Many of our campervan friends are heading south this autumn and we have to admit that we are liiite jealousy. Here we are in the dark. But there are actually lots of things to enjoy during the Swedish autumn too, not least all the seafood and mushrooms. Today is "Happy Friday" and here are 3 good things about autumn.
Table of contents
1. Autumn is beautiful
Autumn is actually really beautiful! (At least now, I'm not sure I'll say the same thing in November.) The trees and bushes are changing in warm colours and sometimes when I walk home from work the sky is on fire. The top picture in the post I took with my mobile phone camera yesterday on the way home. The picture below is from exactly the same place, when we walked from the houseboat to Fridhemsplan and back. crayfish disc on Saturday.

2. Time to take care of yourself
We want to exercise and eat well, but it doesn't always happen. Besides travelling a lot in the summer, it's easy to have a glass of wine every now and then... or two. In a way, it's kind of nice to get back to routines and take care of yourself now in the autumn.
We boost our mornings with extra fruit and vegetables - preferably avocado on our sandwich and grapefruit in our yoghurt. In the evening, it's usually fish, and an hour after dinner, we do a training session. Our bodies are still completely shocked and wondering what we are doing every time we do a session - but we do it anyway!

3. Mushrooms and seafood
One of the best things about autumn is all the good food. We've been indulging in a lot of mushrooms lately. We can't boast of being skilled mushroom pickers, but the easily picked mushrooms at ICA also taste good!
Autumn is also the time for seafood. We have had time for both crab and crayfish and on Saturday we are going to the seafood buffet at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm. It is cruel so we are really looking forward to it! Of course, we'll be charging for photos and film so you can "join in"!

Things to look forward to in October
In addition to looking forward to tomorrow's seafood buffet, we're looking forward to our two motorhome holidays, to Norrköping and Västerås. We've received so many great tips from your readers (thank you so much!) so we're really excited about everything we're going to see and do in these two cities.
Another exciting thing is that we have become a reseller of a product that we think is very interesting. really good. We'll tell you more on Sunday, so stay tuned!
Your turn
Now it's your turn. What is the best thing that happened during your week? What do you think is the absolute best thing about autumn?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Forgot my iPhone in the aircraft
Karin Eklund says:
Autumn is nice in the North, at least before November crosses the threshold. I agree with everything you describe, on all points. Of course, I don't have much access to shellfish here in the Åland Alps in Geta, but they taste good if they are suddenly available in a fish shop south of Mariehamn. We pick mushrooms every day when we go out on our daily exercise round which is quite long with head down and arse up. But this is where they are and this is where they should be picked. Enjoyable in many ways and this winter we remember these days particularly well as we eat mushrooms in many different ways.
Have a nice weekend!
06 October 2017 - 8:59
Helena says:
A bit sad to have difficulty getting seafood, but you seem to compensate well with lots of mushrooms instead 🙂 Have a nice weekend!
06 October 2017 - 16:03
LinizTravel says:
Yes autumn is wonderful when it is not raining 😉 beautiful colours and yes seafood soooo good 🙂 nice weekend hugs
06 October 2017 - 9:14
Helena says:
Haha yes, we order nice weather!!! 🙂
06 October 2017 - 16:04
Ama de casa says:
Seafood buffet... Mmmm how good! And chanterelles... A definite luxury item down here.
The best thing about autumn is that the heat lingers - shorts and tank tops still apply. And the light. Sure, it gets darker here too, but not quite as dark as up north.
Have a great Friday!
06 October 2017 - 9:27
Helena says:
I can understand that chanterelles are scarce in Spain (although I have eaten chanterelles in Croatia once ;)). But on the other hand, it would be strange to eat chanterelles in shorts in the heat 😉.
06 October 2017 - 16:05
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Autumn is wonderful if the weather is beautiful and we agree with the highlights of seafood and mushrooms. The yellow chanterelles have been scarce this year, but we have brought home more than 10 kg of roughly cleaned Karl Johan and a couple of baskets of funnel chanterelles, so now we can enjoy mushroom risotto and funnel chanterelle soup this winter. The best of the week is right now when we are sitting in the motorhome for a long weekend on Öland (the last trip of the year??).
