How do you actually eat crab? It's seafood season and we eat seafood every chance we get. If you've been following our blog for a while, you'll know that crab is a particular favourite of ours. We've actually written about how to eat crab once before, but now Peter has also made a film. It is not an entertainment film for a rainy evening, but simply an instructional film for those who want to know how to eat crab.
Instructional film: How to eat crab?
I (Helena) had never eaten whole crab before I met Peter, and if he hadn't shown me how to do it, I wouldn't have had a clue. Now it is one of my absolute favourites! We like to buy one crab each (or one to share if they're big) and eat it for dinner with Chef's sauce, crackers or bread and cheese and maybe some other seafood. Yummy!
Best in autumn - at home or in the campervan
Autumn is crab season, and it is sometimes said that all months ending in the letter R are good months for crabs and other seafood. We take the chance as soon as it's convenient and of course have a double set of crab sticks - both at home and in the motorhome.
Do you like crab, and if so, how do you usually eat it? What are the usual accompaniments? We shot this film last weekend, and this weekend we probably won't be eating crab. Last night we were invited to a houseboat neighbour's house for dinner and tonight we're invited to a crab dinner with New Zealanders visiting Sweden. Will be very nice!

Lena - good for the soul says:
Yummy! I think I've only ever eaten crab once.
Have a great Saturday!
Hug Lena
30 September 2017 - 7:50
Helena says:
Thank you the same! Wishing you a nice weekend!!!
30 September 2017 - 22:42
Kenneth Risberg says:
I mostly eat lobster and crayfish but have also tasted crab a few times.
Stopped eating shellfish when I started diving for a specific reason. But now diving is finished so I have started eating shellfish again.
Thanks for the instructive film on how to eat crab, I think I'll try it now.
30 September 2017 - 8:18
Helena says:
Not quite sure if I understand how the seafood and diving are connected... But why not try crab now that you're eating seafood again? 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:04
Marina says:
Thanks for the instructional film! Now I have to give the crab another chance, because I belong to those who have not managed to get much of a crab so I have simply ignored it and stuck to other seafood.
30 September 2017 - 9:44
Helena says:
There is a lot of food in a crab! So hope you get more next time! 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:05
Ama de casa says:
I love seafood, but I haven't had crab for a long time.
Crayfish... Yummy! I'll have to check if it's available in any of the Scandinavian shops now. The Spanish may have crayfish, but they do not know how to cook them properly - tastes nada! Swedish cooked Spanish crayfish is the way to go 🙂.
Have so much fun at the crayfish disc! Here it will probably be a small tapas journey, not entirely impossible that there is some small seafood there too 🙂
30 September 2017 - 10:11
Helena says:
I agree that seafood tastes completely different in Southern Europe. Tapas travel does not sound stupid either though! 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:06
Ditte says:
Crabs and other seafood are good, and fresh lobster and crayfish are among my favourites. Crayfish aren't really that tasty, but with some other seafood it's nice to gather around them.
I prefer to eat fresh crab naturally with a good sauce, good bread and good cheeses.
Wishing you a pleasant evening.
30 September 2017 - 10:24
Helena says:
Crayfish need some accessories to fill you up, I can agree with that. We actually ate crayfish tonight, and together with cheese pie, bread, biscuits, cheeses, etc. we were stuffed 😉 .
01 October 2017 - 1:07
Alexandra says:
Peter looks good on film!
Crab is probably my least favourite seafood. 😉 The claws are the best.
30 September 2017 - 11:21
Helena says:
Glad you think Peter looks good on film! I also think he is natural on film 🙂 And the taste is of course like the cake ... most importantly, perhaps, that you take the opportunity to try so you find what you like!
01 October 2017 - 1:09
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Seafood is really yummy, although crab is at the bottom of my list (apart from oysters). Crayfish, prawns and a moule marine..... Now I get so hungry, but here is a piece of fresh cod back in the oven. It's not badly fatty either. Good instructional film, they are almost burglar-proof!
30 September 2017 - 12:50
Helena says:
"Burglar proof" haha, that's a funny way of putting it, but you have a point! If no one showed me I really wouldn't know how to do it... And cod back doesn't sound stupid either, it's a favourite for us too!
01 October 2017 - 1:10
Mr Steve says:
Great instructional film. Crab, how delicious. You really have to work for your food when you eat crab. Unfortunately, it is no longer a job for me since I became "one-armed". I get assistance from D when we eat seafood.
30 September 2017 - 13:43
Helena says:
Crab is not the easiest thing to eat and definitely requires two hands at times, so I can understand why you need assistance with it. Perfect that D can help!
01 October 2017 - 1:13
KajsaLisa says:
Shrimps are less complicated 🙂
30 September 2017 - 14:44
Helena says:
It's certainly true... and shrimps are good too! 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:13
BP says:
What a fun and informative film!!! I love crab, especially the roe and butter. The shelling is less "exciting", but I do what Peter did. My husband only eats claws, which suits me perfectly. Also, there are "loose claws" available at the local ICA.
I don't mix white meat with the rest but eat it separately. I also don't use Hovmästar sauce (too sweet) but make a vinaigrette sauce instead. I like to eat Levain bread and cheese with it. Guuuud soooooooo hungry I got now:-)
30 September 2017 - 17:14
Helena says:
Great to hear that you like the film! Also interesting to hear how you eat crab and with what accessories!
01 October 2017 - 1:14
Matts Torebring says:
We have tried in the company of good friends, who are "crabby" to say the least, with all the instructions available, but it doesn't work. We don't like to eat crab.
30 September 2017 - 18:20
Helena says:
It is fortunate that we live in a free country and that we are allowed to have different opinions. You will surely find other favourites! 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:15
Across the board says:
Crab is really good. Nice with a crayfish disc. Hope you had a good time
01 October 2017 - 7:23
Helena says:
Thank you, we had a great time! There will be some pictures soon!
02 October 2017 - 6:00
Steel city anna says:
Great tips 🙂 crab is a bit tricky but very tasty!
01 October 2017 - 11:11
Helena says:
You have to work for your bread and butter when you eat crab ... 😉 .
02 October 2017 - 6:01