Tonight we celebrate the new year, and of course we hope that 2017 will be a great year! Of course, we don't have a full plan for the year, but we already know that a lot will happen here at FREEDOMtravel in 2017. We have exciting plans for travel, motorhome trips, fairs and news for the blog. We hope you'll join us!
Table of contents
New Trips coming up

Our first planned trip is to Austria already in January. It will be the first time on skis in the Alps for us and it will be so exciting!
We are also going to a concert in Amsterdam arena, we have plans for another trip to the Malta - this time with an adventure theme, we have registered interest in a blogging trip to France. Israel, we have discussed a cruise and of course we have won a trip to Belgrade in Serbia. And there will certainly be more trips than that ... even if we don't have the full picture yet.
Motorhome holidays

Poor FREEDOM is still in the workshop, but we fully expect to have a healthy motorhome by spring. We have big plans for a longer campervan trip in Central and Eastern Europe, to explore countries such as Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Serbia. Exactly how I will combine it with a supposed full-time job I have not figured out yet, but we will see what is possible. Of course, there will be travelling with the motorhome in Sweden also!
Fairs and events

What we have planned so far is that we will be at Caravan Stockholm at Kistamässan in February and at Vildmarksmässan at Stockholmsmässan in March.
At both fairs we will have a table and live-blog, and at Caravan Stockholm we will also hold two lectures. We also already know that there will be more fairs and events in the form of Travel Massive, Nordic Travelblog event and Stockholm Travel Show, among others ...
New technologies

Since we have now started a collaboration with Nikon, we will try to film a lot with the new 360 technology, which allows you to see the film in 360 degrees (either by moving around the image with the mouse pointer or by clicking on the picture). enter the picture using VR glasses).
Already now you can see our first 360 film, from the houseboat on our Youtube channel. However, please note that you can only view it in 360 format if you have the latest version of the Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera browsers. We have also uploaded our first 360 photo on our website. Facebook page. Please like the FB page to keep up with all the news!
News on the blog
- Guest of the Week ends - Almost every Saturday in 2016, we have featured Guest of the week. It's been great fun interviewing all these exciting people, but now we're calling it a day and moving on.
- Happy Friday - Peter will continue to write Happy Friday every Friday. The story of his life won't go on forever, of course, but you can look forward to other happy and personal Friday posts.
- Monday news - Peter will also start writing on Mondays from mid-January. There will of course be no boring newspaper news - but personal reflections on the latest in travel, camping, technology and digitalisation. Complicated technical news in simple Swedish, so to speak. Don't miss it!
We are very much looking forward to 2017 and hope you will join us on this journey! We also take the opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year!

