We have long been part of Better Bloggers - Sweden's professional network for bloggers. Last night we were there when founder Linda Hörnfeldt had the release of what Better Bloggers will become from now on: Influencers of Sweden. It is not only the name that will be new but also a lot of other things.
Great tools for bloggers
We have benefited greatly from Better Bloggers through our membership. Their site has always had good information on things like legal rules for bloggers and how to work with companies in the right way. In the Facebook group, we have also been able to discuss things that bloggers are thinking about.
Lots of news
Now Better Bloggers Influencers of Sweden - The reason for using the word "influencers" is that we do not only welcome bloggers, but also Instagrammers and Youtubers. One novelty is that there will now be a board that also includes Sara Rönne from The joy of exercise and Clara Lidström from Lovely Clara included.
There will be a new member portal (only available as a beta version) where you can choose between hobby membership (free) or professional membership (500 SEK/year). Here you will be able to create your own profile page, access document templates, sell services (e.g. photos) and of course information about seminars and meetings. It will be interesting to see what it can provide!

Mingle with bloggers
We were treated to bubbly, sandwiches and of course a lot of mingling with other bloggers. It's always fun to meet both familiar and unfamiliar faces at these events. Several of our friends among the travel bloggers were there and it was of course fun to meet and talk about the latest trips. On the way home we also had time to talk to Susanne who runs the food blog Recepten.se.

Top picture: Influencers of Sweden board: Sara Rönne, Clara Lidström and Linda Hörnfeldt.
Lena - good for the soul says:
So much fun. Linda is awesome and the network is fantastic! Ohhhh, how I would have liked to be there! But I probably did best in staying at home after all.
Hug Lena
01 November 2016 - 7:45
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
Blog meeting. Nice stuff. It will be exciting to see how it turns out for us hobby bloggers who (so far) do not pay for membership.
01 November 2016 - 8:38
admin says:
Lena, really! And there will certainly be more meetings in the future 🙂 ðŸ™'
Dryden, the "professional" membership is aimed at anyone who wants to do a little more with their blog, whether it's big or small. You simply get more in the membership if you choose to become a paying member.
01 November 2016 - 8:43
Angeliqa says:
So nice to finally meet even if it was the fastest 😀 <3 <3
Great post that summarises the evening 😀.
01 November 2016 - 8:52
anita wåg agrimanaki says:
interesting! Unfortunately I live a little too far away to attend such meetings....
01 November 2016 - 9:08
Lanclin-Linnea says:
Wihoo! So great with a report for us who live too far away (y) 🙂 I really believe in this and will make a difference for Swedish influencers in social media!
01 November 2016 - 9:16
LinizTravel says:
What fun!!!! Had a girl's dinner yesterday! Planned for a long time. So sorry I missed!!! Looked nice! hugs
01 November 2016 - 9:20
Jenn - forever abroad says:
Oooh so nice that we got an update here first thing in the morning! Thank you so much! And YAY! 🙂
01 November 2016 - 9:26
admin says:
Lennart, yes, we did talk about that. There are guys/men in the network too, but the girls/women really dominate ...
Angeliqa, but oh, we didn't have time to talk to each other!!! Next time! 🙂
Anita, a bit too far, I can agree with that 😉.
Linnea, glad you appreciate the report! Yes, I think a serious organisation can be a good public face.
Liniztravel, sad to miss out of course, but there will be more opportunities!
Jenn, we always try to be quick 😉
01 November 2016 - 9:26
Renate's travels says:
This sounds like an exciting initiative! 🙂
01 November 2016 - 9:34
Ama de casa says:
It's so nice to meet so many other bloggers!
However, I have never heard of this forum *shame*. On the other hand, I run my own travel and there is probably no one out there who would want to sponsor me. Or maybe wettex would... But it's been a long time since I wrote about my favourite rags 😉.
01 November 2016 - 9:43
Lennart says:
Lots of girls blogging!
01 November 2016 - 8:50
Lena says:
Lovely activities it has become atort to blog at those levels, fun 🙂 Is it then = the only job? Can they make a living from blogging AND have a life?
01 November 2016 - 10:39
admin says:
Renates Reiser, yes, it will be exciting to see what it leads to!
Ama de casa, it can be fun/good to be part of a network like this whether you are looking to be sponsored or not. You can join as a free hobby member, if you do not want to spend more than that on it.
Lena, those who run this trade organisation (and who also run large blogs) may be able to (but many bloggers have a combination of activities/services that provide income). Among the members, there is a great variety - everything from really big bloggers who can make a living from it to lots of small bloggers who only have it as a hobby (but maybe aiming bigger for the future ;)).
01 November 2016 - 10:52
Ditte says:
Fun with some new thinking here and changing the name to Influencers of Sweden sounds good to me, maybe more in this direction it will go.
It's also fun to meet and mingle with other bloggers and maybe exchange some thoughts and experiences.
Thanks for the update .
It will be interesting to follow developments.
