Ok, here we go and Peter is in charge. When we bought our motorhome eight years ago, I made 70 different drawings of what I wanted the motorhome to look like, and of course it should have its own design!
There must be a lot of lights and the fabrics were ugly and plastic carpet on the floor is not good enough. There must be an alarm and a big stereo and another stereo when we watch films and a 32 inch screen, haha. If you can fly to the moon, you can rebuild a motorhome. Keep up!
Table of contents
This is where it starts
We had the car parked in Upplands Väsby in a fenced-in area 3 miles from Sundbyberg. There was no electricity where the motorhome was located, but when we bought the motorhome, an electric generator was included and what luck, or meant to be.
Here we spent many hours rebuilding the whole motorhome. The motorhome had an alarm from a company and I had bought a 15 inch bass and a 400 watt power amplifier. A Bose system was put in for data and TV.

I screwed up all the doors that are there to get all the cables and all the lights in. the chairs went out for changing and I separated the doors at the back to get a technical room and a wardrobe. Carpet was obviously going in on the floor. New cool rims also went with it. Now it was time for plastic conversion and my design. The car should be named something too and travelling and living anywhere is a freedom. Now FREEDOM was born.

The last
The plastic conversion was done by the same company that plasters police cars, taxis, ambulances, etc. The company was busy so they took our FREEDOM in the evenings. This suited me very well for a month and I was there at least 15 times, adding silicon to match the colours. I also screwed back things that we had removed to get the job done. Now the campervan was as we wanted it to be

In spring 2009, before we made our first big motorhome trip to Italy, Helena said she wanted to document everything we do and start a blog. Helena also wanted her own domain because everything should be controlled by us and no one else. "We can't just write about motorhomes and camping because that's far too narrow. We love travelling in many different ways so FREEDOM travel, well. FREEDOMtravel! That's it.

Progress is being made
There were hardly any travel blogs in 2009 so it was difficult to get help with coding, themes and support. Slowly it started and we toasted when we had ten followers and we thought it was very funny. In August this year we reached 19,800 unique readers/month and 60,000 page views, which is absolutely fantastic.

The goddess of fate smiles
Imagine what this motorhome FREEDOM has brought us to today, and what enormous experiences we have had with it. Several concerts, fairs, Italy 2 times, around Sweden, around Europe and to all the friends that we can sleep in the motorhome instead of going home in the evening. All the trips we make today thanks to this motorhome and all the new friends we have here on the blog. Let's talk about GOOD buys!

New plans
Tomorrow, on New Year's Eve, we'll talk about some news about what's happening on the blog in 2017. Next Friday there will be no continuation because then we are in the Alps. We will celebrate the New Year at Wallmans in Stockholm and I hope for nice pictures and preferably some film with the new 360 camera. Now I want to hear your plans for the New Year? See you tomorrow.
Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Here is my life part 9
Ruth in Virginia says:
Tomorrow, New Year's Eve!
The New Year's Eve I will never forget was in 1949-50.
My fiancé and I went to the New Year's Eve ball at Rosenbad.
He was a cadet at Karlberg. Dressed in his fine uniform,
and me in my fancy pistachio green georgette dress.
and black silk velvet. The whole evening was perfect - even
the return journey by metro to our apartment in Traneberg.
(Oh, yes - we were cohabiting long before it was morally OK.)
I apologise for not writing anything about "FREEDOM" tonight.
30 December 2016 - 6:23
Lennart says:
Motorhome it's life see!
30 December 2016 - 6:52
Ditte says:
It's great to read about the birth of Freedom and how the blog came about. I have followed you for many years and it has been fun and rewarding. Exciting to see what your plans are for 2017.
The New Year is knocking on the door and I'm now embarking on an exciting work trip to celebrate the New Year in a way that is different for me. It will be a new experience.
Wishing you a fun evening at Wallmans. And it usually is there.
30 December 2016 - 7:38
Travelling happiness says:
Hey, guys
So high to read about the start of it all 🙂 Happy New Year to you both.
30 December 2016 - 7:48
Lena - good for the soul says:
Wow, what commitment and enthusiasm you had for the car! And how cool it turned out.
We will be home tomorrow on New Year's Eve, just like we usually are. Feels best that way.
And congratulations on your excellent statistics. Great! It will be exciting to see what you will come up with in the future.
Hug Lena
30 December 2016 - 7:49
Across the board says:
I think that everyone who has met you does not say that you are driving an Adria motorhome but you are driving a Freedom 🙂.
As for New Year's Eve, Göran will continue to look after me so that I am free of pneumonia...
