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Sailing holidays without your own boat - charter or rental

The Everything for the Sea boat show is in full swing right now (4-12 March), and there is so much to see. Lots of boats, of course, but also everything else related to life on the water. Everything from sauna rafts and leisure wear to sailing courses and destinations. Today we're writing about how to go on a sailing holiday without your own boat.


Renting a boat abroad

If you only want to go sailing for a few weeks a year - and prefer to do so abroad - then renting a boat locally may be a better option than buying your own. Competition seems fierce and there are plenty of companies that rent out boats.

Sailing boat hire seems to be particularly popular in Croatia, and we can see why. Croatia has a long and stunning coastline with crystal clear waters and lots of islands. Other places where you can rent a sailboat include Greece, the Caribbean and the Maldives. Have you ever rented a sailboat on holiday?

Hyra båt utomlands
Where would you like to hire a sailing boat - the Mediterranean, the Caribbean or the Maldives?

boat charter - sailing holidays without your own boat

Renting a sailboat abroad seems easy and cool, but of course you have to know how to sail! Another option is to go on a boat charter. This involves booking a boat with other travellers and a skipper. The company More Sailing, for example, told us that (10 people at a time) you can go on a boat charter with the cool sailing boat. More 55 in Croatia.

The company PoseidonTravel told Everything for the sea about attractive themed trips, such as a sailing cruise in the Seychelles or a wine tour by canal boat. I also received a glassy brochure with "Unique sailing adventures". Great pictures, but I didn't dare ask about the prices, haha.

Last but not least, we spoke to BohusCharter, a company that offers cool charter holidays in Northern Norway, ranging from swimming with whales to 'ski & sail', which combines sailing with skiing on otherwise inaccessible ski slopes. Have you tried boat charters or would you consider doing so?

Segelsemester utan egen båt i Kroatien kanske?
Sailing holidays without your own boat in Croatia perhaps?

More from the boat show on FREEDOMtravel

We'll be reporting from the show throughout the week, and we'll have no problem finding things to write about, so to speak. The show is really huge and we've already managed to photograph everything from cool vintage boats to crazy high-speed boats, state-of-the-art solar boats and innovative motorised boards.

So come along during the week! Also next weekend, the Vildmarksmässan opens in the hall next door, and if you want to visit the fairs then you get two fairs for the price of one.

Allt för sjön
Peter with his camera (and mobile phone camera!) at the ready!
If we get tired, maybe we'll get to sleep in a "Chillbean" ...

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