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Wanderlust and adventure - My first travels Part 2


Yesterday I told you about my very first trips, the ones I did when I was between 0 and 20 years old. Perhaps that's when my first sense of adventure was awakened, but then I got the chance to go on even more adventures! Today it's time to tell you about the trips I made when I was between 21 and 28 years old. And then I met Peter! So ... let's go back to the summer of 1996 when I was 21 years old.


Train journey in Eastern Europe, 1996


When I was looking at Interrail cards, I saw that you could choose to travel in Eastern Europe. Wow, that sounded like an adventure! My best friend Johanna came along and the summer I turned 21 we took a ferry across to Estonia. The journey then continued through Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

The Baltic countries hadn't been independent for very long and when we tried to order food in restaurants there was usually only one dish to "choose" from. We had to get a visa to Belarus in a panic (as the train would pass through the country), ate (sometimes luxuriously!) for almost no money at all and swam in Lake Balaton.

Roskilde Festival, 1997

Roskilde Festival was fun, so we wanted to go again! I think 1997 was one of the absolute muddiest (and hottest!) years, and I remember walking around in a bikini and wellies for the entire festival.

Me at the Roskilde festival on my 22nd birthday

Internship in the Faroe Islands, 1999

I was studying to be an occupational therapist and when I found out that I could apply for a Nordplus grant to do a traineeship in another Nordic country, I applied to ... the Faroe Islands! It was a two-month placement at a psychiatric clinic in Tórshavn. In addition, we had time to hitchhike around on hay bales, visit various bird taxidermists and fly regular helicopters between the islands.

Ready for the helicopter ride (me on the right, 24 years old)!

With researchers in China, 1999

My father was a professor of palaeozoology and held a visiting professorship in China. He went there often and once my mum and I were invited along. We got to see everything from Beijing to Xian and Guilin and ate sea cucumber and cobra fish in sweet and sour sauce.

When my mother and I were about to fly domestically with our 'guide' (one of the scientists), we suddenly realised that we were about to enter the plane with our large suitcases. Our guide was Chinese, but had never flown before and didn't know how to check in luggage... But we were allowed to fly with our suitcases in the cabin!

Me somewhere in Beijing in 1999 (24 years old)

Around Iceland by car hire, 2000

My then boyfriend and I rented a tiny car in a Stockholm suburb, drove to Bergen and took the ferry to Seyðisfjörður in western Iceland. Then we drove all the way round the Ring Road! Most exciting was when the car broke down in the middle of the night and we had to spend the night with an Icelandic mechanic/world champion in monster truck driving (at least that's how he explained all his trophies).

Island rundresa
Me in Iceland (25 years old)

First charter - Tenerife, 2001

The same boyfriend and I decided to try a charter and went to Tenerife for a week. We climbed the Teide volcano and visited a park with birds, but the charter thing, no, that wasn't my thing ...

Tenerife (26 years)

Association trip to the North Cape, 2002

I was active in the Nordic Youth Association (and also chairman of the association for a few years) and travelled one year on their annual North Cape trip. We took the train to Kiruna and continued north in minibuses. We went down to the Kiruna mine, visited the Esrange rocket base, hiked to the Kebnekaise base station and slept in sleeping bags in summer-empty school halls.

North Cape with FNUF 2002 (27 years)

Final trip to Cyprus, 2003

My boyfriend at the time was working as an entertainer in a hotel in the UK. Cyprus. I had been told not to break up on the phone, so I simply travelled down to end our relationship. Such a strange trip! I broke up with him straight away and hung out on the beaches alone while he performed on stage and ran around in a stuffed animal costume. Luckily, he was probably already in love with his colleague.

Cyprus during a very strange trip in 2003

Iceland for the fourth time, 2003

The travel agency Grönlandsresor wanted to test a new trip to Iceland, and I joined them as a "test person". I was 28 years old and this was my fourth trip to Iceland!

Icelandic horses in Iceland

Not long after this, Peter and I met. We started our relationship by building and renovating, but after a while we started to work on our journeyswhich started with a trip to Egypt in 2005. How did you travel when you were between 20 and 30?

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