01 November 2016 - 10:57
Sara says:
Hello! But - we never got to talk! But nice to have been in the same physical place anyway, otherwise it will be mostly in the virtual world. I believe a lot in Influencers of Sweden - it will be an exciting future!
01 November 2016 - 11:14
MiaShopping says:
Oh how I would have liked to go. But unfortunately, we had a stomach bug at the weekend and I didn't dare go out.
01 November 2016 - 11:15
Goatfish says:
What fun with such a big blog meeting, 😀 but a bit of a shame that not everyone had time to talk to each other in the mingle.
The name Influencers of Sweden sounded very professional 😀.
Have a nice Tuesday!
01 November 2016 - 11:27
annika ecological says:
Nice report for those of us who were not there! Good professional name that seems promising for us!
01 November 2016 - 11:59
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
Great initiative and so good to get this report from you! I have benefited a lot from them and look forward to the continuation.
01 November 2016 - 12:12
Jeanette says:
What fun and it will be interesting to be part of Influencers Of Sweden, because Better Bloggers has been a great network with a good forum and a lot of useful information in the blog world.
01 November 2016 - 13:02
BP says:
I didn't know there was a trade organisation for bloggers and now also Instagrammers and Youtubers. I think it is good, then the status is raised regardless of whether you want to make money from your blog or not. Oh that with legal help not least with regard to images is really good.
Then I clicked on your links just to see what you can/will blog about. Oh, that's probably most of it I saw. Then I can think that the blog and Instagram world is incredibly female-dominated, which I think is an incredible shame. Youtube is probably more mixed or?
01 November 2016 - 14:43
Solan says:
Makes sense to network. The blogger "Finally lost" piqued my interest....
01 November 2016 - 14:45
I am not stupid! I have Asperger's syndrome! says:
so much fun wish I could have been there too
01 November 2016 - 16:53
Mr Steve says:
The world of blogging, a constantly evolving world that benefits and delights so many.
01 November 2016 - 18:58
Cathinka says:
Linda is really driven! It's great that the social media are linked in this way because they are often so closely related and we all use slightly different channels. Better Bloggers is awesome even for us who may not be investing in becoming so big but who still want to do "right". Thanks for a great report!
01 November 2016 - 19:50
Matts Torebring says:
It's great to know that they exist. Personally, I am still at my leisure level. I still work far too many hours a week. There is not enough time for me anymore.
01 November 2016 - 20:16
admin says:
Ditte, it is fun to mingle and exchange experiences in the blog world! 🙂
Sara, next time we will have time to talk! 🙂
Miashopping, stomach flu is not fun!!! But there will certainly be more meetings in the future!
Geddfish, yes, it is always difficult to talk to everyone... I also think the name will be good!
Annika Ecological, I like the name too! And glad you appreciated the report! 🙂
Anna Travel on a cloud, we are also looking forward to the continuation, it will be exciting 🙂 .
Jeanette, yes it's fun to be involved now and see what happens!
BP, this business organisation for bloggers is new, but good! We also discussed this with the female dominance. There are male bloggers too, but they are definitely fewer (and maybe more "niche" and less "lifestyle"?) I don't know what it looks like in Instagram and Youtube, but I can guess that there are more guys there.
Solan, glad you found Katarina's lovely blog! 🙂
I'm not stupid..., I'm sure there will be more opportunities in the future!
Steve, yes things are really happening in this world, exciting!
Cathinka, I also think this is valuable for all bloggers, large and small. As you say, you want to keep track of rules and the like regardless.
Matts, a blog can definitely be just a fun and relaxing hobby! A fantastic hobby, I think 🙂 .
01 November 2016 - 20:45
Heléna says:
How nice it looks and a great concept to help bloggers in different ways 😀.
01 November 2016 - 23:31
Mary of Rövarhamn says:
Thank you for the report. Jonna and Clara. Oh, wow. Awesome girls. Hugs. L
02 November 2016 - 0:18
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
Such a network sounds both exciting and useful!
02 November 2016 - 0:19
Christine's Stories says:
How nice! She is so talented and enterprising Linda!
01 November 2016 - 23:30
admin says:
Christine's Stories, great that someone is doing this!
Helena, it feels like it could be good. Exciting!
Mary af Rövarhamn, glad you like our report. Hope everything is fine with you! Hugs
Marianne, yes I think so, is there something similar in Norway?
Sheida, very interesting and exciting we think! Thank you for your comment!
02 November 2016 - 19:59
Sheida says:
Seems to have been a wonderful mingle and exciting with the new concept! 🙂
02 November 2016 - 19:46
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
ANSWER: I certainly don't know of anything similar here in Norway, but then I don't know everything, I'm not that experienced as a travel blogger 🙂 .
02 November 2016 - 22:33
admin says:
Marianne, you are well experienced as a travel blogger! 😉 There may not be anything similar in Norway yet, it's very new here too, but it may come!
03 November 2016 - 0:09