06 October 2017 - 10:50
Helena says:
Both mushroom risotto and chanterelle soup sound so good! Enjoy the motorhome trip!
06 October 2017 - 16:18
Ditte says:
Of course, the early autumn here at home can also be nice. But I know what I think in November and I'm happy to leave for more southern regions.
Seafood in Sweden in the autumn is a favourite, as are good mushrooms.
I can imagine that you are looking forward to Grand and their seafood buffet. It is like so much else at Grand absolutely "outstanding". Have tried it a few times. And will do it again.
The best part of the week? Madrid! Without a doubt.
06 October 2017 - 11:43
Helena says:
Agree that November is a dark month ... Lovely with Madrid!!!! Will enter and read more with you 🙂
06 October 2017 - 17:32
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
It feels good to stay at home even in the autumn. Now we have helped our daughter to move so it's just nice to be home again. This weekend everyone is coming home so I'm standing by the stove and cooking. Next week there will be a small trip with the motorhome here in Skåne.
06 October 2017 - 12:51
Helena says:
Sometimes it's nice to be home. Wishing you a nice trip!!!
06 October 2017 - 17:32
åsa in åsele says:
Nope... I don't like autumn, maybe it's the darkness... well here it's already dark at 7pm and at 7am it's still pitch black 😉.
Then it's been raining every day since Sunday, so right now I'm pretty sick of grey weather.
But I'm not all negative 😉 tonight C & R are coming over for dinner, that's a fun thing 😀.
06 October 2017 - 13:16
Helena says:
Rain does not make things better ... but fun with dinner guests! 🙂
06 October 2017 - 17:33
Travelsis says:
The best is our trip to Macedonia last weekend. And the best thing about autumn is the fresh air, wonderful colours, lit candles, crackling fire and snuggling on the sofa with a blanket. / Pernilla
06 October 2017 - 14:06
Helena says:
Oh how fun that you were in Macedonia! Lovely!!!
06 October 2017 - 17:34
Ruth in Virginia says:
First - what wonderful photos. Karlberg Castle! Fantastic!
Reminds me of the night I was at the ball there with my wife.
former fiancé (1950) 😉
Autumn here has been, and still is, incredibly beautiful. The leaves
remain on the trees and begin to flame. Early autumn is the best
time to visit the eastern part of the USA.
Happy news - Washington Capitals won the hockey match against
Ottawa last night. Happy, happy!
But then there was Las Vegas - something that got me so depressed the other day that I almost didn't want to get out of bed.
There are no mushrooms to pick and no berries either. Shellfish
is nothing to me, except Dungeness crab in San Francisco.
So elegant to go to the Grand; never been there.
Oh, a funny thing today - I'm going to my volunteer job at "my"
up-scale flea market. Is always fun! Nice end of the week!
06 October 2017 - 14:30
Helena says:
Glad you like the photos Ruth! 🙂 LAS Vegas yes, sooo awful. You can not really take in everything terrible sometimes, must focus on the positive! Have fun at the volunteer job and this weekend!
06 October 2017 - 17:37
Across the board says:
I would love to join the seafood buffet ☺ Otherwise, the best thing about autumn is that every day we get one step closer to spring?
06 October 2017 - 14:36
Helena says:
Haha, that's one way to look at it 😉 But I actually like both autumn and winter (with the possible exception of November ;)).
06 October 2017 - 17:38
Annar Aas says:
Hi, I was so excited to meet you that I forgot to introduce myself. I apologise for the mistake. Very nice to see your nice houseboat and your welcoming faces. My name is Annar and I live in Höganäs
06 October 2017 - 15:16
Helena says:
We also got a little excited and forgot to ask, haha. Sooo much fun that you came by!!! Really a surprise that made us in a good mood! Thanks for the visit and hope you have a great time tomorrow!
06 October 2017 - 17:41
Lennart says:
I think November could be cancelled.
We used to go to Canaria every year in that month.
The best thing now is that, for now, you can roll away,
06 October 2017 - 15:16
Helena says:
November is actually the most boring month, I agree. Let's make sure to do something fun in November 😉.
