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Travelling around Malaysia - tips from us and our fellow bloggers

Now in the darkness of winter, it's good to dream away to Asia. A while ago we told you about Vietnam, and now it's the turn of Malaysia, which we visited in 2012. We give you tips on travelling around Malaysia and places to see and visit in the country, with a little help from our fellow travel bloggers.


Hypermodern Kuala Lumpur

When you arrive in Malaysia, you often land first in the Kuala Lumpur. So did we, although we chose to look around the city only at the end of our trip. KL is a modern city with tall skyscrapers, large shopping centres and air-conditioned walkways that criss-cross the city so you don't have to walk outside in the heat.

We stayed at the Corus hotel, which was centrally located and good. From here we could walk to the 88-storey Petrona Towers. We never went to any high altitudes, but with the 4000 mile bloggers you will find tips on sky bars.

Kuala Lumpur

If you want a change from the hypermodern city centre, you can go to Chinatown. You might not want to look for quality products here, but if you're looking for cheap and fun shopping in a slightly crazy environment, you've come to the right place!

Peter i Chinatown i Kuala Lumpur
Peter looks pensive in Kuala Lumpur's Chinatown.

Relaxing Langkawi

Langkawi is an island and perhaps one of the most famous holiday destinations in Malaysia. We found a super cosy little place called La Pari Pari, with small cottages a short walk from the beach and with wickedly charming Staff. You may experience Langkawi as a bit "touristy", but we had a good holiday there. Not least, we made several really good excursions.

Pari Pari
Most charming staff at La Pari Pari hotel in Langkawi, Malaysia

Among other things, we went on a boat trip in the mangrove swamps. Here we saw both snakes and monkeys, but the coolest animal by far was a dagger tail. This animal evolved 542 - 251 million years ago, and then it has kind of stalled in its development, so to speak. It was like meeting a living trilobite!

Two things we missed, but which the blog Ladies Abroad has written about, are Seven Wells and the dramatic cable car.

A dagger tail creeping in Peter's hand

VilDa Borneo

We haven't been to the island of Borneo itself (which is politically shared by Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei), but if we ever go back to Malaysia, I definitely want to go! At the blogger Discovering the Planet you can read more posts about Borneo, including Rasa Ria Nature Reserve, Kinabalu Park, macaques, orangutans and a safari at Kinabatangan in Sakau.

More great places in Malaysia

There are of course even more places to visit in Malaysia, and here we take a little more help from our travel blog colleagues:

  • Perhentian The islands are a small group of islands in north-eastern Malaysia.
  • Taman Negara is a national park, and on the blog Another Life you can read about the visit to the spiders and snakes in the world's oldest rainforest.
Båt malaysia
All our top tips about Malaysia. Click on the image!

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