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What is AI? - about artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is robots in our society taking over the earth, haha. Not quite true but some of it could become reality. Everything is moving at a furious pace and everything is developing every day and as soon as someone comes up with a new solution, others follow suit. 47 per cent of jobs will be redesigned by 2035, and I look forward to a driverless car picking me up and taking me where I need to go.


What is AI?


Simply put, it is machine learning. We teach a programme what to do and how to think. The toughest task is to teach the programme emotions, but that comes like anything else. We have it everywhere in our societies and that's just the beginning. In addition, we have algorithms that are instructions in an AI programme. For example, when we post a picture on Facebook, the algorithms take care of the distribution to which recipients it should go to, and which others might be interested in my picture if I also want to pay for it.


We will see more new car models such as Google, Baidu, Apple and Uber that are driverless, and the technology here is absolutely fantastic. If there are now 40 million unemployed drivers in Europe alone, we need to change some jobs and further training. The good thing is that road deaths will disappear and the environment will be better with batteries.

A Google car perhaps

The Terminator

Since we can't stop progress, we use AI to become better than the best. We program everything and even teach the programme to be better by itself. What happens when the programme figures out who is killing the Earth and its resources? AI has been designed to find the best solution to preserve the Earth, and we go first, of course. We are a consumable for a computer so take the opportunity to live, haha.

other news

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  • Advertising will explode in our car phones in 2017:-(. On Facebook, Instagram and in Snapchat, companies are spending a lot of money on advertising this year. Will we take it?
  • The number of nights spent abroad in Sweden increased by 3.1 % in 2016. We have 13.9 million overnight stays and thus have the most of the Nordic countries in terms of numbers.
  • SAS is investing heavily in direct routes between 28 June and 9 August. How about Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Greece, Italy and new direct routes to Lisbon and Ibiza.
  • Telenor has abolished its roaming charges in all EU and EEA countries, if you have Telenor Freedom. If you have signed a subscription before June 2016, you can upgrade with Telenor and manage your mobile phone with the same charges and surf as at home. Telenor has now also extended its services to Malaysia, Thailand and Burma with the same rates as at home.

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