Are you the one who travels with a huge toiletry bag and a large make-up bag? Today we're going to argue why you should minimise your toiletries. Someone will probably get upset, but we argue that you really need very few hygiene and beauty products. We even say that a smaller toiletry bag helps you save time, money and the environment. And yes, we also believe that your skin feels better!
Table of contents
This is what we pack in the toiletry bag
We pack very little in our toiletry bag when we travel. What can come with us is an electric toothbrush with separate brush heads, toothpaste, dental floss, soap (unless we are staying in a hotel, because then there is soap in the room), a deodorant (we use the same one), a razor, shaving gel and nail scissors (which can also be used for a lot of other things). If we go on a sun holiday, I might pack a sunscreen too. Then the toiletry bag is packed!

What we don't pack in our toiletries bag
We do not pack any skin creams, lotions, day creams or night creams. We do not pack any shampoo, conditioner or wraps. We don't pack any make-up, nail polish or perfume.
No shampoo, you might think. In fact, we pretty much never uses shampoo. I'm sure someone will be upset, but... no, hair does not get greasy. Our experience is that hair stops producing oil when you stop feeding it with shampoo. The same with skin creams! We find that the skin moisturises itself much better when you don't get it used to creams.

Save time!
First of all, we save a lot of time! Imagine how much time it must take to apply all these different creams we hear about. Not to mention the time it takes to put on make-up ... When you're travelling a lot and often, it's nice to not have a big toiletry bag!
Note! We of course respect and understand that many need creams for a variety of reasons - what we object to is that people may use them by accident or because the adverts make us think we have to have lots of different products.

Save money!
Skin creams, beauty products and make-up are not exactly cheap. We have no idea what they might cost per year. All we know is that we never buy shampoo, conditioner, skin creams, wraps or make-up - and that they are one less expense.

Save the environment!
The other day my colleagues were talking about which shampoo is the most environmentally friendly. But the most environmentally friendly must be not to use these products at all? No chemicals are needed during production, nothing needs to be packaged or transported ... simply very good for the environment!

