It's Monday again, which means FREEDOMtravel News and exciting travel news from the week. As usual, we've been going through the harvest of press releases and this week we can report on popular summer travel destinations (both in the world and in Sweden), on pictures from a camping fair in China and on a click farm (!) that has been revealed in Thailand.
Table of contents
Where Swedes are travelling this summer
This week we have received many press releases about where Swedes prefer to travel for their summer holidays. Which destinations are the most popular depends on how the survey is conducted, but certain trends can be seen.... Spain, Greece and Croatia seems popular this summer!

Loved and hated destinations in Sweden
Travelling abroad is all very well, but according to Swebus, 83% of Swedes' leisure trips take place within the country. In a survey, they asked their travellers which places they would most like to visit and which they "absolutely do not want to visit".
The results show that Swedes prefer to go to Stockholmbut are not at all keen on Malmö. Five destinations were included in the both lists, which suggests that we Swedes have a love-hate relationship with: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Norrland, Liseberg and "the mountains".

Photos from the camping fair in China
China is not exactly known as a camping country, but perhaps this could change in the future? When the CMT China fair was organised in Nanjing at the end of May this year, European, American and Asian caravans and motorhomes were displayed in a wild mix. Caravan enthusiast Johan Persson was there and this week he shared photos from the fair on his blog Caravanum.
'Click farm' revealed in Thailand
Buying clicks and likes to boost your social media posts has become more and more common, as we reported in last week's FREEDOMtravel News. And someone has to produce all these fake clicks! This week, Dagens Analys reports that it has uncovered an operation in Thailand where 474 iPhones and 350,000 SIM cards were used to create clicks for the Chinese platform Wechat ...

Win an overnight stay in an airport tower
Our last news this week is that right now (until 30 July 2017) you can compete for an overnight stay in an airport tower with up to three friends. The old ramp tower at Stockholm Arlanda Airport has been abandoned for 15 years, but now it has been decorated by artist Cilla Ramnek to bring it to life. You can be one of the lucky winners by entering the competition on Homeaway.