Lennart says:
31 December 2016 - 6:51
Henny says:
I see a very rich 2017. It will be exciting to follow you. But first I wish you a Really Nice New Year celebration from California where we celebrate with a pyjama party. (At my age it is allowed with foolishness).
31 December 2016 - 7:36
Inga Magnusson says:
Sounds like you have an exciting year ahead of you! Happy New Year 2017!
31 December 2016 - 7:39
Mr Steve says:
I see that I will be "travelling" next year as well. I am looking forward to that.
I wish you a happy New Year and then a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2017!
31 December 2016 - 7:55
Ditte says:
Lots of fun and interesting things going on for 2017. Great! It will be fun to follow along.
Wishing you a happy ending and a very Happy New Year.
I am on a work trip to the front of Sweden and have a full, fun and eventful day and late evening ahead of me.
31 December 2016 - 7:55
Lena - good for the soul says:
You have so much going on! That's great. Of course I'm coming with you!
Wishing you both a happy new year!
Hug Lena
31 December 2016 - 8:11
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
I wish you a very Happy New Year! Looks like we get to join you on many wonderful journeys and maybe get some ideas for our own explorations!
31 December 2016 - 9:01
Matts Torebring says:
Wow, you've got a lot going on. I couldn't manage that pace myself. But I still feel quite proud to be able to manage the pace at work that I still keep. But I am only 7.0 in 2017. I said to an entrepreneur, 82, yesterday, when he ordered coffee, "now you have to stop"! "What should I do then", he replied. In other words, it is probably more useful to keep going, as both you and we do. Happy New Year.
31 December 2016 - 9:20
nils-åke says:
Happy New Year to you from us
31 December 2016 - 9:23
Husis blog says:
What cosy accommodation and the camera worked perfectly. Exciting to go on a tour like that and fun to be able to decide what is shown.
I hope you will come to Elmia again this year and my owners can go and visit you.
The male owner is looking forward to Happy Friday very much as he really likes Peter's commitment and empathy in his writing.
Wishing you and FREEDOM a Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 9:38
Comsi Comsa says:
A good ending and a real one:
Happy New Year 2017 to you.
Hugs ❤️
31 December 2016 - 9:56
Ms M says:
Happy New Year!
Exciting trips for 2017 look like they will be for you. Good luck with these and the blog.
31 December 2016 - 9:57
GlobetrotterElisa says:
Happy New Year! I look forward to following you in 2017!
31 December 2016 - 10:23
Goatfish says:
I want to wish you a Happy New Year 😀 2017 and will of course "travel" with you! Exciting!
Hugs ❤️
31 December 2016 - 10:27
admin says:
Lennart, wishing you also a Happy New Year!!!
Henny, haha you will surely have a great time at your pyjama party! Is it a common concept over there? Wishing you a really Happy New Year!
Inga, thank you very much! Happy New Year!!!
Steve, I'm glad you want to continue to "come along" on our trips! We wish you a Happy New Year!
Ditte, it sounds exciting! Hope you can read about it on your blog in the future! Wishing you a happy new 2017!
Lena, there is always something going on ... 😉 Happy New Year!
Britt-Marie, if we can inspire different travel destinations and experiences in 2017, we will be happy! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Matts, you keep a pretty high pace yourself! 😉 Sometimes it can be too much of course, but we are probably also those who prefer to have a little too much than a little too little 😉 Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Nils-Åke, we wish you the same!!!
Husisblogg, we have not had time to think about Elmia yet, but we will of course return when we know what happens with it! Glad to hear that your owners appreciate Happy Friday 🙂 Happy New Year we wish!
Comsi Comsa, thank you and you too!!!
FrkM, thank you and Happy New Year!
Globetrotterelisa, thank you and Happy New Year!
Geddfish, glad you continue "travelling" with us! 🙂 Wishing you a Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 10:42
Johnny Friskilä says:
What fun! Happy new year to you! Hope you get to go on the blog trip to Israel! Camping in the Middle East would be fun!
31 December 2016 - 10:54
Across the board says:
A really Happy New Year I see that you will have. Looked at youtube with Safari - what a fun houseboat you have 🙂 It reminded me very much of Gaudi's fun house in Barcelona (yes I know - I will download chrome or something... )
Have a great evening!
31 December 2016 - 11:01
Åsa says:
Happy New Year!!!
31 December 2016 - 11:03
JoY says:
Joining the 360 was fun, it just took a while before I realised how to do it hihhi.
We wish you a Happy New Year 2017
31 December 2016 - 11:32
Lena says:
It has been great to follow you as you "keep up the momentum" ?
31 December 2016 - 11:37
åsa in åsele says:
Thank you for this year.
Happy New Year.
31 December 2016 - 11:47
admin says:
Johnny, we hope for Israel! Camping in the Middle East? Haha, who knows? 😉
Crisscross, haha, yes I know what it looks like when you try to look in Safari 😉 I guess Safari will also do 360 in the future, but not yet.
Åsa, you too!!!
JoY, yes it is a bit unusual, really new technology!
Lena, glad to hear that you appreciate following us! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Åse, thank you very much! Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 12:16
LinizTravel says:
