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Lost your fitness or gained weight after your holidays?

When we recently wrote about Swedish holiday habits, we found that many Swedes eat and drink more on holiday than in everyday life. Unfortunately, we have to say that we recognise this. We have probably both lost our fitness and gained weight after our holidays.


Getting fit after your holidays

The study on Swedish holiday habits shows that Swedes like to drink and eat more than usual on holiday, and that's probably true for us too. When we're on holiday, we like to eat a bit more food, drink a bit more wine and go on fewer long walks. Not a good combination for our fitness. Now it's time to get in shape again, and you could say we have three strategies for that.

1. walking to work

Firstly, we are getting back to our routine of walking to my job (40 minutes each way). Peter walks with me in the morning, and then walks home again. I walk home when I am done for the day.

Now you just have to make sure you have good shoes. I walked for a few days in flat converse-like shoes and after that my heels started to hurt. From now on, it's hiking shoes or trainers with good soles!

Promenadväg till jobbet
Love my walking route to work!

2. tapout XT training programme

Now we have also (finally!) started our training programme. In periods we have been running regularly, but now we have had a long period without training ... and it shows! We can't do nearly as much as we did before.

The training programme we run is called Tapout XTand we really like it! Whilst it's very American and perhaps a little too tough for us at the moment, it's very varied, which is good and fun. The 12 different discs include everything from cardio and boxing to weight training with rubber bands, abdominal exercises and yoga.

90 dagars träning
We've dusted off our tapout discs

3. Better food

Last but not least, we should try to think about food. The goal is to reduce calories slightly while still getting good nutrition. After a holiday, it's easy to fall into the drinking-wine-a-little-now-and-then trap, so step one is to consistently swap wine or beer for water on weekdays.

On top of that, we focus on delicious (of course!) meals with moderate amounts of fish or chicken and plenty of hearty vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas and beans. For me (a migraine sufferer) it's important to eat regularly and in consistent portions, so diets where you eat different amounts on different days are not my thing...

Lots of vegetables!
And a lot of fish

How do you do it?

Are you also prone to losing shape and gaining weight after your holiday and what do you do about it? Or do you have tricks for maintaining good habits even during your holidays?

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