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Tourists to the north, buying 'likes' in vending machines and a new industry award for influencers
Lennart says:
Sweden is wonderful in the summer!
19 June 2017 - 7:05
Helena says:
I agree! If I could choose, I'd probably prefer to holiday at other times of the year, but sometimes it's easier to take a long holiday in the summer ...
19 June 2017 - 10:14
Lena - good for the soul says:
I get so angry about buying followers and like marks. How do you think?!
How cool to spend the night in a tower. How lovely it looks!
Hug Lena
19 June 2017 - 7:32
Helena says:
Yes, it's absolutely crazy. There are accounts with lots of followers that are fake. It's fun to have followers, but it's useless if they're not real... I want to highlight this news to show that this is happening!
19 June 2017 - 11:03
Lisa - life from the bright side says:
I agree that Sweden wins summer time. I don't really want to go anywhere else then.
19 June 2017 - 7:33
Helena says:
I agree that it is advantageous to spend the summer in Sweden. But at the same time, that's when it's easiest to get a longer holiday ....
19 June 2017 - 11:04
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Sweden in the summer is fantastic and right now we are waiting for our German "South African friends" to come to Sweden for the first time. It will be a busy week with a visit to Kungshamn-Smögen tomorrow, a visit to Stockholm on Wednesday (thanks to the MTR train), cycling along the Göta Canal on Thursday and then midsummer celebrations with friends at Lake Vänern. Feels like I need a holiday for another week, but as we say; rest you get to do when you can not do things anymore!?!!?
19 June 2017 - 8:36
Helena says:
Oh how exciting with a visit from South Africa! And how much fun you will have! It is super good with long-distance visits sometimes because then you do things in Sweden that might not happen otherwise ... But I understand that it will be intense! 😉
19 June 2017 - 11:05
Ama de casa says:
Cool place to stay! We have tried to stay in that jumbo jet at Arlanda, maybe it will be a tower next time 😉.
Have a great start to the week!
19 June 2017 - 9:37
Helena says:
Fun with different places to stay 🙂
19 June 2017 - 11:06
Snows says:
Malmö is probably a bit underrated as a travel destination. The city is well located with its proximity to Copenhagen and many nice excursion destinations in the landscape. So all the great beaches...
19 June 2017 - 10:00
Helena says:
I don't think many people think of Malmö as a travel destination, but when I read Towe's (Come fly with me) travel guide last year, I thought maybe you should think again 😉.
19 June 2017 - 11:07
Solan says:
I'll tell my sister that she can spend the night at her old workplace nowadays... Fun for all the aeroplane nerds 🙂 .
19 June 2017 - 10:38
Helena says:
Oh, so she has worked there? Funny!
19 June 2017 - 11:08
Solan says:
Air traffic controller for many years. Was there on a visit, stress resistant is a must...
19 June 2017 - 23:03
Ditte says:
Sweden is really beautiful and it's not for nothing that both Stockholm and many places in Sweden attract visitors from all over the world, and they are increasing and cruise ships are basically "queuing" to call at Stockholm. Of course, the weather is uncertain, but the heat is also not an advantage if you want to tour and experience things. Spain has become very popular and with good prices and great accessibility, I can understand it. But right now it is too hot to do so much.
Great news about China with more camping. We saw some tent campers during our years there, but not really caravans or motorhomes. On the other hand, most Chinese people do not have a direct holiday more than maybe a week in the summer. However, they have a longer holiday in the winter during the Chinese New Year.
19 June 2017 - 10:56
Helena says:
Right now it sounds hot in Southern Europe, but it can work if you have access to coolness in one way or another. And isn't it fun to go camping in China? It's probably not that big there, but on the other hand, it only needs to attract a few thousand to be quite a lot of people 😉.
19 June 2017 - 11:11
Mr Steve says:
Klickfarm? Ha, ha, yes, yes!
A night in an air traffic control tower at Arlanda airport is something I'm happy to forego.
19 June 2017 - 12:36
Helena says:
Yes, I know, what about the click farm ....? Maybe I could think of the flying tower ... 😉 ...
19 June 2017 - 19:25
Biggeros says:
I agree with Znogge. Malmö is underestimated as a travel destination. Imagine what nice parks Malmö has and these nice white beaches at Ribersborg... In addition, all the cosy outdoor cafes on the small square. The ferry that goes to Dragör. Living in Spain, I easily enjoy spending a couple of weeks during the summer in Sweden. For me the tours go to Malmö-Copenhagen-Karlskrona-Uppsala and Stockholm in August. Really looking forward to it??
19 June 2017 - 15:28
Helena says:
I haven't spent much time in Malmö myself (even though I grew up in Lund). But I will probably have to explore the city on occasion! 🙂
19 June 2017 - 19:27
Biggeros says:
I grew up as a teenager in Bjärred and Malmö. I spent a lot of time in Lund, didn't I?
21 June 2017 - 13:52
Matts Torebring says:
This year we celebrate Midsummer in Sweden for the first time in the 2000s. What fun it feels (if the weather is good).
19 June 2017 - 18:54
Helena says:
Hope you will enjoy the Swedish Midsummer and that you will have nice weather (really no guarantee)!
19 June 2017 - 19:28
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
I'm travelling to China soon, but not camping. Maybe that's what I should have focused on 😀 But I will try a night on a night train, though. That will be the closest I get to camping.
19 June 2017 - 20:41
Helena says:
Night train in China also sounds exciting and adventurous! 🙂 Wishing a nice trip!
20 June 2017 - 6:00
BP says:
Malmö is often associated with crime in Rosengård. I think the city itself, with its Turning Torso among other things, is beautiful.
It's exciting to have a camping fair in China, which is certainly not known for these vehicles. But I think it can work, at least in the countryside, where the traffic is less dense. Just start building campsites then;-)
Klickfarm - another one, sigh, I say.
19 June 2017 - 21:47
Helena says:
Yes, maybe that's the case when it comes to Malmö ... I myself have very little knowledge of that city, maybe I'll just have to go there sometime! 😉
I don't know much about camping in China, but I understood from Johan's page that it's mainly the younger generation that is trying this camping thing... 😉 .
20 June 2017 - 6:03