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April weather in the marina - from sun to snowy rain


Most of the time, houseboat life feels quite ordinary, but sometimes it is still not quite "ordinary". We woke up at 04:20 yesterday morning by the alarm in the boiler room. What was it now? Well, a power cut ... We went back to sleep and hoped for the best, but when we woke up we were still without electricity. We also woke up to a day of real April weather.


Modern life requires electricity

We quickly checked the Facebook group of the boaters and yes, everyone in the marina was without electricity. And how dependent you are on electricity! Without electricity, you don't even get water in the taps ... Despite a slightly moody morning, life felt great. The sun was shining! Just before we were to leave, the electricity came back.

Pampas marina
Our view from the deck yesterday morning

Visiting ducks

Peter walks with me to work every morning, and yesterday morning we got stuck outside the boat for a while because we started talking to the neighbours. And then there were more people who wanted to join in! The ducks jumped up in front of us, and Peter realised that we had some stale bread that we wanted to get rid of ...

Breakfast in the marina

Snowy rain

When I walked home from work, it was not at all equally cosy weather. Snowy rain across the board is about the worst April weather ... Fortunately, it is always cosy to get into the houseboat. Yesterday it was extra cosy because Peter lit a fire in the stove.

The same day as the pictures above ... but a few hours later
Messy outside ... cosy inside!

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