A few days ago we wrote about fish dishes with delicious accompaniments and then several people thought we should write about fish gratin as well. We really like fish gratin - it's so delicious and simple - so we thought we'd take the opportunity to write about some of our favourites. At the same time, we hope you'll share your favourite fish gratin recipes!
Fish stew in the campervan?
If you have an oven in your motorhome (which we do), it's great for cooking fish stew. The oven may take a little longer than at home, but if you just remember to switch it on in time, it's fine. Fish gratin is also convenient when you have a small kitchen. You put most of what you want to eat in a mould and hide it in the oven. You can then cook rice or potatoes in peace and quiet.
Simple fish gratins
Fish gratin is great because it is so easy to prepare. We often use cod or haddock. You simply place a piece of skinless fish fillet in a baking dish, sprinkle with any additional ingredients (such as prawns, crayfish tails or fried mushrooms) and finish by pouring the cooking cream mixed with any flavouring of your choice. Here are some suggestions for flavourings:
- Concentrated orange juice
- Shrimp and dill
- Sambal oelek
- Mushrooms and mashed blue cheese
Optionally, you can sprinkle some cheese over at the end. Then just put it in the oven at about 220 degrees for about 20 minutes. Here are some flavours that we like. How do you usually flavour your fish cakes?

Favourite gratin with salmon
Recently we've started making a really good salmon gratin. You put a piece of skinless salmon fillet in a baking dish and sprinkle it with crayfish tails. Then you mix cooking cream with dill, plenty of lobster cheese in a tube, a small splash of lobster stock and a little salt and pepper, and pour it over. Finally, sprinkle on some Västerbotten cheese and place in the oven (approx. 220 degrees for 25 minutes). Serve with boiled potatoes and broccoli. Or perhaps with rice and sugar peas.

Across the board says:
We usually make a shrimp gratin that is super tasty. https://husbilkorsotvars.wordpress.com/2012/03/03/rakgratang-2/
Tasty meal
15 February 2017 - 8:42
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
THANK YOU these recipes are great when I cook with the guys on Tuesday night.
15 February 2017 - 9:58
Eva - People in the Street says:
Yummy! I'm one of those people who prefers fish to meat, so thanks for the tips!
Have a great Wednesday!
15 February 2017 - 9:58
Ama de casa says:
Delicious! We often make fish soups (which are usually more like casseroles because sometimes it's hard to stop putting things in... 😉 ). It's usually a "man-takes-what-man-has" model. Except the fish itself then, we buy it fresh. 🙂
15 February 2017 - 10:08
Mr Steve says:
Wow, so many delicious things can be made from fish. We eat fish at least once a week, most recently yesterday. Cod we use most often. D can't stand salmon so we never eat it. My absolute favourite is Arctic char, but unfortunately it is hard to get down here. In the past, when I often went home to Norrland, I always took the opportunity to eat char.
15 February 2017 - 11:10
Birgitta in Umeå says:
Sambal oelek is an underrated flavouring. I use it in potato gratins, marinades, mix in my Greek olive oil, in meat sauce, minced meat steaks. Yes to a lot of things.
Blue cheese can also be used in many ways.
Recently I have learnt to fry fresh mushrooms in oil and finish the frying with ouzo, on the mushrooms. I can even eat it as a single dish. I got the recipe from Amorgos.
I always buy Greek locally produced sea salt from the Greek islands we visit. I now have quite a few kilos actually.
15 February 2017 - 12:39
Emma, sun like sun? says:
So we are hopeless with fish because I am so bad at preparing it. I think I'm a bit afraid of overdoing it with the spices and then it becomes boring.
I usually try to take it when we go out to eat instead!
But I usually get good Gambas al pil-pil, I'm a hipster so it will be different from time to time.
15 February 2017 - 13:40
Ditte says:
Fish in the oven is very practical and here we do it once a week and we always buy fresh fish whether we are at home or in Spain.
