Ok, here we go and it's Peter on the trigger. FREEDOMtravel and Nikon have started a collaboration for 2017. I picked up a Nikon 360 camera today, at their office in Solna with various accessories.
I will receive training on the 360 camera from product manager Mattias Hjortzberg in early January on the condition that I buy a new phone. I can borrow the camera until June and then we will evaluate how it goes. Am I worried about whether I can perform and deliver? Not a chance! Has Nikon taken the criticism to heart? 100 %! Follow my story about what happened on Friday, the day before Christmas Eve.
Table of contents
Back with the camera
What a crazy world we live in and what a carousel. After I wrote the post on Friday morning, I sent an email to Mattias at Nokia, that I wanted a buyback on my camera. He replied that he thought it was boring, and it is appreciated. I went to Media Markt and got my money back. Just when I got home, Mattias calls me and apologises for the way this has been handled. Finally and great I think.

Nikon 360 camera
We talk about how this information about the app should and would have been handled, and that it should not be a misunderstanding to other consumers. Some kind of compensation from Nikon is close at hand for all the hard work and shit I've been through, I thought. Mattias said he would talk to the marketing department. I went home to the boat and was very up and down.
Few people understand what the world will look like in three years online, but I do. Video, 360 video, AI, AR, you name it! We want to develop the blog with a travel experience on a larger scale and that requires tools, and I've just given mine away. It was supposed to work but didn't.
no power
After six months of anticipation to start working for the future, I fell. I switched off and just fell asleep 45 minutes before meeting my son who wanted to spend some Christmas with his dad.
It was the strain of 17 hours a day 24/7 and a dream gone by a bloody app. There were several text messages but I couldn't even get up and look at my phone. At two o'clock the phone rings and I know I have to answer it.

Hello, hello, hello! This is Madeleine, the marketing manager at Nikon. I'm at a loss and don't understand anything at first. She says she wants to apologise for everything that has happened, and they are really taking it hard and this is not good. She asks if we can start from scratch with 2017 and if I want that, or if I hate Nikon after what happened?
Our policy
I'm still completely lost and down, but I want this. I want to develop the blog but I don't want to be bought. I don't want everyone who follows us even remotely thinking that, well, Nikon did their thing and they fell for the pressure. I really want a partner who is as passionate about the market as I am, on one condition! If the product doesn't measure up, we always tell the truth.
Fun and hard work
Madeleine says that Nikon wants to educate me on Key Mission 360, and that they are happy to receive consumer feedback on their products in order to move forward and improve. Nikon has one requirement and that is to get a newer phone if we are to work together. It's just now that the tears start flowing! I realise that I am in a damn imbalance after everything that has happened on this roller coaster. Do I always have to go 100 % on everything?!

A few hours later, she calls back at five o'clock on the day before Christmas, and I ask her if it's time to go home for Christmas holidays? Madeleine says she doesn't want to go on holiday until everything is fine. She wants to work on alternatives and solutions and she wants to do well. I've always had to take responsibility for my mistakes in my life but few companies do that. Thank you Nikon for being human. Peter.
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
This was great to read (especially for me who has always been a Nikon fan, both in terms of microscopes and cameras). Now we just have to hope the collaboration will be rewarding for all parties. A blog with many readers is actually a power factor to be reckoned with, then it is only to be hoped that it also benefits the little person as well....
28 December 2016 - 6:22
Lennart says:
I hope it will be good.
28 December 2016 - 7:03
Lena - good for the soul says:
Go, go, go! Both you and Nikon! Well done!
Hug Lena
28 December 2016 - 7:11
Mr Steve says:
It's amazing that something good came out of this rollercoaster in the end. What a sign of strength for FREEDOMtravel and what a fantastic effort by you. "All in" as always. Not many would be able to take on such a battle. In the end, Nikon is also approved by me. I hope that what they have now learnt will also benefit other customers. Then you have raked the manege also for "the little man".
Your future collaboration is what I call a win-win arrangement. You get to be involved in testing/developing new products and Nikon gets a product developer of the highest calibre. Therefore, I think they should offer the new phone. Good continuation!
28 December 2016 - 7:15
Imelda says:
Good luck!
28 December 2016 - 7:33
Ditte says:
Good of Nikon to "puddle" and perhaps your views can be included in a rewritten manual where it is also clearly stated which phone is required for the camera to work. In any case, waiting with my purchase and certainly the other major players will soon enter the market. Nice with a collaboration and hope to hear more about it. Exciting for sure.
