We have just bought new personalised suitcases. Our old suitcases were embarrassingly worn out, and when Peter's bag broke during our last trip together, we realised it was time... We did a lot of searching online, and ended up with four bags that we will recognise on the baggage carousel.
Buying travelling bags online
We knew that we wanted one big and one small suitcase, that they would be hard and that we would be able to recognise them easily in some way. It's so hard when you have an ordinary black suitcase and all on the baggage carousel look the same... Also, we really wanted suitcases with locks.
Peter searched around online and eventually found suitcases he liked at a shop called Rofa Design. Here we found hard suitcases with locks that were sold in pairs (one large and one small for 1668 SEK together). We were also able to get our suitcases personalised!

Personalised travel bags
What would it say on our suitcases then? "FREEDOMtravel.se" of course! We also chose to add our initials so we can see whose bag is whose. So far, we are super happy with our new suitcases. They are now on the lower deck waiting for a trip so they can be used. Conveniently, the small bags fit perfectly inside the big ones so they don't take up too much space.
It feels really good to have new suitcases! How they work when travelling and how the quality is remains to be seen. We don't even know where our next trip will be, but hopefully we'll get to inaugurate them soon. What do you think a good suitcase should be like? Are you happy with the one you have?

How do you know if your bag can be taken as hand luggage on a flight? Check out Hand luggage - dimensions and weight of hand luggage on the food and travel blog.
Linnea says:
Fun with customised bags! We ordered school backpacks with customised embroidery from Rofa before the start of the school year and are happy so far?
26 September 2017 - 6:40
Helena says:
How nice that you also ordered from there, and it sounds reassuring that you are satisfied 🙂 .
26 September 2017 - 7:11
4000mil says:
But god what fun! 🙂 I would also like to have. But with 4000mil.se then ...
When I first saw the picture, I thought you would start selling them?
26 September 2017 - 7:01
Helena says:
Haha, maybe that would be our new business ....!? 😉 And yes, I definitely think you should have bags with 4000 miles on them! 🙂
26 September 2017 - 7:13
Ladies Abroad says:
What a fun detail!
26 September 2017 - 7:43
Helena says:
Glad you like! 🙂
26 September 2017 - 17:56
Eva Mauleon says:
Glad you found Rofa, they are our neighbours! We have not tested bags but some other things they make!
Good luck with your new gadgets.
26 September 2017 - 7:48
Helena says:
Hi Eva! What fun to hear from you here, and fun that Rofa is neighbours to you! 🙂 Hope all is well!!!
26 September 2017 - 18:36
Lennart says:
Yes, it's important to have labels on your suitcase!
26 September 2017 - 7:49
Helena says:
Right! At last we recognise our bags!
26 September 2017 - 17:57
Cathinka - On the move! says:
Fun and smart with your own print! Have just bought a new combined roller and backpack that I am super happy with. In addition, pea green so you avoid the luggage band problem:)
26 September 2017 - 8:25
Helena says:
It's great when you're happy! And it sounds like a bag that you will not mix with others...! 😉
26 September 2017 - 17:58
snort says:
It's fun to have a personalised bag. I usually choose an unusual pattern so there's no doubt that it's mine,
26 September 2017 - 8:27
Helena says:
A slightly unusual pattern is also perfect!
26 September 2017 - 17:58
LinizTravel says:
But wow nice 🙂 smart idea! Hugs
26 September 2017 - 8:42
Helena says:
Glad you like it! We are super happy 🙂
26 September 2017 - 17:58
s p i n d e l t j e j e n says:
Nice!!! 😀
26 September 2017 - 8:51
Marina says:
What a fun thing! I don't think I've ever seen a bag with a name printed on it (and I've seen a number of bags spinning by on the straps...). For myself, I have solved the problem of finding the right bag with a strap that no one else has - at least I think so 😉 I probably want the bag to be checked in to be hard because it can be subjected to a somewhat rough treatment. Hand luggage is not so fussy, I probably often travel with a backpack on the plane and if I go on shorter excursions, it will often only be hand luggage.
26 September 2017 - 9:35
Helena says:
We had soft bags before, but they took a lot of shit and at the end they were very broken .... 😉 Hope it works better now with hard bags!