30 December 2016 - 8:44
Goatfish says:
Wonderful to read about your motorhome launch. Planning, construction, names, everything. We ourselves were so impressed when we saw a caravan with reg.plate HEM2.
Freedom is the greatest thing 😀
What to do on New Year's Eve? Sure, there are activities in the square, in churches. But I choose to surround myself with good food and drink and snooze in front of the TV 😀.
Happy New Year 2017 ♥
30 December 2016 - 9:29
nils-åke says:
We are 5 people celebrating together. BUT have a bulletproof dog has had problems all week getting her to do what she should do outside.
Not only fun with the New Year
- 3 June 2009 23:17 I started my/our blog
Wishing you a happy end of the year
30 December 2016 - 10:06
4000mil says:
Nice to read about Freedom. Your blog is truly a success story. We plan to toast 6000 unique readers in a calendar month this weekend. (when the bubbly is still there 🙂 ).
30 December 2016 - 10:11
Lena Gunnarsson says:
How nice to read about the birth!
For us, it is Hästgården, Funkan, that applies this year. We are a reasonable group.
Happy New Year 2017!
30 December 2016 - 10:23
Anette Åhnbrink says:
Have seen and admired Freedom IRL and it can be said that it is not an ordinary Adria? You may have a Good End and we look forward to a wonderful 2017 with you, we ourselves have now installed ourselves at the campsite in Tandådalen to celebrate New Year and squeeze some lagg! Have the best/Anette
30 December 2016 - 10:48
Peter Bergström says:
Ruth in Virginia: What a wonderful memory you have. I have never been to a ball, and it is on my wish list. I think you probably had to sneak around a bit in those days and I'm sure there was a lot of excitement, all dressed up and everything. I understand if you do not comment on FREEDOM so much because I know how you look at Motorhomes. Many hugs and thank you for sharing a warm experience Ruth.
Lennart: I love the Norwegian word bobil and it feels good.
Ditte: you can't do that! You write A but not B? Now I'm obviously curious and I want to hear the rest. It's always nice to have you around and I hope to see you in the spring.
Reiselykke: Happy New Year and it's great to get your comments and that we have a nice Norwegian friend online. Take care of yourself.
Lena - Good for the soul: "2017 will be a very exciting year and we are constantly developing ourselves. We love to innovate and we will see what we pick up. Many hugs Lena.
Across the board: Sometimes things don't go quite as planned. I think you're on the road to recovery and I'm sure Göran is there. Last Christmas Eve, Helena had a migraine all day and slept, and that can happen. Get well soon Anette and warm hugs from me.
Geddfish: That's what New Year is all about now that we're not 20 years old anymore. Cosy, good food and doing what you want. I'm sending a few hugs to your cosy evening.
Nils-Åke: I know you were an early adopter of the blog, and I'm impressed by how long you've stuck with it. Dogs and rockets are a problem. Maybe headphones and classical music can help?
4000 miles: Now I get to say congratulations and celebrate success. What fun! I think travel blogs are on the rise so we'll see what the future holds.
Lena Gunnarsson: It sounds like a great bunch and it will surely be an evening with lots of good food and many laughs. Quite simply, a good New Year's Eve.
30 December 2016 - 10:54
Peter Bergström says:
Anette Åhnbrink: You are absolutely incredible how you travel around, absolutely fantastic! How nice to just ski and just be and with the motorhome everywhere. Have fun and say hello to the old man. Hugs!
30 December 2016 - 10:57
Lars Permeln says:
Nice to see how differently we think and act. The birth of the Freedom is completely different from our first motorhome. I decided from the outset that I didn't want to spend time tinkering. Everything had to be ready and we could just move in, start the engine and start travelling. We therefore chose a newly manufactured motorhome that had everything we wanted to take with us on our travels from the start.
This year's New Year celebrations will be somewhat different because I have had to bring out my wheelchair again. I have had a lot of trouble walking lately. Hope to be on both legs again in the middle of next week.
30 December 2016 - 11:19
Maggan and Ingemar says:
I have been following your blog since the beginning of 2010. I started blogging on 29 October 2009. You have really changed the car with your own personal style. We have celebrated New Year in many different places before, but this year it will be a quiet evening at home with my mentally handicapped brother. We are getting too old for New Year's parties and are enjoying the peace and quiet instead. Wishing you many nice trips that we can follow via the blog. Happy New Year!
30 December 2016 - 11:30
Snows says:
It has been wonderful and interesting to follow you, your life and the car over the years. Wishing you a happy ending!
30 December 2016 - 11:48
åsa in åsele says:
Ooo finally 🙂 Friday with Peter 🙂 thank you
30 December 2016 - 12:14
åsa in åsele says:
I can't believe the work you have done to make your motorhome perfect for your travels and adventures.