28 December 2016 - 7:42
Peter Bergström says:
Britt-marie Lundgren: Of course I'm happy that Nikon took the step they did, and I never let go of a consumer who has a problem, and you know that. I hope that we can contribute to a shorter information path when we sit in the middle between Nikon and the consumer.
Lennart: Thank you!!!
Lena - Good for the soul: You are too cute Lena:-). I think cooperation will benefit both of us and fate wanted it to be this way. I wonder what else the goddess of fate has planned? Hugs.
Imelda: Thank you!
Steve: Haha, go for it Steve! The little guy shouldn't get hurt as long as I'm around. I got a couple of readers who hadn't been able to get their Nikon cameras to work with the internet download, and I will look into that. If it is that you do not understand or something else that makes it not work, someone must help. If it's like with me, you have to solve it somehow. It is the company's credibility and brand that is at stake, and it is easy to destroy but takes a lot of energy to build up. Thank you for a great attitude Steve.
Hi Ditte: You have a similar phone to me so I understand that you are waiting. We will see how the app works, and of course there will be lots of players in a very hot video market. The collaboration will be interesting and exciting and I have great plans for the future.
28 December 2016 - 8:18
Deciree says:
It's amazing that Nikon goes to such lengths for the sake of the customer. It was very good for you, I think. Things that cost so much should just work ... that's how it is ! Now we wait with excitement what you will deliver :-)) Hugs to you both 🙂 .
28 December 2016 - 8:46
Across the board says:
But so nice that it worked out so well! It was a bit of this I meant, when I compared you to Zlatan earlier; energetic, determined, stubborn with full focus forward. And green 🙂
Now it will be very exciting to see what comes in 2017.
Have the best time
28 December 2016 - 8:53
Marina says:
I'm glad it worked out! And that they had the ability to solve it. Now we hope that it will be really good and I look forward to the result! Go for it (or maybe we should say "go for it"...).
28 December 2016 - 9:07
Christian says:
Well handled by Nikon in retrospect and glad you got your energy back! Will be fun to see the result!
28 December 2016 - 9:54
Peter Bergström says:
Deciree: It's going to be great fun delivering experiences to you and my brain is going into overdrive. It's hard to take an expensive thing as you say that has flaws. I think Nikon doesn't want to miss out on Christmas shopping and so they had some issues with the app, but that has to come out. I understand Nikon because I am also self-employed, but then you also need to have a greater understanding of the market when something happens. I think we can help the market for many consumers if something goes wrong.
Across the board. You're just too wonderful! I guess I'm a really stubborn bastard who never gives up. If you can fly to the moon, you can do most things on earth too. Take care of yourself and many hugs.
28 December 2016 - 9:57
Diana's dreams says:
Looking forward to your evaluation Hugs Diana
28 December 2016 - 9:57
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
It will be exciting to follow this journey! 🙂
28 December 2016 - 10:01
Peter Bergström says:
Christian: Thank you! I will do this well, I just know it. It's really good for Nikon to find a way and move on. I got a nice Christmas present from my oldest son Robin. He misses that we do so little now because the economy is not the best, so he invited us to an Armin concert at the Amsterdam arena in early May. The Arena 360 video will be a highlight.
28 December 2016 - 10:02
Peter Bergström says:
Diana's Dreams: I am also curious about what this will provide and that the product will work well. I will get back to you and thank you for writing. Hugs
28 December 2016 - 10:04
Snows says:
I who always choose Nikon hope that it is a serious company that chooses to have a professional approach.
28 December 2016 - 10:23
Goatfish says:
Let's hope for a good co-operation and that you will all be satisfied in the end.
The old year is almost over, tut tut 😀.
28 December 2016 - 11:22
nils-åke says:
What a thing. Now we are waiting for reports
28 December 2016 - 11:29
Peter Bergström says:
Znogge: That's pretty much what they did now after what happened. I just want them to react earlier IF it happens again.
Geddfish: So much has happened this year, and I'm sure it will continue this way next year, with more menu. Goodbye Gerd.
Nils-Åke: Absolutely right! What a thing and of course there will be a report very soon.
28 December 2016 - 11:42
åsa in åsele says:
How happy I am when I now realise that Nikon actually understood and reacted,
I look forward to your cooperation and hope for a good response from Nikon and that they continue to make the right choice and thus keep their customers happy.
I understand that it was hard for you Peter and I hope you now get a few days of rest and can recharge your batteries in the best possible way for 2017.
Take care of yourselves <3
28 December 2016 - 12:01
Lars Permeln says:
I am a Nikon fan and am very happy that the company finally took a good sensible approach to the situation. It will be both interesting and fun to follow your tests and your development with the 360 camera.
