Today we celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary. How time flies, huh? In a way it feels like we just got married, and at the same time it feels like it's been a very long time! We have done a lot since then ...
We have been working hard most of the time, with everything from regular jobs to apartment renovations and a blog. We have also experienced a lot and had a lot of fun. Here is a summary of our ten years of marriage. I have tried to keep it short, but of course it was not easy ...
Table of contents
We live in Sundbyberg and we both work full time - Peter as a carpenter with his own construction company and I as a public health expert in Stockholm County Council. Our wedding we plan without telling anyone, and we get married at the Swedish Embassy in Stockholm. Vietnam on 4 June 2007. Then there will be a three-week honeymoon in beautiful Halong Bay and charming Hoi An.
Later that year we go to Kenya and our most dramatic journey ever. There is unrest during the elections, resulting in the deaths of a thousand people and the displacement of a million. We dramatically make our way to Tanzaniawhere we holiday in Tanga and Zanzibar.

We take a look at the map book to choose our holiday destination and find that Ukraine has coastline on the Black Sea (that was before Putin invaded...). We take Peter's youngest son and his cousin on sunshine holidays in Odessa and the Crimean peninsula.
In the same year we have time for a trip to Malta and a ski trip to Sälen with Peter's construction company. This year we also buy our motorhome! We have never camped before, but got hooked on the idea during a trip to New Zealand in 2006/2007.

We are absolutely thrilled in our motorhome! We rebuild everything in it and go on short trips in Sweden every weekend. We also start our blog to document the motorhome life and the trips. In the summer we go on motorhome holidays in Italy with the youngest son and his cousin.
Then we also have time for a motorhome trip with the eldest son to the concert/party "Sensation White" in Copenhagen. Since we liked Ukraine, it will be Christmas and New Year in Kiev!

Peter and I are going to Sensation White by ourselves in Belgium in the spring. In the summer we holiday in Poland with the motorhome together with the eldest son and his girlfriend. Then we take the youngest son and his cousin on a campervan trip through northern Sweden. Christmas is celebrated in Morocco with his youngest son.

Peter and I are celebrating the new year in Budapest. Then there will be a motorhome trip to Sensation White in Oslo with the eldest son and his girlfriend. In the summer we make a motorhome trip to Croatia and Italy. The first part of the trip we have the youngest son and his mate with us. After half the time they fly home and the oldest son and his girlfriend come down and continue the journey with us.

We get to know a girl who comes from Kenyaand she wants to show us a different Kenya than the bloody country we saw the first time. We follow her to Nairobi, a big wedding and the Kenyan countryside.
This year we also have time for a trip to Canada (where I am attending a scientific conference), a motorhome holiday in the Poland, a trip to Iceland (which we won via Reseguiden) and a Christmas and New Year's holiday to Malaysia.

We win a trip to Barcelona with Expedia. We go on a motorhome trip to Öland with the youngest son and his girlfriend and then - we buy the houseboat! All autumn we renovate the houseboat while it is in the water. Over Christmas we are travelling to Philippines.

We are going on a blogging trip for the first time, and that trip is to Morocco. It's an amazing journey, but we're also getting more into the 'blogging world' than ever before. We are highlighting the houseboat on land during the summer, working around the clock on renovations.
Moreover, in some strange way, I manage to complete my disputation in September. Shortly thereafter, we'll join our friends in Poland, and in November we'll set off on the 1 year long trip around Europe with the motorhome.

For most of this year, we are fulfilling our dream: travelling around Europe with our motorhome without stress. We are travelling along the coast, starting in Normandy in the France. We continue through the north Spain, Portugal, southern Spain, southern France and around Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily.
We continue through the south Italy, northern Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, northern Italy, Austria, Germany and back to Sweden. When we get back to Sweden, we will be travelling on a blog tour to Rigaeven before we get access to the houseboat ...

Now we are back home and trying to adjust to a "normal" life. I have lost my position in the county council, and am taking temporary jobs at the Karolinska Institute. Peter takes temporary jobs as a carpenter, but spends more and more time on the blog.
We travel on many different trips throughout the year: blog trip to Finland, "Golden Pen Award" in Split in Croatia, motorhome holidays in Istria in Croatia, blog trip to Hungary, press trip to Czech Republic, Poland with friends, Malta and Christmas markets in Zagreb, Prague and Warsaw …

We start the year with a ski trip to Austria. In February I get a new job in the Stockholm County Council, at the County Council's administration. Peter will take over a lot of the practical aspects of the blog and is starting to learn more about film. At the same time, we have time to travel to Malta, Tallinn and Amsterdam.

