It was Friday again and time for "Happy Friday". This really IS a Happy Friday for us, because tonight it's time for one of the biggest events of the year for travel bloggers: Nordic Travel Blog Summer party. We will of course tell you more as soon as we can! For now, we can tell you about last weekend's oyster feast and this week's newspaper report.
Table of contents
Oysters for dinner
Do you like oyster? We love seafood, but oysters are probably the one that has taken the most time for us to learn to eat. Peter became fond of it quite quickly, but I (Helena) have had to "practice" a little more, haha.
I agree that that salty sea flavour is absolutely fantastic. The texture is a bit tricky, but it gets better every time! The flavour is best when it gets a little extra spice, I think, with the help of a few drops of lemon or a tiny bit of sambal oelek.

How do you open oysters?
First time to open oysters ourselves, we were in a car park in Cancale (the oyster mecca!) in Brittany on the west coast of France. I tried googling, but we had soooo bad internet, and without instructions it's easy to make mistakes and spill blood... This time it went better! You hold the oyster (preferably with a towel) and insert a knife into the "hinge" - then wiggle until the oyster opens.

Report of the week
This week we have also been featured in a report in the Inriktning supplement, which was distributed with Aftonbladet on 12 June.

Travel blog Party, Brunch and herring lunch
Tonight it's time for the big Nordic Travel Blog Summer party. Around 100 bloggers will meet at the Sheraton in Stockholm for festivities with food and wine, lectures (including with Peter!) and award ceremonies. Exciting!
The day after (tomorrow) we are invited to brunch and herring lunch almost at the same time, which will be difficult logistically. We (who are a bit too optimistic sometimes) thought we would have time for both, but now that the brunch is delayed, it looks difficult ... We hope to be able to join our neighbours' nice herring lunch a little later!
Congratulations to the winner of the helicopter ride
Last but not least, we say a big CONGRATULATIONS to Jacob Ode who has won a helicopter ride over Stockholm, in the the competition which we organised in collaboration with The winner has been notified by e-mail.
Your turn!
Now I hope that everyone will help me highlight all the positives from the week before the weekend! What has been the most positive aspect of your week (big or small)?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Intensive week of interviews and podcasts
Fantasy Dining says:
I LOVE oysters! Nice to finally meet you tonight)
16 June 2017 - 8:19
Helena says:
Oh, how fun that you come! Yes great fun to meet, finally! 🙂
16 June 2017 - 11:36
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
I think I have tasted oysters. Positive is that we are on a holiday (pensioner) trip in southern Sweden Öland and so more.
16 June 2017 - 8:28
Helena says:
It sounds so wonderful to be out on a roll! 🙂
16 June 2017 - 11:37
Ama de casa says:
I eat oysters with a bit of trepidation, and Anders loves them. But preferably they should be savoured with other seafood on a plateu in France - that's when they feel the best. The surroundings do their part, you might think 🙂
The week has been full of joys (and the occasional castle...) as we are finally out camping again! Yes, hotel-camping, that is. Love travelling around in this amazing country that Spain is 🙂 .
Have a great time and hope you have time for all the food you have planned 😀.
16 June 2017 - 8:39
Helena says:
It sounds like you have about the same relationship with oysters as I do, haha. And it seems to be a great trip you are on! 🙂
16 June 2017 - 11:38
Åsa says:
I think oysters are unnecessary! Have fun at Travelgrejen, hope you win a prize! Fun that Jacob won a helicopter ride! /Åsa
16 June 2017 - 8:46
Helena says:
Unnecessary, haha, that was also a way of looking at it... 😉 And thanks, we will of course report from the "travel thing" 🙂 .
16 June 2017 - 11:39
Ditte says:
Won't it be a nice evening at the Sheraton! I will think of you and everyone else who is there. If I had been at home in Stockholm, I would have been there too. Wish you a fun evening. Nice to hear more about the event.
I like oysters as well as shellfish, but a few oysters are enough for me and preferably completely "fresh" in France. But they are good anywhere, and with champagne....
Great report, couldn't read it separately at Afronblabdet via the web, will of course read it.
A great week here in Spain with heat, friends, good food and drink and a lot of studying for upcoming travel assignments.
Have fun!
16 June 2017 - 9:15
Helena says:
Too bad you can't join us tonight, but you're probably having a great time elsewhere! 🙂 Of course, oysters are perhaps the finest in France, in addition, the environment does its part!
16 June 2017 - 11:40
Across the board says:
Oysters are delicious, preferably with a little lemon and vinegar.
Happy Friday for me will be the beach and swimming in the Mediterranean at 24-25 degrees ?
Have a nice weekend
16 June 2017 - 9:52
Helena says:
Oh, the Mediterranean heat sounds lovely! Have fun!