26 September 2017 - 18:39
Ama de casa says:
Heavenly good with your own print! They were nice too 🙂
For some reason, our suitcases are always red... But there are more and more of them on the luggage belts now, so I'm thinking of changing the colour now that it's time to replace our old ones (it's been a while now...). But if I change from red, I will probably never find it again on the belt as my eyes are set on red bags... 😉.
However, I don't want one of those suitcases that "opens in the middle", but a lid that allows you to place the bag against the wall and still open it. We usually make trips where we never unpack, and hotel rooms can be small. More practical to be able to easily open the lid then, instead of "unfolding" the suitcase. The lid should also be equipped with a net, where you can place important small items that easily get lost among the clothes otherwise. Like tape and the little stapler, for example 😀 Even the umbrellas and caps (against rain even they) may live in the lid so you can quickly access them in the trunk if necessary.
26 September 2017 - 9:57
Helena says:
Interesting with the idea of being able to open it against a wall. We could do that with our previous ones actually ... We'll have to make do anyway 😉 But the little stapler ... what is it for ...????
26 September 2017 - 18:00
Ama de casa says:
If you've lost your bags, your clothes are falling apart and you don't like sewing or compulsive shopping - a stapler is great!
We have benefited from the stapler on the last cruise as well. Will probably be a post of it in the future 🙂
26 September 2017 - 20:11
Helena says:
Haha, I understand! I usually have a small pair of scissors with me (good for a lot of things!) and when we go camping I usually have a needle and thread. However, the stapler has never travelled with me ... I wonder how you thought when you packed it? Like "If Anders' trousers break, it can be great to have" ...?????
26 September 2017 - 23:00
Ama de casa says:
We have scissors too. A little rascal that lives in the "survival knife" which in turn lives in the toiletry bag. Has been used a lot. Needle and thread are also included, such small kits that you get in hotels (got, now they seem to skimp more and more on those "gifts" 😉 ).
I was surprised that he had that staple thingy with him, but it has come in handy anyway 🙂 ).
27 September 2017 - 10:03
Mary of Rövarhamn says:
Haha. So superfluous. I would rather not have a bag at all. I hate packing, living in bags and unpacking. No, boat or motorhome is more for me. And otherwise it is hand luggage in the form of a flexible bag or backpack that applies. /Linda
26 September 2017 - 10:05
Helena says:
Haha, yes a little nerdy maybe, but we are travel nerds 🙂 Have travelled a lot with a backpack as well, but lately it has become a suitcase ...
26 September 2017 - 18:02
Ditte says:
Stylish and practical bags. And cheap too! Really affordable!
I think like Ama here and have a similar hand luggage type that does not open in the centre. But also a harder version that opens in the centre. Good interior design is important.
Often we only travel with hand luggage and then the bag must be very light in itself and with an outer compartment so I can easily reach tickets, computer and other things.
I have two great Samsonite bags that are very light in weight and also easily visible on the luggage belt (if the larger one is even taken along, but it does on long journeys).
Good luck with the bags and I'm sure they will fulfil your expectations.
26 September 2017 - 10:28
Helena says:
The key is to find bags that you like and that suit your way of travelling!
26 September 2017 - 18:03
Mr Steve says:
Nice as hell!
26 September 2017 - 11:16
Helena says:
Glad you like it 🙂
26 September 2017 - 18:04
Husis blog says:
Nice suitcases you bought!
When the owners bought new bags last Christmas, the weight was an important part, it must not weigh too much and must have four wheels and be made of hard material. They settled on Samsonite bags, but unfortunately they were in plain colours. They ended up with a sticky note, home-sewn ribbons in a horrible luminescent colour that are tied to the handles. A ribbon that is tied around the bag so let's see how easily they find their bags when they are going abroad soon.
26 September 2017 - 12:53
Helena says:
We used to do that too. We put on "tassels" that we bought in Morocco. It worked for quite a long time, until the tassels broke ... 😉.
26 September 2017 - 18:05
Anette says:
What a fun idea.
I wonder how many people would want to peek into my bag if I put my suspicious blog name on it 🙂 .
26 September 2017 - 13:12
Helena says:
Haha, that's not so suspicious, is it? But maybe they would be curious 😉.