28 December 2016 - 12:43
JoY says:
Big praise to you Peter who managed all the trouble with a big company, it is not easy. Likewise, a praise to Nikon who took the criticism and that you make something good out of it all. Looking forward to what you can do together.
28 December 2016 - 12:43
Peter Bergström says:
Åsa in Åsele: Hi Åsa: I am loading up and the new year starts with wallmans Krogshow and I want to be there and take photos and film. It sits in the spine. Then it will be the Alps so full speed in the new year.
Thank you Lars Permelin. I'm very much looking forward to developing this and it's still only the beginning of what's to come. The next few years are very important that you are involved, and that Nikon is involved because things are moving very fast now.
Joy: That's right, and Nikon doesn't know yet what kind of madman they've got on their hands, haha. Nikon has probably already understood that there are few who always go into 100 %, but now they have one. I am also never someone who just receives, without giving back. It will be exciting.
28 December 2016 - 13:07
Christine's Stories - Cape Town Edition says:
Great to see companies working in this way! And great attitude from your side. I myself am a Canon girl 🙂
28 December 2016 - 15:08
Role o Carina says:
Wonderful, then we will see nice reports in the future and pictures! 🙂
Enjoy and good luck....
28 December 2016 - 15:55
Peter Bergström says:
Rolle & Carina: Of course you can and I hope to start very soon. Hugs.
28 December 2016 - 16:03
Lena in Wales says:
Good luck! I'm sure it will be great!
28 December 2016 - 16:53
BP says:
All's well that ends well, as they say. Well done Peter! Praise to Nikon who takes the criticism and does something good. Like Steve, I think the company should stand for a more modern mobile phone, and let you buy the camera for a pittance after the evaluation period is over.
Great that they train you!
PS. The Freedom bracelets are really cool. DS.
28 December 2016 - 16:56
Cat's Considerations says:
Great reading! I think Nikon makes a big profit here! Congratulations to all of you!
28 December 2016 - 17:42
Matts Torebring says:
Good thing you're young Peter, even I get a headache just thinking about instruction manuals. No, I have to screw everything together first, wait a fortnight, then I can start reading the manual. Good luck, I am waiting to see the result.
28 December 2016 - 18:56
Husis blog says:
How wonderful that it turned out this way against a big giant!
Admire you for really going all in on this and "winning the battle"
Now it seems that Nikon also drew a lottery ticket to get you as a tester so the owners are looking forward to good reviews of this camera so my one owner can make a decision if he should also buy a new camera, but he will probably wait a little while before it becomes a Nikon.
28 December 2016 - 19:38
Kia says:
I like Nikon. Probably always have.
We are quite often away at Christmas but not always abroad. It's usually Dalarna or Finland.
Have a great time!
// Kia
28 December 2016 - 21:31
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
That's great! I hope the collaboration can help take the work on the blog in the direction you want!
28 December 2016 - 22:10
Rantamor on the retina says:
Looking forward to its continuation.
A northerner living with a northerner...kind of!!!!
Love your travel stories.
Tjingelingen from Rantamor and Rantafar.
28 December 2016 - 22:34
Peter Bergström says:
Dryden - traveller's edition: Glad Daniel that you want to join the journey, and I WILL deliver. There is no other way.
Christine's stories: Hi and what fun that you write and in a wonderful way. You are really a Canon girl:-). My task is to show you some 360 videos, so we'll see what you think. hugs.
Lena in Wales: Thank you very much Lena.
Haha BP: We have some for you here at home, so see you at Elmia!!!!
Katta's thoughts: What a great attitude! I believe we can do well together and that we are good for each other. THANK YOU!
Matts Torebring: I know what you mean Matts. normally I'm the same but now I'm passionate about something and my inspiration level has gone through the roof. I like to be called young but not at the same time. After I turned 50 I was a seeker and now I'm a man and that's where I want to be.
Husisblogg: Of course I'll squeeze in a test with the camera and the new mobile phone so everyone can see how it works. I have read up on it and will put it through several tests. It's really nice that you come along on the journey and I want it to be up to par, so we will see.
Marianne - Glimpse of the world. Surely it is exciting about what happens. What fun that you write and in the direction that I want travel experiences to be experienced, only 360 can do. Feel good and many hugs.
Rantamor with snacks haha. I am so happy to have you as a friend online and you contribute so much positivity, so I am happy just because you write. We are going hard in 2017 and we want so much more than 2016, so here we go!
28 December 2016 - 23:25
Christine - 29°. says:
What a rollercoaster it seems to have been, but it's nice that Nikon "listened" properly. I look forward to where this leads. 🙂
29 December 2016 - 16:18