If you've been following our blog for the last week, you'll know that last weekend was dramatic to say the least here in the marina. Peter was in Greece and I (Helena) was alone in the houseboat when a section of our jetty simply sank, taking with it an office and several leisure boats. Those of us living in houseboats further out on the jetty were cut off from land, and had to crank up the emergency bridge ...
Table of contents
From emergency bridge ... to temporary bridge
The first solution for those of us living in Pampas marina meant that we had to crank up the emergency bridge, which is usually hidden underwater at the entrance to the marina. It worked temporarily, but was quite a hassle as we had to raise and lower it all the time - otherwise no boats would have been able to get in or out of the marina.
So we were very happy when the marina provided us with a temporary jetty at the beginning of the week. The jetty runs from our jetty to the nearest neighbouring jetty, so we can get to shore without cranking up and down an emergency bridge ...

Work throughout the week
The staff in the marina have been working all weekend and all week. In addition to fixing the emergency bridge and temporary dock for us residents, the focus has been on getting all the leisure boats that have been partially pulled into the water (because they were moored in the dock that sank).
Only when the boats were up could they begin to think about it. large the sinking colossus, namely the floating dock with an office on top and storage underneath. How on earth could they salvage it ...?

Salvage of a jetty
Well, if you can salvage huge ships, you can salvage a "small" jetty, after all. The marina brought in a lot of equipment, including a large ship with a crane and powerful bilge pumps. There were also a lot of men, including divers!