I look forward to continuing to follow you in 2017.
Have a great New Year's Eve and we'll talk next year <3
30 December 2016 - 12:20
Elisabeth says:
Nice story. As always fun to follow you. On New Year's Eve we will go to the Senses restaurant in Maspalomas/Playa Inglés and eat really well!
Have a very happy new year!
30 December 2016 - 12:29
BP says:
You must be the most handy person in the world. Well, not only are you handy, but you know exactly what you want. So there you have it. I wonder if you shouldn't pursue a career as an interior designer in your next life:-)
It will be fun to read your report from Wallmans and to see pictures with "Nikke".
We are going to feast on lobster with the neighbours. We have no plans for 2017, as we rarely plan anything.
30 December 2016 - 13:29
Mr Gregor Lindholm says:
I want to start by wishing you a great year 2017. Then thank you for a nice weekend at Husbilslandet. Since Helena ran your travel story on my computer, I have been able to see it several times. Just as exciting every time. Currently planning the trip to Krk and the European Rally in the first week of June.
Have you got your motorhome back from Kristinehamn?
30 December 2016 - 14:53
Husis blog says:
What a journey FREEDOM has been on, in a double sense. I hope it is doing well where it is now and that you can enjoy new journeys with it soon.
It's also fun to hear how your blog started and your thoughts about your writing. I wonder if the owners can keep my blog going for as long as you have.
30 December 2016 - 17:37
Mr Steve says:
"If you can fly to the moon, you can rebuild a motorhome". Love it!
I don't remember when I started following you, but I will never stop following you.
30 December 2016 - 17:44
Åse says:
Lovely to follow you, wishing you a happy ending and a wonderful 2017. Åse
30 December 2016 - 18:22
Peter Bergström says:
Lars Permelin: Now I want to give you a New Year's wish online and that is that you really are back on your feet in mid-January, ok! I understand that many people buy ready-made motorhomes, but I have a disease of wanting to change and design things. It has always been like that and it pulls me as soon as I get my hands on something. For better or worse, I think this is a lot of fun. Take care and have a happy ending.
Maggan and Ingemar: You can use us as young people and live a little through us madmen. We will look for others when we get older and perhaps have to take care of loved ones. You are doing a great job and one more person gets happiness because you care. Hugs to you.
Znogge: We've taken it to the extreme, you could say, haha. It's a bit too much sometimes but I haven't found the off button on myself yet. It is very fun that we have contact here on the net and we can probably thank the development for that. Happy new year.
Åsa in Åsele: What a lovely person you are, Åsa. You write as you talk and in emotions and it moves me. I smile and think that Happy Friday has given so much back and I am happy. Have a nice ending and we will hear about the next chapter 2017. hugs.
Elisabeth: I prefer not to write to those who are abroad, it's not ok, haha. You know I love heat and sun and I can imagine wearing summer clothes. NO, now I'm starting to dream too far away. Have a great new year's night.
Haha BP: You are just too cute. If there are some things I want to do in the next life, it's design and I'm passionate about it every day. I think I look for this all the time so I don't crack. We will have to work together and design new clouds when we get up there 🙂 now you have also named the camera Nikke with two k, so now it must be so. Have a nice New Year's night with seafood and we will hear you on the other side. Hugs.
Gregor Lindholm: HEY and how nice that you write! The car is still there and I haven't heard a peep from the workshop. I hope that they have it inside so I don't have any more damage, and I told the workshop that I'm not in a hurry so we'll see what happens. What fun with KRK. We were at a veteran rally in Malta and it was very exciting. maybe we should start up a motorhome rally in Sweden, haha. you never know. We'll be speaking at the Kista fair in Stockholm (Caravan Stockholm) twice in February and that will be exciting. In the spring I will be planning a trip in six countries, so we can start a co-operation in the future. Say hello to my wife and have a nice New Year's Eve Gregor.
Hi Husisblogg: Husse and maths must keep going because husis wants to go on new adventures. Long walks every day and some high jumps are good for your health, haha. Go for it and thank you for writing to us:-). Take care of yourselves.
30 December 2016 - 18:28
Peter Bergström says:
Steve: You make me happy! I'll say it again. You make me happy! How wonderful is development when it comes here. We share our life and how empty it would be without a Steve to share it with us. I wish you a warm lovely 2017.
Åse: Hi Åse and what fun that you write and I appreciate it. I do not know where you are but you should have a good ending and so we bet on a good year 2017. hugs from me.