What an exciting journey!!!! Following of course!!! Hugs Happy New Year!!!
31 December 2016 - 12:17
Mr Lars Permelin says:
I look forward to following you in 2017. Thank you for your greetings. We also wish you a Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 12:18
The travel dream says:
Of course I will continue to follow you on the blog. Fun with your renewals on the blog. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 12:19
Deciree says:
Wow, you have a lot to look forward to here in the future 🙂 Good for you. Happy ending and happy new year friends 🙂
31 December 2016 - 13:00
Only British says:
Happy new year! Hoping for exciting reading about Central Europe which I also like.
31 December 2016 - 13:22
admin says:
Liniztravel, wishing you a Happy New Year! Hugs from us
Lars, glad you are "keeping up"! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
The travel dream, it's so nice that you're "following along"! Happy New Year!
Deciree, yes there is a lot going on... Wishing you a Happy New Year! Hugs
Just British, glad you like Central Europe too! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 13:35
Anita MAlta says:
Wow, what a lot of exciting things you have ahead of you in 2017. Wishing you both a Really Happy New Year!!! When you come to Malta again, you must shout 😉 I myself have far from so many plans and thoughts for next year more than taking advantage of the present and thinking positively. Hugs // Anita
31 December 2016 - 13:54
Ann-Sofie and Lennart says:
Exciting plans!
31 December 2016 - 15:32
BP says:
You will not roll the rooms in 2017 either, I see! Great! Will happily follow along, just as I have done since ... do not even remember when I started following your blog;-)
Nice to read that Peter continues with Happy Friday and that he "relieves" you on Mondays in the future. Considering that you will work full time, want to travel a lot and write posts, you will be busy if you say so.
Thank you for a great 2016 with you! Wishing you an equally exciting 2017. See you then:-)
31 December 2016 - 15:59
Motorhome internship says:
Sounds like a rich and exciting year! Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 17:00
Ann-Louise says:
Sounds exciting and will be fun to follow. Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 17:17
Anette says:
Happy New Year?
Of course I'll be joining you on your further adventures.
31 December 2016 - 18:15
Ann-Charlotte says:
It sounds like we have a lot of exciting things to look forward to ☺ Happy New Year!
31 December 2016 - 21:03
Catherine says:
Amazing Freedom! Keep up the momentum in 2017. Happy new years! 🙂
01 January 2017 - 2:40
Anki says:
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
01 January 2017 - 6:31
Clara, The Boss Blog says:
What inspiring and wonderful plans! Will be a pleasure to follow in 2017 too 🙂 Good continuation!
01 January 2017 - 12:20
Carita Liljendahl says:
Will start reading your blog more continuously! Not a New Year's resolution per se, but something I want because I think it can make my everyday life richer and happier.
Looking forward to one day being able to afford to travel again, when we get the property sold, have been waiting for it in the small town over 2.5 years ... do not want to lose hope!
01 January 2017 - 19:17
Renate's travels says:
This sounds exciting! Also, thank you so much for letting me be one of your Saturday guests on the blog. It will be fun to follow you into the new year, and I wish you a very happy new year! 😀
01 January 2017 - 20:00
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
I'm guessing you're going to have a busy travel and blogging year! It will be exciting to follow along. Happy new year!
02 January 2017 - 0:11
Sofia // says:
What an incredible year you have ahead of you. It is really inspiring, what you are doing. Have liked on FB now, so I will follow you. Hope you have a wonderful start to 2017! 🙂
03 January 2017 - 7:33
admin says:
Anita Malta, of course we cheer when we get to Malta! Wishing good continuation of the new year!!!
Ann-Sofie and Lennart, thank you very much!!!
BP, don't know when I started following your blog either, feels like "forever" 😉 See you in 2017!!!!
Motorhome internship, best wishes for the future!
Ann-Louise, glad you are "following along" and wish you all the best!
Katarina, yes it starts with full speed 😉 Wishing you a great travel year!!!
Anki, good continuation!!!
Clara, Bossblog, how nice that you want to join us! See you in the blog world!
Carita Liljendahl, oh how nice to hear! That's what makes us happy! 🙂 Wish you a happy new year and that you get the home sold !!!!
Renates Reiser, it is we who should thank you for wanting to be a guest with us!!! 🙂 Wish you a new nice travel year!
Marianne, wishing you too a wonderful new year!
Sofia/Hildas, what fun that you follow on FB! Wishing good continuation!
03 January 2017 - 7:55
Charlotte says:
What fun to read! Looking forward to all your trips 🙂 Good continuation!
03 January 2017 - 10:00
Wilda says:
Great to read all the exciting things that will happen for you in 2017! I wish you all the best and look forward to checking in here and following along. 🙂
03 January 2017 - 14:54
Fantasy travel says:
Many exciting plans! Looking forward to continuing to follow your adventures. Keep up the good work!
08 January 2017 - 12:27
Travel Friday says:
Go, go, go, sounds wonderful and exciting.
08 January 2017 - 13:36
Lina - The world according to AdrenaLina says:
What an exciting year you have ahead of you 🙂 Looking forward to following it!
13 January 2017 - 20:37