Pernilla says:
Congratulations! What a great summary of all your travels so far! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 7:13
Helena says:
Thank you very much! It's not easy to summarise ten years, but I think I got most of it 😉.
04 June 2017 - 9:13
Lena - good for the soul says:
Congratulations to you! Well done! And what a lot of fun you have had in just 10 years. But it's clear, you're in pretty fresh 🙂 .
Hug Lena
04 June 2017 - 7:25
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Yes, most of the time it has been a fast pace .... 😉
04 June 2017 - 9:13
Jan-Christer Tholin says:
I'm currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand Please stop by if you are passing by.We have 2 guest rooms.
All good,
Jan-Christer Tholin
Former accredited as a representative of SWEDEN&AMERICA2600 Park Avenue Minneapolis, USA
04 June 2017 - 7:42
Helena says:
Thank you very much! And thank you very much for the invitation! 🙂 Chiang Mai sounds lovely! Have no trip to Asia planned at the moment, but who knows... 😉.
04 June 2017 - 9:16
Lennart says:
04 June 2017 - 7:46
Helena says:
Thank you! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 9:16
Matts Torebring says:
Congratulations on your wedding day! What fun! Congratulations also to your unprecedentedly beautiful blog and the enormous work you put into it. You have managed to do more than twice as much as us, in just ten years, even though we ourselves celebrate fifty, in a year and a half.
04 June 2017 - 8:07
Helena says:
Thank you so much! And thank you for the nice comment about our blog! 🙂 Of course we have done a lot, but I know that you have also done that, even though we may have done different things. Have fun!
04 June 2017 - 9:18
Diana's dreams says:
Wow, congratulations to you, we are celebrating 25 years since we met and 15 years of marriage this year.
04 June 2017 - 8:20
Helena says:
Thank you very much! And glad that you are also celebrating this year! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 9:19
Gunnel says:
Congratulations on your 10 years!
04 June 2017 - 8:45
Helena says:
Thank you very much! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 9:19
Kenneth Risberg says:
Congratulations to you!!!
Impressed by how much you have achieved in the 10 years and how you have built up a fantastic blog.
04 June 2017 - 8:57
Helena says:
Thank you very much Kenneth! And thanks for the nice words about our blog!
04 June 2017 - 9:19
Marina says:
Congratulations to both of you!
04 June 2017 - 9:41
Helena says:
Thank you! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 10:27
Kjell & Solveig says:
Congratulations and good luck for the future.
04 June 2017 - 9:44
Helena says:
Thank you very much! You never know what the future will bring, but of course we hope for many more great years together! Have fun!
04 June 2017 - 10:28
Ama de casa says:
Congratulations to you today!
Tin... Yes, not a misspelling of the English word ten, but apparently the tenth wedding day is called a tin wedding. Quite fitting, actually 🙂
You've done so much too - impressive summary here.
Big KRAM to you both on your big day!
04 June 2017 - 10:03
Helena says:
Yes, I have read that it is called a tin wedding. Haha, never thought about it with "ten" and "tin", but that makes it easy to remember 😉.
04 June 2017 - 10:29
Ninny says:
Congratulations on ten years!!!
You've really accomplished a lot in these ten years, it's fun to read about all the travelling you've done!
04 June 2017 - 10:20
Helena says:
Thank you so much! Yes, when you think through everything, you realise that you have achieved a lot ... 😉 .
04 June 2017 - 10:30
lotuses says:
Wow, you've done a lot of travelling! We mostly go to France... Fun to read!
04 June 2017 - 10:28
Helena says:
I can understand that you enjoy France. It is one of our favourite countries 🙂 .
04 June 2017 - 10:31
Goatfish says:
CONGRATULATIONS on your pewter wedding 😀.
I've started reading your blog lately, I'm impressed with everything you've done and the great blog with all the reports and tips 😀.
Cheers and warm hugs?
04 June 2017 - 10:34
Helena says:
Thank you very much both for the congratulations and for the nice words about our blog! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 16:23
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Congratulations on 10 eventful years. I started counting on my fingers and realised that I met my life partner just over 6 years ago. We also try to make the most of life's opportunities and, when you think about it, we have achieved a lot in these years, even if my work still takes up a lot of my free time!