06 October 2017 - 17:42
Ninny says:
The best thing about autumn is that it's BEAUTIFUL with all the colours, autumn is calm and relaxed, you can treat yourself to just being inside and doing nothing if you want... And I think it's wonderful to live in a climate with four seasons! But my favourite is still summer.... because I like light and warmth. And colour!
06 October 2017 - 15:46
Helena says:
I also like the seasons, that it varies. Summer is lovely of course, but I also really like winter, when there is a lot of snow 🙂 .
06 October 2017 - 17:44
Annar Aas says:
This is why I like to follow the blog, you are so positive in every new time!
06 October 2017 - 16:03
Helena says:
Thanks for the nice words about our blog! 🙂
06 October 2017 - 17:44
Solan says:
Nothing wrong with October...
Just arrived from Pamplona to San Sebastian. How good can a 60+++ have it? Now I am waiting for your November report ?
06 October 2017 - 16:15
Helena says:
Oh wow! It sounds like you have a great time :). November ... haha, we'll see how it sounds then 😉.
06 October 2017 - 17:45
Anette Åhnbrink says:
We are not complaining about autumn, sangria at sunset in Spain and we have ten days left? But then ... although we have something to look forward to because we have the motorhome down here and fly in between! But I would not say no to seafood at the Grand! So enjoy for us too! Have a good Friday cosy and continued nice weekend / ☀️????
06 October 2017 - 19:30
Helena says:
There seems to be nothing wrong with your autumn 😉 And yes, we are enjoying it for you too at the Grand!!!! 🙂
07 October 2017 - 11:02
BP says:
Like Ruth, I want to start by complimenting you on the photos - they are absolutely superb. The last picture takes the prize! Sell the photo to a photo agency!
It's good that you have searched and found something positive about autumn. Agree with you about seafood and the excellent "ICA forests" in the nearest shop. Seafood buffet at the Grand - WOW. I really look forward to that post:-)
06 October 2017 - 20:10
Helena says:
Glad you like the photos! 🙂 Today the cameras are ready for Grand 🙂
07 October 2017 - 11:24
Lena - good for the soul says:
Yes, that is indeed the case. There are a lot of positive things about autumn. I have learned to like autumn since I started blogging. Being "forced" to see details and stop to enjoy it has made me actually like autumn now. The best thing is probably all the amazing colours!
Hug Lena
06 October 2017 - 20:49
Helena says:
This is a positive thing about blogging that I recognise! Not only when it comes to autumn, but in all kinds of contexts!
07 October 2017 - 11:25
Matts Torebring says:
There are so many positive things about autumn too. It's not as crowded, out on the pitches anymore, there are places left when you arrive. The warm floors inside are another enjoyable feeling. There is time to read and just feel good. We do not long for the south this time of year, possibly in February, March, to meet spring earlier.
07 October 2017 - 12:40
Mr Hans Lundgren says:
We love all seasons with the different charms of colour, sun, and a wonderful spring rain, a couple of weeks ago we found happiness in about 20 percent of a litre of lingonberries at "Spånsans Fäbodar" west of Idkerberget. Idkerberget
Now in the autumn we are a number of "pensioner hooligans" who go to the gym where we get the age discount (think when you are 101 years old) and get paid one percent hi hi
One weekend remains with the "pensioner's incubator" Strängnäs market then it will be winter parking, and dreaming of next season, by the way, would be fun to hear about your plans with a group trip with motorhomes as I read earlier.
Ending with a big thank you for everything in your blog.
Greetings Hasse & Ingegerd
07 October 2017 - 16:18
Emma, sun like sun? says:
I can't say what the best thing about autumn is. But right now it's the chestnuts!
07 October 2017 - 16:59
Harriet Andersson says:
Thanks to Ruth from Virginia" I found my way here. Love my blog, it's
my joy. Autumn has always been a wonderful season. >I think it has
become a bit calmer then. I write almost every day, and vent most things.
Have been alone now for 6 years, then my blog became a wonderful solution to many things. Have browsed here back and forth, wonderful pictures, and you feel welcome thank you very much. Hajan
07 October 2017 - 17:13