Is there anything as delicious (and also happens to be healthy) as fish and vegetables? We're trying to eat more fish and vegetables, and less meat, and it's not that hard considering how delicious and easy it can be. Here are some of our top tips. Feel free to share yours!
Preparing fish
Sometimes we hear that cooking fish is difficult, but we are always surprised. If there's one thing that can be a little difficult to succeed with, it's meat, right? Fish can advantageously be cooked with a gratin sauce in the oven, in a soup or perhaps on the frying pan if it is firm in the flesh or has the skin remaining.
We often cook fish casserole, fish soup or fish steaks, but right now we (read: Peter, he's the one who usually cooks) have decided to cook the fish as it is and serve it with good side dishes. We boil the cod or bake the salmon and serve it with rice, some saffron aioli and good cooked vegetables.
Tasty vegetables with fish
Salad is all very well, but there are so many other delicious vegetables to serve with fish. Some of our favourites are boiled broccoli, boiled peas, haricot verts fried with salt, sugar snap peas fried with salt and chopped garlic or why not seaweed salad? How do you prefer to cook fish and what are your favourite accompaniments?

Lennart says:
We had Salmon yesterday yummy!
But nothing beats Dorada!
09 February 2017 - 6:54
Mr Steve says:
What a great headline. And great pictures. We stopped eating meat a number of years ago and have never experienced it as a problem. There are plenty of alternatives and today I never miss meat on my plate. When we also have a garden that provides us with vegetables and spices all year round, we can always eat good, varied and healthy food.
Here, it is always D who cooks the food, so the question of cooking is one I take care of.
I have so many favourite accessories that the comments would be endless if I started to list them all, but yours are among my favourites.
09 February 2017 - 7:07
åsa in åsele says:
Got stuck on seaweed salad... what is it?
Fish is good, I think... however, neither J nor Elin think that fish is something we need to eat 😉 yes, both of them eat fish sticks, but that's not fish... according to me 🙂.
09 February 2017 - 7:32
Anki says:
Mmmm ... fish is good! I don't think it's difficult to cook either. Boiled cod with egg/parsley sauce or fried breaded fish with stewed spinach in winter or a good cold sauce in summer are examples of a couple of favourites 🙂 Now I wonder like Åsa ... seaweed salad - what is it?
09 February 2017 - 9:18
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Fish is really good. Here at home I have started to cook now.
09 February 2017 - 9:38
Goatfish says:
Fish is delicious and easy to prepare. I do what you do, and have about the same vegetables. But not the seaweed salad, not seen?
Yesterday I fried herring, I was so hungry for it, and with lingonberry jam and mashed potatoes.
Today I was going to make fish soup, actually, so easy. Onions and carrots, bouillon cube and broccoli and let's see what else 😀 ?
09 February 2017 - 9:50
Ama de casa says:
Fish is delicious. So is it any wonder that it is so healthy?
Your dishes don't seem too bad at all, but you forgot a variation: the sour herring 😀.
09 February 2017 - 9:57
Marina says:
I can only nod in agreement. We eat very little meat now, but more fish and seafood and lots of exciting vegetables. We've discovered a lot of new things on that front since we've been in Asia.
09 February 2017 - 10:47
snort says:
I love eating fish and, like you, have realised that there is much more to it than salad. Sometimes we fry the cod back and that is very good too. Bacon and sun-dried tomatoes go very well with cod.
09 February 2017 - 11:20
Ditte says:
Tasty! We eat very little meat and if we do, it's mostly chicken. Seafood is a favourite and now in Spain there is a lot of it as well as a lot of fish. The selection is enormous and so are the fresh vegetables that have not travelled at all to arrive and really taste something. Bacon adds spice to most things. There are many favourite recipes, some of them like yours, but there must be some punch in the accessories and seasoning, otherwise the fish will be rather tasteless. And, of course, lots of glossy vegetables.
09 February 2017 - 11:59
Petra says:
I love fish in all its forms. But my favourite right now is probably fish gratin topped with fresh shrimp and cauliflower mash:-)
09 February 2017 - 13:25
Annika says:
Fish is so good.
We also try to eat more fish. Usually have about the accessories you have with it. But quite often with pressed potatoes.
09 February 2017 - 14:25
JoY says:
Of course we think fish is delicious. In all sorts of forms, fried, boiled and grilled, there are so many ways.
Put a piece of salmon in the oven dish, add pesto or olive oil on top and pop it in the oven. It couldn't be simpler.
