Artificial Intelligence (AI) is robots in our society taking over the earth, haha. Not quite true but some of it could become reality. Everything is moving at a furious pace and everything is developing every day and as soon as someone comes up with a new solution, others follow suit. 47 per cent of jobs will be redesigned by 2035, and I look forward to a driverless car picking me up and taking me where I need to go.
Table of contents
What is AI?

Simply put, it is machine learning. We teach a programme what to do and how to think. The toughest task is to teach the programme emotions, but that comes like anything else. We have it everywhere in our societies and that's just the beginning. In addition, we have algorithms that are instructions in an AI programme. For example, when we post a picture on Facebook, the algorithms take care of the distribution to which recipients it should go to, and which others might be interested in my picture if I also want to pay for it.
We will see more new car models such as Google, Baidu, Apple and Uber that are driverless, and the technology here is absolutely fantastic. If there are now 40 million unemployed drivers in Europe alone, we need to change some jobs and further training. The good thing is that road deaths will disappear and the environment will be better with batteries.

The Terminator
Since we can't stop progress, we use AI to become better than the best. We program everything and even teach the programme to be better by itself. What happens when the programme figures out who is killing the Earth and its resources? AI has been designed to find the best solution to preserve the Earth, and we go first, of course. We are a consumable for a computer so take the opportunity to live, haha.
other news
- It looks like we are going to break records this year for travelling. The latest is Apollo, which has increased its sales by 20 % in the last few weeks. Most popular right now are Greece, Croatia and Mallorca.
- Influencers or bloggers will gain more influence in the market in 2017 and more companies will use their services.
- Advertising will explode in our car phones in 2017:-(. On Facebook, Instagram and in Snapchat, companies are spending a lot of money on advertising this year. Will we take it?
- The number of nights spent abroad in Sweden increased by 3.1 % in 2016. We have 13.9 million overnight stays and thus have the most of the Nordic countries in terms of numbers.
- SAS is investing heavily in direct routes between 28 June and 9 August. How about Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Greece, Italy and new direct routes to Lisbon and Ibiza.
- Telenor has abolished its roaming charges in all EU and EEA countries, if you have Telenor Freedom. If you have signed a subscription before June 2016, you can upgrade with Telenor and manage your mobile phone with the same charges and surf as at home. Telenor has now also extended its services to Malaysia, Thailand and Burma with the same rates as at home.
Lennart says:
What a development.
Almost enough to scare you!
30 January 2017 - 6:55
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
It will be really interesting to follow the technological development in the future and see how fast the development will happen!
30 January 2017 - 7:39
Peter Bergström says:
Lennart: It's a bit crazy but very exciting, and I will be involved in a lot of it. It will be difficult for the developing countries, which are lagging behind even more now in development, and have to catch up with two generations.
Marianne - glimpse of the world: We will notice a difference every year, so it will be like living in a film.
30 January 2017 - 7:51
Jenn - forever abroad says:
So nice to start the week with this news - THANK YOU! <3
I myself have a trip planned to London with my boyfriend in 2 weeks, a trip to Munich / Alps in mid-March. And then I hope for an Easter in Gällivare!
30 January 2017 - 8:22
Ama de casa says:
I can only hope that AI is not just for the benefit of robots. It wouldn't be bad to get some intelligence myself at some point - whether it's artificial doesn't matter to me. Haha! 😀
Travel plans this year? Well... I'll probably stay home. 😉
30 January 2017 - 9:10
Goatfish says:
Monday news, yes I thank you, me!
It's both exciting and scary. But, as with everything else, we will probably get used to it and say as always - it was better before, haha 😀.
So far, I'm involved in screwing, connecting and clicking 😉.
My next trip will be by bus/train to Värmland on Wednesday, it's nice to have the kids both here and there?
30 January 2017 - 9:27
Peter Bergström says:
Jenn - forever abroad: What fun that you like to get some info about what we live in and some mixed updates. You have some booked already and I like to look forward to something that you think will be extra fun. I would like to go skiing again but we will see what comes in February.