04 June 2017 - 10:55
Helena says:
Thank you very much! I recognise the idea of work encroaching on leisure time 😉.
04 June 2017 - 16:23
Husis blog says:
The owners first and foremost want to join the chorus of congratulations so a BIG congratulations on your ten years!
What a wonderful summary of your ten years and what a lot you have been through together. New accommodation, new trips all the time, new friends and a blog that just gets better and better.
All the best to you on this special day!
04 June 2017 - 11:16
Helena says:
Thank you so much for the nice words that really warm me up!!!
04 June 2017 - 16:24
Lots of other stuff and some concrete says:
Gosh, you'd think you've been married for 30 years at least as much as you've managed!
Congratulations on your wedding day! ??
04 June 2017 - 11:23
Helena says:
Haha, well sometimes it feels like 30 years ... and sometimes like three 😉 Thank you so much!
04 June 2017 - 16:24
Ditte says:
Congratulations! And what a wonderful summary of the years and all the memorable trips. I wish you continued great years together and many more pleasant journeys.
04 June 2017 - 11:57
Helena says:
Thank you so much Ditte! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 16:25
åsa in åsele says:
Congratulations to you on your wedding day <3
You have had so many wonderful trips during these years.
We are celebrating our wedding anniversary tomorrow, 12 years since we got married 🙂.
04 June 2017 - 12:06
Helena says:
Thank you very much! And then we say congratulations in advance to you! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 16:26
Mr Steve says:
Congratulations! A day always worth celebrating. What a great summary of your first 10 years.
04 June 2017 - 12:36
Helena says:
Thank you very much! And glad you liked the summary! There will be a little celebration here at home with some bubbly and a good dinner 🙂.
04 June 2017 - 16:26
Emma, sun like sun? says:
Congratulations on your wedding day! Imagine how much you have managed to do. And yet, not everything is included in this list, there is so much going on in life that we don't always talk about.
Take care of yourselves!
04 June 2017 - 14:52
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Of course it is. Here we have briefly summarised a bit about travel, the motorhome, the campervan and a word about work. But many other things have happened around work, children, family ...
04 June 2017 - 16:27
Rantamor on the retina says:
Congratulations on your 10 years and...Happy New Year!!!
Nice to read about your ten years of travelling, what globetrotters you are, wonderfully worse.
Yesterday we bought Ställplatstidningen so now it starts to approach here too.... I think.
Rantafar is a bit like Alfons...just have to !!!! Hahahaha
Have a nice weekend. How are things going with Freedombobil?
04 June 2017 - 15:07
Helena says:
Thank you very much! FREEDOM is at a new workshop now. They have fixed two of the new faults, but there are still some faults that they don't seem to want to touch... We will pick it up after the weekend.
04 June 2017 - 16:28
Karin Eklund says:
Congratulations, congratulations and good luck!
Now you take the next ten years and enjoy life together.
Nice summary of the first decade!
04 June 2017 - 15:12
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Glad you liked our summary! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 16:29
Cattis says:
Oh big congratulations to you and your 10-year adventure as a married couple! So many cool things you have experienced together?
en: Rome is a pretty cool city to experience! We have also considered a Mediterranean cruise a few times but have not booked any yet, it will be very interesting to hear your judgement then! What other ports will you visit?
04 June 2017 - 16:07
Helena says:
Thank you very much! I do not have full control of the cruise, but I think we start in Barcelona and that it will include Rome and Florence, and somewhere on the French Riviera I think.
04 June 2017 - 16:30
Role o Carina says:
We also join the chorus of praise and to your absolutely fantastic Blog 🙂 .
We celebrated 10 years last year, so we are only 1 year ahead of you 🙂 .
May you have many wonderful years together ....... Hugs to you.
04 June 2017 - 17:03
Helena says:
Thank you very much! And congratulations on your 11 years! ... even though it might not be today 😉.
04 June 2017 - 22:53
JoY says:
Congratulations to both of you
04 June 2017 - 17:22
Helena says:
Thank you!!!
04 June 2017 - 22:53
Solan says:
Congratulations on all the years and a fun resume. You have managed to do a lot, thinking mostly about all the trips. Roll on with both years and experiences 🙂 ðŸ™'
04 June 2017 - 18:49
Helena says:
Thank you so much Solan and nice to hear from you! Hope all is well with you! We will soon roll with the motorhome to Poland and the Czech Republic is the plan. Just have to sort out some mess with the motorhome first ...
04 June 2017 - 22:54
BP says:
Big, big CONGRATULATIONS to 10 adventurous years together. Great to read that you really live as you learn:-) Keep it up for at least 10 more years!!!
04 June 2017 - 19:40
Helena says:
THANK YOU!!! You never know what life plans for you, but I hope for more years together and with travel 🙂 Thanks for the greeting and have a good time! Hugs
04 June 2017 - 22:55
Shefik says:
Congratulations my friends
04 June 2017 - 20:14
Helena says:
Thank you so much Shefik! Hope everything is fine with you! So sad that we did not manage to meet the time you were in Stockholm! Hope there will be more opportunities! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 22:56
LinizTravel says:
Big congratulations 🙂 10 years - wonderful!!!! But oh I was also invited on that trip to Morocco 2014 but worked 🙁 was in Thailand or something - so
Too bad! Then we would have met already then otherwise 😉 hugs
04 June 2017 - 21:00
Helena says:
Oh, there you go!!! It would have been fun to meet then. It was a fun trip! But luckily, we have got to know each other anyway 🙂
04 June 2017 - 22:59
Anki says:
Congratulations to both of you!
04 June 2017 - 21:35
Helena says:
Thank you very much! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 23:01
Fantasy travel says:
Congratulations to you!
04 June 2017 - 21:37
Helena says:
Thank you very much! 🙂
04 June 2017 - 23:03
Rosita says:
Congratulations on your 10th birthday? And so many wonderful trips you have made! Good to summarise it too so that it is "remembered". All the best - with love, travel and work in the future.
04 June 2017 - 21:37
Helena says:
Thank you so much Rosita! Yes, there are many memories when you go through trips and other things you have done back. Fun and good for the memory 🙂
04 June 2017 - 23:05
Anette Åhnbrink says:
Congratulations on your 10 years! You have achieved a lot and there will probably be more! We others take it a little layback, read your blog, travel in the tank and probably continue with the motorhome travel when we do not work! Have a nice weekend/Anette
04 June 2017 - 21:59
Helena says:
Thank you very much Anette! I also work, so we try to squeeze the trips in between the work band 😉 Has not been so much motorhome this year, but the plan is that we go with the motorhome after midsummer. Have fun! Hugs
04 June 2017 - 23:06
Mary of Rövarhamn says:
Oh how fun to read. We also got married 10 years ago, in Norway. Thought to sail back there this summer to celebrate. May be one of those summaries for us too then. Thanks for inspro. Hugs and congratulations.
04 June 2017 - 22:18
Helena says:
Is it true? What fun! We do not directly have the opportunity to go back to Vietnam to relive, but it would have been fun 😉 Congratulations to you when the time comes! hugs
04 June 2017 - 23:07
Travel Friday says:
Congratulations! We are also celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this year (2007 seems to have been a good year for marriage....) 🙂 .
04 June 2017 - 23:28
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Funny that you also celebrate 10 years as married Annika! Congratulations when the time comes! 😕
05 June 2017 - 9:17
Annalena says:
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! Imagine how much you have filled your 10 years with... And how lucky the rest of us are to have access to so many interesting things!
05 June 2017 - 9:12
Helena says:
Thank you so much! And how nicely written about our blog, it's warming!
05 June 2017 - 9:18
Tia says:
Congratulations on the anniversary! ??
05 June 2017 - 9:15
Helena says:
Thank you so much Tia!
05 June 2017 - 9:18
Deciree says:
Congratulations sweet you in retrospect 🙂 You have really done a lot during that time. Many hugs to you from us.
05 June 2017 - 10:48
Helena says:
Thank you so much! 🙂 Hugs
07 June 2017 - 12:12
Imelda says:
05 June 2017 - 12:35
Helena says:
Thank you very much!
07 June 2017 - 12:12
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
Congratulations to you! Wow, so much you have experienced together and there is more to come. Wonderful!
Wishing you a happy national day tomorrow.
05 June 2017 - 14:27
Helena says:
Thank you so much Anna! Hope you also had a really nice national day! Hugs
07 June 2017 - 12:13