How can it be so busy all the time? I (Helena) am writing our Happy Friday post today because Peter is busy with everything from arranging the trip to Wismar to preparing our campervan for the trip in Poland and the Czech Republic.
If you're wondering how things are going with the motorhome, check back here on Sunday - we'll tell you more! Today is Friday and it is of course time to enjoy the positive things that happen in life, big and small.
Table of contents
National Day on Ringsö
The week started with holidays and national day, and we hung out with our friends Lennart and Beata in their summer house on Ringsö. We have written a whole post about this beautiful islandand in July we (especially Peter) are going back to help build. Great with good friends and beautiful Swedish nature!

Then, of course, we have worked as usual. Every morning we walk together to my (Helena's) work. The walk takes around 40 minutes, so we have time to discuss all sorts of things related to blogging, travelling, motorhomes and collaborations...
A positive thing is to live in the centre of the city, but still have nature around the corner! One day when I was walking home from work, some guys were waiting for the bus on Fleminggatan, a few hundred metres from the T-Centralen ...

We have also been interviewed this week! The interview is about our trips with a motorhome and will be published in the magazine Inriktning, which will be distributed as a supplement to Aftonbladet on 12 June.
Today it's time for us to record a podcast episode! We don't know when or where the episode will be broadcast, but we'll let you know when it's time.
Last day to compete
Last but not least, today is the last day to compete for a helicopter ride over Stockholm! You can compete until 23:59 tonight by justifying why you want to fly a helicopter in Stockholm. the post about the helicopter ride. We think it is super fun to offer this great competition, in collaboration with