16 June 2017 - 11:41
Goatfish says:
Congratulations to the winner of the helicopter ride, read the entry, it was brilliant 😀.
Good luck on your Friday scalps 😀.
My fun this week is the visit to Vara yesterday and today it will be nice feet 😀 - and I ordered a September trip the day before yesterday 😀 Wow.
Have a good time 😀.
16 June 2017 - 10:21
Helena says:
We did not choose the winner, but I agree, really well formulated motivation!!! 🙂 And it sounds like you have several nice things to enjoy this week. Nice weekend!
16 June 2017 - 11:43
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
I have eaten oysters once and it was not a hit. 🙂 But maybe I'll try flavouring then. Thanks for the tip!
The best part of the week is probably all the positive feedback from my customers and on my New York blog. And maybe tonight's event? See you soon. 🙂
16 June 2017 - 11:40
Helena says:
You can live long on positive feedback! Will be fun to see tonight! 🙂
16 June 2017 - 11:43
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
Yes, it will really be fun, Helena! Now I forgot the most positive thing this week: that I booked a new trip to New York. 🙂
16 June 2017 - 12:47
Helena says:
That's great! When is that trip happening?
17 June 2017 - 8:49
Mickey says:
Someday I'll try oysters...before I tried surströmming (prepared in the right way) I was sceptical....but then again....
Oysters will have to be added some day.
Have a good time.
16 June 2017 - 12:15
Helena says:
I have also tried surströmming once, but for me it was enough once ... 😉 But oysters are worth trying! 🙂
17 June 2017 - 8:50
Elisabeth says:
Some oysters are good sometimes, but preferably with other seafood. Positive for me this week has been my little grandchildren, who I have been able to spend time with.
16 June 2017 - 12:40
Helena says:
Yes, I also like to eat oysters with other seafood. Or possibly a few, as a small starter. Cosy with the grandchildren! 🙂
17 June 2017 - 8:52
Ruth in Virginia says:
Have tried oysters ONCE. Thought I was going to throw up;
felt like a lump in your throat. Nothing to risk
fingers. 🙂
For me personally, the week has been OK,
a tad too hot for this time of year, but...
not so good, by the way. Maybe you read about a crazy
man who shot at Congressmen, who coached baseball.
early on Wednesday. A Trump hater, who really hated it.
And then there was that awful fire in London. It made me
I almost cried when I saw the flames. As if it weren't
enough - a man in San Francisco, who has been laid off from the
work, came back and shot four people dead.
I suffer from Weltschmerz - unfortunately. Can say what the lawyers do:
"Please, disregard the last statement." Pretend that I never
written it.
I know you will have a wonderful evening at the Sheraton.
Here it will be a volunteer job at "my" flea market.
Always look forward to it. There are many bright spots.
16 June 2017 - 13:45
Helena says:
When it comes to oysters, it is simply lucky that they are optional to eat 😉 And yes, more bad news this week. The fire in London also affected me very badly. Have read a lot about it and it is really sooo terrible. Also, so terrible that people who have to choose cheaper accommodation should have to risk their lives! It should not have to be like that in a welfare society, I really feel bad about it! The volunteer job sounds nice! In all heavy news important to rejoice in the everyday joys, I think. Have a great time!
17 June 2017 - 8:57
Petra says:
Love oysters and seafood in all its forms 🙂 .
See you tonight!
16 June 2017 - 15:16
Helena says:
Nice to see you last night Petra! 🙂
17 June 2017 - 8:58
Matts Torebring says:
I once gorged myself on oysters in the south-east of France. Once and never again. How awful!
16 June 2017 - 19:20
Ruth in Virginia says:
Agree with you, Matts. ONE time is ONE time too many. 🙂
16 June 2017 - 20:14
Helena says:
Haha, Mats, good thing you don't have to eat oysters anymore! 😉
17 June 2017 - 8:59
Lena - good for the soul says:
But shit what fun, 100 bloggers! You will surely have great fun!
The most positive thing I take out a little in advance. It is that I have now gone on holiday for just over a week! Will spend 6 days alone in a cabin in Idre. Or, well, I will of course not sit in the cabin all the time. Imagine hikes, excursions, hanging out on the terrace in the sun against a cabin wall. Yes, you understand. Can hardly imagine anything better than a midsummer weekend (+ a few days)!
16 June 2017 - 20:33
Helena says:
Yes, the blog event was fun and of course we will tell you about it soon! Lovely with the cottage stay! 🙂
17 June 2017 - 9:00
BP says:
Love oysters, but my husband does not. Have not eaten them in France but ate in Florida. Mums I just say:-)
Read the report and begin to understand why you are aiming to set up 150 campsites in Poland and the Czech Republic. Great project with guided motorhome trips.
Hope you have a great evening today and tomorrow you can split up if you are in time trouble;-)
16 June 2017 - 20:49
Helena says:
I realise that it's not as fun to eat oysters if you can't do it together! And yes, as you understand, we have a small "project" in Poland and the Czech Republic - let's see how it goes! 😉
17 June 2017 - 9:02