07 October 2016 - 22:03
Christine's Stories says:
That's right, positive Friday report it was! My Friday started with a sunny Stockholm (when you go, I come here, hehe), then I was off to do something very nervous yet exciting - which means one step closer to a future goal! Tonight I've made really good food for dinner and now I'm sitting under a blanket to finish watching a film. Couldn't be happier!
Enjoy Malta and the warmth! (it's almost winter here in Sweden now...brr!)
07 October 2016 - 22:08
Ditte says:
What a great start! And there's a lot to take in when the programme is so intense and you're not in control.
But you've had so much fun.
Malta is indeed a beautiful island, even if there is no green snake. Lovely pictures. And I hope you can rest well tonight.
(I had taken a taxi to Arlanda to avoid rushing...).
Positive in the week have been nice and fun meetings and a fantastically nice pleasure trip today.
Wishing you a nice Saturday and that you are more alert.
08 October 2016 - 0:15
Peter Bergström says:
Hello!!! What wonderful posts and what wonderful positive stories, you are just too good. We wake up with clear blue skies and Helena is better so now we will really enjoy Malta together. We still do our job all the time so you will get to see lots of this beautiful island. Hugs to all of you.
08 October 2016 - 7:53
Eva - People in the Street says:
Get well and have a wonderful trip!
I have started my new job now and feel completely happy about it 🙂 .
08 October 2016 - 9:25
Lena says:
Whoops, with your back pain and migraine, it must be travelling that can speed up the legs, I must say! Lena is home and makes Tiramisu and a limping op. waiting Jan is out and follows his son and grandson on the MX stubbåker race in Skåne. Our first home winter in 11 (!) years awaits, a little bad mood ? ? Travel, love, have fun and great experiences = the world's best recipe!
08 October 2016 - 12:19
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
How lovely it looks and how well taken care of you are. I have a lot to catch up on as I am in NYC and have been jet lagged (not healthy either), so I have not forgotten you. Sad with back pain and headaches, so hope it turns/has turned quickly.
Positive: I have great memories from my own trip to Malta in 2002. Very good food and wonderful relaxation. Now there may not be so much relaxation on a press trip in itself. 😉
Here in New York, the sun is shining after a touch of Matthew.
Now things can only get better for all of us! Hugs to you.
10 October 2016 - 14:28