I have tried the dish you suggested with salmon and also replaced the crayfish tails with prawns and sometimes fresh mushrooms. I make a lot of salmon because it is easy to vary. I also make fish cakes once a week with fresh mussels, prawns and a couple of types of white sheep. Can also be varied endlessly.
Nice to have some recipe suggestions to add to the collections. Usually now I cook by ear and not with recipes and it feels like you do too. Fun to vary.
15 February 2017 - 16:34
admin says:
Criss-cross, sounds super tasty! Thanks for the tips!
Nils-Åke, it sounds nice to cook with the old men 🙂 .
Eva, we also prefer fish!
Ama de casa, fish soup (or fish stew) is a favourite here too!
Steve, Arctic char is good, but we don't usually buy it here... But we do buy seabream sometimes. And some other fish sometimes ...
Birgitta, glad that you also like and appreciate sambal! We also use it for all sorts of things, including stews. Interesting with ouzo on the mushrooms!!!
Emma, what is easy and difficult in cooking is probably a matter of habit, I think. Gambas are good! 🙂
Ditte, we also always buy fresh fish. But if we buy a whole side of salmon, for example, we sometimes freeze pieces ourselves. We also cook by ear most of the time. It is sometimes, when we want to try something completely new, that we look at recipes 😉.
15 February 2017 - 17:17
Matts Torebring says:
Everyone at work tells Birgitta to let you know the next time you make Laxlåda. So delicious and everyone eats lunch, even those who don't normally eat.
Recipes? Yes ask my dear wife!
15 February 2017 - 19:07
BP says:
When I see your pictures, I can safely say that I have never eaten fish gratin. Here it is mostly fish soup and fish stew. I also use cod/cole, but sometimes also monkfish or halibut and mussels are also used, of course.
15 February 2017 - 20:04
admin says:
Matts, salmon box sounds good! And fun when you notice that it is so appreciated!
BP, hmm ... I'm not sure what you mean when you say you've never eaten fish stew? Monkfish and halibut are good. We have bought it occasionally, but not often. Mussels are a favourite 🙂 .
16 February 2017 - 6:07
Biggeros says:
The salmon sounds delicious!!! I don't like fish with bones=/ I will try this one soon. Yesterday we ate cod fillet from Lidl but we found an incredible amount of bones in every other bite. Unfortunately my husband and I lost our appetite. Otherwise I had made a good Dijon sauce with cottage cheese and eggs. Sprinkled on shrimp. There was nothing wrong with the sauce.... Now it's salmon that applies =) hugs
16 February 2017 - 8:17
åsa in åsele says:
Now I realised something I miss in the caravan and that is an oven,
to fix food when the weather is less than ideal for grilling - murrikka, is not fun when the stove is small, or if there are four gas plates (is that what it's called?) but no,
then it's easier to go buy hamburgers 😉.
18 February 2017 - 14:16
Mia's Mix says:
Mmm good with fish! I make a fish gratin with cod, which I boil and place in an oven dish. Sprinkle homemade mashed potatoes around. Pour on a sauce made from butter, flour, the water the fish was cooked in, lots of dill, an egg yolk. Add lots of grated cheese and put it in the oven. We often make salmon in the oven. Whisk together cream, sambal olek, soya, garlic, salt and pepper. Add spinach and raw salmon and leave in the oven for 45 minutes. Yummy!
19 February 2017 - 21:30
admin says:
Biggeros, it's easy to find any bones in cod before you cook it! They are located at the spine, in the centre, at the thick end! I always check before I cook ... 😉 The sauce sounds good! But salmon is not bad either 😉 .
Åsa in Åsele, we don't want to be without the oven, we use it a lot! But there are of course alternatives ... and you can buy hamburgers 😉.
Mias Mix, that gratin sounds good, a bit like the fish gratin you buy ready-made 😉 But 45 minutes in the oven for salmon sounds very long? Won't it be dry then? (The flavouring sounds super good! :))
20 February 2017 - 7:33