When I came home yesterday
The whole dramatic lift took place during the day when Peter was at home. When I came home from work, it looked like the picture below. But we will be using the temporary jetty for a while longer. The salvaged jetty is cordoned off, and I don't know what they plan to do with it.
The best thing about our week is of course that things have started to get organised in the marina after the chaos of the weekend! What is the best thing that happened during your week?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the New dressers and new espresso machine in the houseboat
Mr Steve says:
I see considerably more drama in the marina than at Getingstorp. The best thing that has happened here has not even happened yet. It is that the forecast promises sun and fine weather this weekend.
Losing their jobs took on a whole new meaning for the office workers in the marina. Thankfully, it was only temporary, but still.
It's good for you to have land knowledge again. Have a nice weekend!
22 September 2017 - 6:33
Helena says:
Not much fun for the entrepreneur who rents the office, I can say ... Wishing you a nice weekend with nice weather!
22 September 2017 - 8:33
Lennart says:
Good to have a land connection!
22 September 2017 - 6:40
Helena says:
It makes everyday life easier! 🙂
22 September 2017 - 8:33
Diana says:
Help, luckily things are getting better :)hugs and happy holidays/Diana
22 September 2017 - 7:08
Helena says:
Yes, it's nice ...! Wishing you a nice weekend!
22 September 2017 - 8:34
4000mil says:
The best thing that happened during my week is that the feeling from Greece has stayed with me. I still feel like I'm on holiday. ?
I hope it stays for a long time because there are 5 weeks until we get to travel again.
22 September 2017 - 7:12
Helena says:
Nice that the feeling lasts! Here there is also a lot of talk about Greece because Peter has just been there 😉 Where does the next trip go?
22 September 2017 - 8:34
4000mil says:
24 September 2017 - 10:50
åsa in åsele says:
I'm glad it's working out, even if it will take time to "get back to normal".
There is talk of better weather this weekend, hopefully it is true,
I'm sick and tired of the constant rain, grey clouds and cold weather.
Today I'm going on a trip with my mum, a day trip to Sollefteå.
22 September 2017 - 7:27
åsa in åsele says:
I'm glad it's working out, even if it will take time to "get back to normal".
There is talk of better weather this weekend, hopefully it is true,
I'm sick and tired of the constant rain, grey clouds and cold weather.
Today I'm going on a trip with my mum, a day trip to Sollefteå.
22 September 2017 - 7:27
Helena says:
Sad that you had such boring weather ... Here the weather goes back and forth, but right now it is grey ... Wish you a nice weekend and a nice trip! 🙂
22 September 2017 - 8:35
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
A land connection is good to have. BUT what was the reason for the sinking of the bridge?
22 September 2017 - 9:32
Helena says:
I don't know the exact reason, but there is storage under the bridge and they were pumping out water, so for some reason water has leaked in I guess.
22 September 2017 - 13:44
Ama de casa says:
Oh how exciting to see how they solved it with getting the house up again. Hope it works out with everything and for everyone. It is usually said that "nothing is as permanent as a makeshift", I hope it will be put to shame in this case. But the temporary bridge still looks very solid.
I also wonder just like Nils-Åke, why did it sink? Have they checked the other bridges so it is not the same problem (whatever it was) with them?
Here we have now come back to everyday life again this week. It is not at all wrong either 🙂
22 September 2017 - 9:44
Helena says:
I also hope that this new jetty will not be temporary for too long ... As I said, I don't know the exact reason, but the difference between this jetty and the others is that there are storerooms underneath, where water has probably leaked in. There are no such stores under the piers where the houseboats are moored, so there's probably not much risk of it happening there.
22 September 2017 - 13:46
Goatfish says:
But, my goodness, what disasters, oh my, what disasters there can be!
Interesting to follow how they fixed it all. It's been a while since I visited your blog and what you're up to, because I've been up to a lot myself 😀.
The best thing that happened to me this week? Plenty. Have been Mother Svea abroad among dangerous Vikings. Then it was great to come home to my little nest again 😀.
Happy Friday to you and I am curing my cold as best I can.
22 September 2017 - 10:23
Helena says:
Oh yes, it sounds exciting with Mother Svea among Vikings. I think I have to read with you 🙂 Have a good time and get well!!!
22 September 2017 - 13:47
Anette says:
Wow, how exciting life on a houseboat can be. Maybe it's good for you to be at work.
22 September 2017 - 10:41
Helena says:
Yes, a bit TOO exciting sometimes almost... 😉 ...
22 September 2017 - 13:50
Ditte says:
It's good that things are starting to settle down. But very sad for all the boats that ended up in the depths. Difficult with all the insurance and other work. You were very lucky.
Here in Torrevieja we are enjoying the still ongoing summer, socialising with friends, eating good food and other nice things. Autumn feels far away.
22 September 2017 - 17:18
Helena says:
Yes, there will be hassle with insurance and other things, which is not so fun ... Great that you can still enjoy summer! 🙂
23 September 2017 - 11:11
BP says:
OMG!!! What a "rescue operation". Peter should have sold the pictures to the press, because I can't imagine that it happens often that piers in a marina sink "just like that". Would have been a really good scoop I think, since you were there from the beginning and documented.
22 September 2017 - 17:48
Helena says:
Yes haha right, but it had to be enough with publication here on the blog 😉.
23 September 2017 - 11:13
Emma, sun like sun? says:
Oh, I would have liked to stand there and watch! So very interesting to see what happens and how they solve the situation! Could have stood there non-stop!
The poor people who had their office flooded. I have also been through that and I know what work it will be afterwards with insurance companies and other "shit".
The best thing this week is that the son has managed a WHOLE WEEK in Spanish school and he still sounds happy. Sure it's been up and down - which of course it will continue to be, he's basically a teenager! - but at least he doesn't refuse.
And as a bonus, I have at least walked one of the times each day. Today it was both in the morning and afternoon!
22 September 2017 - 20:39
Helena says:
No, not fun for the entrepreneur who has the office. Even if you have insurance, it's a lot of hassle and mess and boring work. Good to hear that your son is doing well at school!!!
23 September 2017 - 11:14
Husis blog says:
What an exciting day he had Peter. To be able to follow this up close.
My week has just involved standing at the owners' house waiting to leave. For the owners it has been a normal week without any major festivities, a normal working week.
22 September 2017 - 21:35
Helena says:
Can you go away this weekend then...?
23 September 2017 - 11:15
Across the board says:
How nice that things are starting to get better again.
23 September 2017 - 18:26
Lots of other stuff and some concrete says:
But wow, what drama!
You won't be bored living in a houseboat.
The best thing that happened during my week? Thinking...and not coming up with anything. Had planned to go to the Green yesterday but rain and cold made us stay at home.
Greetings Agneta
23 September 2017 - 22:48
Lena - good for the soul says:
Yes, my goodness, what a thing!
Hug Lena
28 September 2017 - 19:35