30 December 2016 - 18:37
BP says:
Answer: Hahaha! Nikke is NOT a misspelling in case you thought so! Nikke with two "k"s - my God, he is not one of the crowd. He's supposed to be different from the average Svensson, just like you. Baptised electronic gadgets last longer and are more tunable. At least that's my experience;-)
30 December 2016 - 20:08
Ama de casa says:
Oh yes... I have a lot to read again when I get to a wiffi-free zone... That is, a zone with free wiffi 😀.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a Happy New Year!
Hugs to you both!
31 December 2016 - 0:26
Birgitta in Umeå says:
Have a good ending! And, of course, I'll be following you over the next year, whether you're in the campervan or the houseboat.
We ourselves are as usual in "our second home" (or third) in Paleochora, the small fishing village in south-west Crete. Here we rent a small studio for 6 weeks in December-January. It will now be the 6th year.
And we are guaranteed to be asleep by 12 o'clock!
31 December 2016 - 6:06
Matts Torebring says:
Together, you are fantastically skilled at creating and decorating It has certainly become cool. Over the years, I have become more and more aesthetic and want everything to match with colours. You are on the same track. The new Kabe Imperial 910 has just that little extra. Few motorhomes have it, as they have managed to do in terms of interior and exterior design. I'm not as handy as you, so I have to buy ready-made. Good continuation
31 December 2016 - 9:05
Peter Bergström says:
BP: Now it's up to Nikke to deliver and tonight we toast the new year and a baptism. Let's go! Happy New Year.
Ama de Casa: The traitor, haha. We usually buy SIM cards in the country we are in but we need to be connected all the time. I think you are doing very well and I wish you a wonderful New Year's Eve. Hugs.
Birgitta in Umeå: We have been travelling for 5 or 6 weeks over Christmas for many years so I understand you. We have the luxury of living in Sweden and earn so much that we can travel, and we will because we can. Have a nice day and happy new year.
Matts Torebring: I think there is too much sloppy design everywhere, so I have to redesign everything to suit my world. I know what you mean and it's great that some manufacturer has found the right one, and Kabe too. Have a nice evening and let's bet on a good year 2017!
31 December 2016 - 10:01
Monet says:
Thank you for your fantastic blog and especially for combining professionalism with such a warm and personal approach to everyone. We have now sold our Liberty - synonymous with Freedom - to a young and enthusiastic couple. Funnily enough, they drove it straight down from Skåne where it was sold to warm Spain. On the way, they passed us in Provence and brought lots of household items, maps, colour-coordinated sheets and towels and we even gave them our newly purchased mobile AC! Both unexpected, fun and sad to see our nice car that we have had such fantastic experiences in. But each thing has its time and how we will travel in the future remains to be seen. There is nothing wrong with a regular car with nice excursions and exciting overnight stays between Provence and Sweden either! We have always driven like that before the motorhome era and like to be "on the road". We will continue to follow you on the road and maybe give you some new tips as well. I wish again that you take the time to come by us here in Provence so we can show and tell you about an absolutely fantastic place on earth! Here you stand unspoilt and scenic a stone's throw from our village for as long as you want. And with good French food next door. That's what we're having tonight at our nearest vineyard - a sumptuous New Year's Eve meal with free-flowing wine, happy French people, a disco with a DJ, hats, kisses and sequins all around. We feel worthy of it after a year dominated by hospital stays, surgery and difficult diagnoses and are happy to be back on our feet again. So Happy New Year to you and Helena and all your blog friends who, like us, are surely looking forward to new Freedom adventures! Warm French hugs from us!
31 December 2016 - 11:45
Åke Hammarbäck says:
I must agree to say Happy New Year!
We are invited to a New Year's celebration with friends, catering that we pre-ordered so no one has to work in the kitchen for hours, take the motorhome there and park on their plot, the heat on so we can sleep comfortably after the celebration.
Have a cosy New Year's Eve everyone! 🙂
31 December 2016 - 18:18
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
Nice to read about how the FREEDOM motorhome and your blog came about. Yes, it has certainly led to freedom and success! 🙂
New Year's Eve was spent at home with the family. There was good food and drink, of course.
I wish you a very happy new year!
01 January 2017 - 17:47
Ama de casa says:
How great you got FREEDOM! A super gorgeous motorhome 🙂
Although I thought you looked like you were enjoying yourself there at the tent in Tanzania in the last post as well 😉.
Having a SIM card in the countries you visit doesn't seem like a bad idea. But we visited 8 countries in a month and were not ashore for very long in any of them, so it was not an option. Then I preferred to experience the places. I rarely put myself in a wiffi-less situation, but on the boat it was simply so terribly expensive (although I became a fan of turning the connection on and off so as not to waste minutes. Haha!)
21 January 2017 - 11:58