AMA DE CASA: Unfortunately there is no plug-in yet, but you never know. Maybe they can fill you up with info if you live long, haha. We are already inferior to the information provided by the internet and it gets worse. We who do not live in the heat need to move all the time so we do not freeze to death up here in the Nordic countries. We empty Sweden in July so watch out:-).
30 January 2017 - 9:30
Peter Bergström says:
Geddfish: You do everything right! You're moving around and keeping up with technology, so your brain and heart get their share. What was better in the past was the joy and that many things were possible. Work was everywhere and since no one wanted to sit at home, there were friends everywhere. I would say give and take.
30 January 2017 - 9:36
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
Really nice that EU directives make it easier to surf abroad now and good of Telenor to extend it. As a Halebop user, I have to wait until June...
30 January 2017 - 10:39
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
During my last 20 years in the industry, we had several robot cells operating the machines. One man managed several groups with programming.
30 January 2017 - 12:04
BP says:
Yep, it's all about keeping up with technological developments. Soon humans will no longer be needed, which may not be a great loss considering what is happening in the world right now...
Incredibly positive with Telenor. Hope Telia follows soon, as I happen to have Telia.
I'm sick and tired of all forms of advertising, especially those awful blurbs on newspaper websites and at
Travel plans - yes, one or two trips down to Spain will probably happen this year as well.
30 January 2017 - 15:02
Mr Steve says:
Reduced to a consumable. Phew!!!
30 January 2017 - 16:00
Lars Permeln says:
Driverless cars are not something I'm looking forward to. I think there are so many other things that should be prioritised and developed, such as creating transport systems that minimise heavy vehicles on the roads.
30 January 2017 - 16:11
Farmers' wives says:
Exciting info! Currently planning my next trip. Liked the last post and pondered the questions for a long time myself. I wrote about a car park in the city where I live on my blog yesterday.
30 January 2017 - 18:22
Peter Bergström says:
Dryden: Finally, the fees are dropped and we don't have to look for wifi places. I hope they remove all codes on the internet everywhere in the world so we can surf freely everywhere. Slovenia started 5 years ago to have free internet in the whole country. Great there!
Nils-Åke Hansson: Of course, robots have been around for a long time, but now they are making their way into the hands of us consumers in earnest. We will see how it will work.
BP: If we're going to replace a few people, many people probably know who to start with, haha. I will be part of all the fun that happens but when it gets worse, I have said thank you and goodnight.
A bit of fun with Telenor taking credit for releasing the internet in all these countries, but it is EU directives that have created it. It's good anyway.
Steve: It may sound awful but there is a point too. We have used up the earth and there are too many of us. By the time we get to making food artificially, there are too many of us. Put a ban on having more than one child for 20 years and we're back on track.
Lars Permeln: Absolutely right Lars: I really want to get heavy traffic off the roads and I think they should go on rails. I don't know why it should be so difficult to fix. I want it on a railway track like an assembly line where you just load everything that needs to be sent. How hard can it be?
Gärdsmygen: Glad you like a bit of news. when it comes a little further on, I will include campsites, pitches, motorhomes and caravans of course. I will mix properly and in March there will also be boats....
30 January 2017 - 19:23
Matts Torebring says:
I tested our private Hyundai Tucson on twisty roads. However, there were edge & centre lines on the road. I let go of the steering wheel and drove a few kilometres. The car stayed within the line markings all the time. But then a strong text appeared in the large menu display....
30 January 2017 - 19:24
Deciree says:
Wow, what a development we are heading towards with a bit of fearful delight. This with the roaming fee is gone feels absolutely fantastic. Only that is a good development 🙂
30 January 2017 - 21:32
Peter Bergström says:
Matts Torebring: Hahahaha, wonder what the insurance company says after such a test and it had not gone well. Soon you will not need a steering wheel and no warning texts.
Deciree: Just open your arms and say welcome. It's easier than fighting it.
31 January 2017 - 13:08