How has your week been?
Life brings with it both positive and negative things, and sometimes it's good to think a little extra about the positive things so we don't forget them. What has happened during your week that can contribute to a Happy Friday?
Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Three events on the same day
Jenn - Forever abroad says:
Great week! I am ready for the weekend again despite the short week 😉 It was nice to start the week at a spa in Pärnu - it was probably the best of the week!
09 June 2017 - 6:20
Helena says:
Spa in Pärnu sounds wonderful! As I said, I was there a long time ago, but then it was "only" bathing on the nice beaches that mattered 😉.
09 June 2017 - 11:23
Lena - good for the soul says:
My, somewhat odd, contribution to happy Friday must be that yesterday I defied my car wash resistance and actually right now have a clean car 🙂 🙂 But it is so AWESOME to wash the car. I do not know what it is, but I really have a hang up on that. But now, right now ...
Have a nice weekend!
Hug Lena
09 June 2017 - 7:52
Helena says:
Haha, yes, but things that are boring can feel extra fun to have done AFTERwards 🙂 Wishing you a nice weekend!
09 June 2017 - 11:24
Amanym says:
Heavenly nice with a visit from big brother and sister-in-law. Nothing like seeing each other for real, actually 🙂 .
Have a nice Friday!
09 June 2017 - 9:01
Helena says:
Internet in all its glory, but honest real meetings are something special!
09 June 2017 - 11:25
Ama de casa says:
Ooops... Looks like I've been hacked again... 😉 😀.
09 June 2017 - 9:02
Helena says:
So those hackers ... 😉 ...
09 June 2017 - 11:25
Marina says:
Here we have had a very good week because it rains and rains and rains and .... Yes, the weather has contributed to a good week. rain means that we clean and clean and clean and clean and I do not mean the vegetable garden but the basement storage room and wardrobe - many trips to charities and the dump will be there 🙂
09 June 2017 - 9:45
Helena says:
Good way to see the rain as something positive! Getting cleaned is absolutely wonderful! 🙂 Nice weekend!
09 June 2017 - 11:26
Lena in Wales says:
Yes, really busy, I see.
I have had a wonderful week with Swedish friends visiting me in Wales. We simply had a fantastic week, saw a lot, ate and drank well and really socialised. But there was no National Day celebration for us here.
Wishing you a nice weekend!
09 June 2017 - 11:57
Helena says:
Oh. what fun with visits from Swedish friends! Wish you a nice weekend too!
09 June 2017 - 19:18
Casa Annika says:
It's Friday and two out of three are healthy, and one out of three is fit, and we celebrate this by swimming here in the mountains in a small lake, by sitting outside and talking to the tomato plants, and one of us goes to Portugal for a hard rock festival for the day. It will be a good weekend!
Congratulations on your wedding day, and great summary of the ten years!
09 June 2017 - 12:22
Helena says:
Thank you, and I'm glad you liked our little summary! Swimming in a small lake in the mountains sounds cosy. Get well soon and have a great weekend!
09 June 2017 - 19:19
Henny says:
I'm trying out bus charters this week. Not by house bus but by a big luxurious thing that has wi-fi and phone and tablet charging facilities, comfortable seats and two drivers who take all the responsibility. I like it. A nice change from your own tours.
Now we are grazing on Mora, Zorn, Dalahästar, Dalhalla and a lot of other things in Nyresse. A good week that is not over until Monday evening.
09 June 2017 - 14:33
Helena says:
Bus-charter sounds a bit interesting, will look in with you and see if I can read more! 🙂 Wishing you a nice weekend!
09 June 2017 - 19:20
BP says:
What a kanoooooon picture of you:-)
You are busy as always and you seem to like it!
I haven't bought Aftonbladet in years, but on Tuesday I will do so:-)
09 June 2017 - 16:38
Helena says:
Yes, we like it ... except when it becomes too much. Very difficult to draw the line sometimes 😉 Wishing you a nice weekend!
09 June 2017 - 19:21
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
This working week with three working days has passed more than legally fast and so it was "Happy Friday" again. This morning my oldest granddaughter, Ellen, 8 years old, arrived and we are now on our way to Karlsborgs Camping with the motorhome for a cosy weekend. The only problem is that grandma also has to swim in the cold lake Bottensjön. Huu! Have a really good weekend!
09 June 2017 - 17:07
Helena says:
Yes, it is very short weeks now, but it feels like you need it! Hope you have a nice weekend! Even if the bathing sounds cold ...;)
09 June 2017 - 19:26
Ruth in Virginia says:
Hahaha - short weeks???
Not 7 days?
09 June 2017 - 21:44
Matts Torebring says:
We also had a professional interview this week. The newspaper Dagens Industri visited us at work. What fun to meet people who are professionals and know what they are doing. I can only hope that both you and our interview will be successful.
09 June 2017 - 17:15
Helena says:
What fun with your interview! Both our interview and the podcast felt ok, but always a little difficult to know how it will be in the end ... Hope it will feel good 🙂 ...
09 June 2017 - 19:27
Tina says:
Nice site! 🙂 found you via
good luck!
09 June 2017 - 19:23
Helena says:
Nice that you found here and welcome! 🙂
09 June 2017 - 19:29
Across the board says:
We're on holiday and on a roll, so it can't get any better than that 🙂.
09 June 2017 - 21:17
Alexandra says:
This week has been great and different! On Monday, I started my leave of absence from my permanent job to run a full-time business. So first week as an active self-employed person? The week has been spent mostly fixing and tinkering with my website (feel free to check out my newly designed site).
Happy holidays to you!
09 June 2017 - 21:31
Ruth in Virginia says:
Good week with perfect weather, but it will be hot Saturday-Sunday;
has started with 27C right now.
Nice week at "my" flea market. Over 1800 dollars yesterday, and almost
600 for the first two hours today. And that's with a 50% discount on
EVERYTHING. Charities get a boost. Makes me happy.
Nice photo of you two in the header. Hugs!
09 June 2017 - 21:49
BP says:
Answer to Ruth:
Flea markets seem to be as close to your heart as they are to ours. Congratulations on the great income!!!
Now it's not "charity" like in the US, but flea markets definitely have their charm. Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow and on Sunday - Täby Park flea market!!!! Rarely buy anything, but it's fun to see what people throw away;-)
PS. Nice that you also reacted to the header. Oh Ruth - this time we have actually voted for at least one photo - you and me;-) DS.
10 June 2017 - 0:01
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
Exciting things happening in your life all the time! Haha, like the picture of the "guys" waiting at the bus stop.
Anything good that happened to me? Well, maybe that I still love my job after almost ten years as my own, with wonderful customers. Maybe going to graduation and shedding the occasional tear over fancy speeches, student jumps and the smell of lilacs. No, not "maybe". It WAS good!
Hugs to you!
10 June 2017 - 23:15