Lots of vegetables and preferably a cold yoghurt mix.
09 February 2017 - 16:35
BP says:
I have to admit that we are terrible vegetable eaters, we prefer to eat salad. The reason is probably that my husband's and my tastes differ when it comes to vegetables. But we can both reach for grilled/fried pointed peppers.
When it comes to fish, fish soup is the easiest dish in the world to make. So we eat it once a week with chilli aioli. None of us like boiled fish, but we like to fry "whole fish" - seabass, for example - in olive oil. It's quick and easy to do. Well, we also love squid, which you don't;-).
09 February 2017 - 18:20
admin says:
Lennart, dorada is our favourite firm too! 🙂
Steve, you are really great at varying both your vegetarian dishes and your fish dishes! I don't think I would miss meat on my dinner plate. However, I could probably miss some meat spreads and delicacies, such as pâté and Parma ham 😉 But our ambition is not to exclude meat, just to reduce it.
Åsa in Åsele, seaweed salad is what it sounds like, ie seaweed 😉 We have bought it frozen and pre-packed in the freezer. Very good indeed, but probably best suited to food with some Asian flavours. Too bad that the other family members are not so fond of fish...!
Anki, we have also made cod with egg sauce a few times recently. I have never actually made stewed spinach myself, but I like spinach when I get it in a restaurant! As for the seaweed salad, I answered Åsa above ...
Geddfish, herring is very good, but a bit underrated I think. Also very affordable!
Ama de casa, food that is BOTH good and healthy is the best! But just surströmming ... well, I can skip that 😉.
Marina, I can really imagine that there is an amazing and interesting range of options in Asia!!!!
Znogge, sun-dried tomatoes was an interesting tip!
Ditte, some fish are more flavourful, but cod, for example, requires some accessories to add flavour! For us, it's usually chicken when we don't eat fish.
Petra, fish gratin is always a favourite! And cauliflower mash sounds delicious!
Annika, mashed potatoes are also good! It's been a long time since we made ...
JoY, agree, there are lots of ways! I also like cold sauces and scrambles!
BP, interesting that you both got hooked on grilled/fried pointed peppers! 🙂 Seabass (which we call seabream, but I think it's the same) is our favourite! And no, squid isn't my favourite... I can eat squid rings and such, but I'm not particularly fond of it....
09 February 2017 - 19:15
Matts Torebring says:
We ate halted whitefish this weekend directly from Vätterstranden. It was good with Maggie mashed potatoes and Findus green peas.
09 February 2017 - 19:22
Inga Magnusson says:
Thanks for the fish tips! I need to vary it a bit. Today it was salmon fried in a pan with sour cream with cloudberry jam and then sliced red onion, sliced peppers, lemon slice, drifts of dill. Good but boring. I need to practise cooking fish in the oven like a gratin.
09 February 2017 - 23:15
admin says:
Matts, seared whitefish sounds really good! 🙂
Inga, it's easy to get stuck in your old habits, we do that too. We make a lot of fish gratin in periods, we have to write about it too some day! 🙂
10 February 2017 - 18:46
Biggeros says:
Nice fish!!!
In our home, we have changed our eating style from being LCHF for over 3 years to less fat, meat, more fish, vegan, minimal sugar and turkey/chicken=) After I got sick last year, I also found out that my cholesterol was a bit too high.
I like to eat seafood?
Thanks for the fish tip. Hugs
11 February 2017 - 9:10
Henny says:
What great tips on fish dishes. Especially about which accessories go with it. You can never get enough of that, I think. Looking forward to the fish gratins.
12 February 2017 - 12:21
Motorhome Helge says:
We also eat a lot of fish, and here in Portugal it's easy to get fresh fish and seafood that we like to make a Nata sauce (cream in Portuguese) with different flavours and lots of different vegetables.
13 February 2017 - 23:43
admin says:
Biggergeros, more seafood can never be wrong! 🙂
Henny, we'll make sure to write about fish cakes in the future! 🙂
Motorhome Helge, agree, we also ate a lot of fish when we were in Portugal. Easy to get and many good fish!
14 February 2017 - 7:00
Maria's Memoirs says:
oh, want plate number 3 right now...!!! I love salmon and have not eaten it for ages, not the typical backpacker food perhaps. And I don't know if salmon in Australia is so much for the world... When I get back to Finland, I'll order my mum's baked salmon with potatoes and cold creme fraiche sauce with mustard, pepper, leek and everything she usually puts in it...
19 February 2017 - 8:12