26 September 2017 - 18:40
Jeanette says:
What fun! Now you never have to wonder which one is your bag. Yes it would be between you then but it's a trifle 🙂 .
26 September 2017 - 14:38
Helena says:
It actually says HB on mine and PB on Peter's, so we shouldn't have to confuse them between us either... 😉.
26 September 2017 - 18:05
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
So nice and what a fun idea. Almost a pity that we don't need any suitcases at the moment!!!
26 September 2017 - 16:51
Helena says:
Haha, yes, that's one way to look at it 😉.
26 September 2017 - 18:06
Matts Torebring says:
You have certainly made a good purchase. To avoid the need for suitcases, I always want to go in a motorhome. It is so boring to pack. In the campervan, we always have the clothes required for the season, without packing. We have double of everything. It's different for you.
26 September 2017 - 18:37
Helena says:
Yes, it is practical to have a motorhome! We don't have double the amount of clothes, but we have double the amount of utensils and towels and stuff.
26 September 2017 - 23:01
Ann-Louise says:
What nice bags! Very practical with both URL and initials on them. I have a bright pink suitcase that is easy to see on the luggage belt. However, I love to buy suitcases so now I almost get a little hungry to buy a new one even though it is not needed 🙂.
26 September 2017 - 19:34
Helena says:
Bright pink also sounds practical when it comes to the luggage strap...! 🙂
26 September 2017 - 23:02
BP says:
Very nice and NOT black:-)
We have never had hard bags but more "hockey jerseys" with wheels. But they take a lot of beating and our latest (2 years old) has got a big dent. Oooops, maybe time to buy hard suitcases instead of using duct tape;-)
26 September 2017 - 20:39
Helena says:
It sounds like your bags are in about the same condition as ours were... 😉 Well, maybe time for some new fun ....?
26 September 2017 - 23:02
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
What fun with new bags! Really smart and nice with the personalised print.
I am very happy with my relatively new Epic Phantom. It is red and not unique in appearance but I have pimped it a bit. 😉
26 September 2017 - 21:39
Helena says:
Glad you like our bags! And pimping is perfect! 🙂
26 September 2017 - 23:03
Jennifer says:
So beautiful 😀
27 September 2017 - 19:09
Kamilla says:
So stylish and smart above all. I think I hear about friends and acquaintances where the bags disappear for various reasons a little too often right now.
How clever it is to have personalised ones so it's harder to take someone else's bag anyway.
Thanks for the tip.
Hugs Kamilla
28 September 2017 - 8:00
Helena says:
It may be true that it's harder to "sneak away" with a printed bag!
01 October 2017 - 1:31
Lena - good for the soul says:
But God, how cool. Perfect! Guess if people will check 🙂
Hug Lena
28 September 2017 - 19:50
Helena says:
Glad you like them! 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:31
Christine - 29°. says:
Fun thing! There is really no risk of taking the wrong bag on the conveyor belt 🙂.
30 September 2017 - 12:14
Helena says:
No, right? 🙂
01 October 2017 - 1:32
Steel city anna says:
Very nice!
01 October 2017 - 11:13
Ms M says:
The cabin bag is the bag I am most picky about as I often travel with only hand luggage. It should therefore be super light, have the largest possible volume which is increased when you choose 2 wheels as the wheels go into the airline's dimensions. The design of the bag is also important. If it is too "bulky", a lot of volume disappears in the bulging corners. So far I think Samsonite (no advertising!) is outstanding. Expensive yes but durable and then I don't have to book luggage on short trips. Have even had it at my feet on a flight over to London as it can easily be pushed under the seat as well (this is a bit dependent on the aircraft model).
30 December 2017 - 10:25
Deciree says:
Very strong with their own print on so you recognise them on the tape when they are loaded off the plane... Hugs!
12 June 2018 - 15:19
Mr Andreas wahlsten says:
Very nice suitcases. Do you know where to buy them today?
Found stylish suitcases at http://www.Vajper.com but they don't seem to offer printing which would be both nice and very personalised when travelling with the family.
Just find your blog and I like your content. Became a bookmark. Have a continued great evening.
Regards Andreas
22 May 2024 - 21:11