pilla says:
I also use no creams except for body lotion. This with 100s of creams has never interested me. Probably because I did not have any pimples to remove make-up during my teenage years plus I played football at an elite level so showering a couple of times a day was common so spending time on make-up plus lugging around lots of extra jars was never my thing.
04 November 2017 - 7:50
Helena says:
Nice to hear that there is someone else who does not like too many creams, haha. It's probably a bit related to interest as well 😉 .
04 November 2017 - 12:09
Lisa in the village says:
We are different. My nose bag is always packed, I have cleanser, toner, day cream, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, hair clips, nail clippers and cotton, it's in the laundry room, and the make-up bag is also packed, but it's in the toilet.
We don't travel very often, but I end up at the hospital once in a while, so it's good to be prepared.
Have a nice weekend!
04 November 2017 - 8:11
Helena says:
We are all different! However, I can recognise the preparations. We also have a toiletry bag that stands and is at least half packed ... 😉.
04 November 2017 - 12:10
Carin says:
I probably have the same toiletry bag that Lisa in Byn has written about above.
Mum C
04 November 2017 - 8:47
Helena says:
As I said, I recognise the idea of having a toiletry bag that is half packed, even if there is not much in ours 😉.
04 November 2017 - 12:11
4000mil says:
The toiletry bag is my weak point in packing. Not zillions of beauty creams, but still a bit too much. Hair fix, and other colijox. However, I have also rationalised make-up long ago. Apart from the mascara that I think my eyes need to not "disappear".
04 November 2017 - 9:03
Helena says:
Isn't it nice to rationalise away makeup? For me, it happened early on because I did not have the ability to apply it in a sensible way (ie it looked terrible ;))
04 November 2017 - 12:12
Matts Torebring says:
A fun and different post. We are in the middle! Firstly, we pack very rarely. We have double of everything in the motorhome. Even any "pills". We have not travelled by plane for many years. A car may happen once in a while. Then we pack some shampoo, lotion, deodorant, toothpaste and hair gel. We can't imagine being without them, but that's all we use. Birgitta has never used make-up. When we shop for hygiene products, we buy almost "boxes of branded products" at a special price at Dollarstore.
04 November 2017 - 9:07
Helena says:
The thing about having everything double is convenient! We also have various medicines with us, I didn't mention that now.
04 November 2017 - 13:56
Ms M says:
I would probably like to have and do a certain "maintenance" 🙂 But I have become an expert in getting what I need in the small plastic bag you should use when travelling by plane so I can bring my luggage as hand luggage. *proud and satisfied*
04 November 2017 - 9:37
Helena says:
When travelling with only hand luggage, we have also had to practice with the plastic bag, so we recognise it 😉.
04 November 2017 - 13:58
Ama de casa says:
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, sunscreen, tops, razor, tweezers, dental floss bows, nail scissors, sewing kit and survival knife (including corkscrew and scissors 😉 ).
A small bag "on the side" with hoarded shampoo, soap and skin cream from previous hotel stays in case it is not available at the hotel we end up at.
The necessities and the 'beside' bag always stay in your suitcase with all your stuff - ready for the next trip.
04 November 2017 - 9:42
Helena says:
The survival knife sounds like a good gadget! 🙂 We don't hoard things from the hotel very often because we don't use shampoo. Would do it all the time if there was toothpaste, I think 😉.
04 November 2017 - 14:00
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
I think you are absolutely incredible at finding different topics for your posts. Here we will probably also be something in between. A light toiletry bag but a good body lotion is there and so the thing I never travel without, a real pocket knife with knife, scissors, tweezers, corkscrew, bottle opener etc etc.
04 November 2017 - 9:54
Helena says:
Glad you like our posts! 🙂 And it seems that you can find a lot of practical equipment in your pack when the going gets tough! 🙂
04 November 2017 - 21:22
Ditte says:
I don't want to be without certain "goods". As far as skin cream for body and face is concerned, it is absolutely necessary for me, as well as a special sun protection cream. Of course there are some other things too. However, no heavy toiletry bag.
04 November 2017 - 10:06
Helena says:
Exactly, I fully understand that you may need certain creams and other products! (Just like I need various medications for my migraines...)
04 November 2017 - 21:44
Anja says:
Totally agree with you Helena and Peter! ?
04 November 2017 - 10:11
Helena says:
Great to hear that someone agrees on this 🙂 Have a nice weekend!
04 November 2017 - 21:44
Husis blog says:
What a fun and thought-provoking post. The owners think some people are packing things up on the fly.
In addition to what you have in your toiletry bag, my male owner also has tweezers, plasters, shampoo and hair gel. Depending on the trip, perfume can also be part of the bag.
But best of all, while I'm using it, it's already there, so convenient and practical.
In fact, the male has no idea what the female owner has in her toiletry bag.
04 November 2017 - 10:50
Helena says:
Interesting that the male owner has no idea what the female owner has in her toiletry bag - wonder if the reverse is also true? 😉
04 November 2017 - 21:45
Lena - good for the soul says:
Hehe, thoughtful! Not that I use so much, but facial cleanser and moisturiser is so nice. During the summer months, I mostly use olive oil as a face and skin cream, during the night. Yep, ordinary olive oil. Definitely the best after sun remedy. I pour it into a glasses cleaner spray bottle and it's easy to use. In the winter I get so terribly dry (= sticky) on my legs so then I need skin cream to avoid scratching myself.
Hug Lena
04 November 2017 - 11:23
Helena says:
So, the thing is that I do not even know what "facial cleanser" and "moisturiser" are for something, haha. Interesting with the olive oil, and of course I understand that you need some cream if you get too dry.
04 November 2017 - 21:47
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
There are really very few things most of us REALLY need when travelling. I prefer to travel with only hand luggage, and then I can't bring so much liquid stuff. I've become an expert at stuffing as much as possible into one of those little plastic bags you're allowed to take on the plane. When I was in Central Asia last year, for example, I had everything I needed for two weeks in such a bag - toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, sunscreen, aloe vera, liquid antibac, mascara and even daytime lenses for every day. One of the people I travelled with was so fascinated that she had to take a picture of my bag 😀.
04 November 2017 - 13:43
Helena says:
The NEEDS thing is an interesting concept, which you sometimes have to reconsider when travelling 😉 Read all the comments out loud to Peter in the car today and we laughed when we read about your travel companion taking a photo of your bag...! 😉
04 November 2017 - 21:48
Mr Steve says:
It is very clear that you are experienced travellers. Limiting packing is probably something that most travellers need to be reminded of. When I was still travelling it happened more than once that I packed things that were unused on the return journey. And it wasn't just the contents of the toiletry bag. However, I became more restrained over the years.
One thing that was always in the toiletry bag was the Swiss army knife. Wow, how much use I got out of it.
04 November 2017 - 14:29
Helena says:
The Swiss army knife sounds like a good thing to have! 🙂 Of course, we are quite experienced at packing, but still, it happens to us that we come home and realise that we have packed things that we have not used ...
04 November 2017 - 21:50
Across the board says:
The campervan has everything because we have double of most things, so we don't pack it. On a flight, it's just toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant and a face cream. Possibly a small jar of hair gel.
04 November 2017 - 14:37
Helena says:
Convenient to have everything double in the motorhome! I've never even tried face cream 😉.
04 November 2017 - 21:51
Helen says:
My travel bag is also small. I use coconut oil (i.e. atbar) as a skin hug and also a little under the arms with some bicarbonate (works great as deodorant), so I have two small plastic jars with coconut oil in one and bicarbonate in one. Plus a small pair of tweezers, toothpick, and toothbrush. You can both wash your hair and brush your teeth with bicarbonate.
04 November 2017 - 15:36
Helena says:
But how interesting! I had no idea about this! The fact that bicarbonate can be used for this was completely new to me ...!
04 November 2017 - 21:52
BP says:
We don't pack balm, wraps and make-up apart from mascara either. However, there is always a Swiss army knife that has both scissors and a nail file. By the way, we don't use conditioner, packs or make-up here at home either. However, I need a special prescription face cream that can come with me.
I use shampoo, but I often buy it on the spot so that I don't have to carry the bottles. Have a little difficulty getting used to the idea of not using shampoo. I must say I like the smell of freshly washed hair;-)
04 November 2017 - 16:44
Helena says:
Many practical all-round tools there I must say! 🙂
04 November 2017 - 21:54
BP says:
I forgot to say that I actually need a hairbrush as well if my husband and I share it;-)
04 November 2017 - 16:52
Helena says:
Depending on the length, I sometimes use a small comb as well, but I usually forget it when travelling, and it usually doesn't matter much. But of course this is connected to the fact that I have short hair ... 😉.
04 November 2017 - 21:55
Ruth in Virginia says:
Surprised that so many people pack deodorant. I never use that stuff
and I haven't heard anyone complain about 'bad air'. If you shower
and changing underwear is not necessary. In addition - some have
deodorant that smells way too strong (I've noticed it on younger men)
Autumn is here - 11C and drizzle.
Admiring your ability to come up with fun and interesting topics
to discuss.
05 November 2017 - 3:34
Helena says:
Interesting, now suddenly we are the ones using more stuff 😉 Deodorant is probably not necessary either. I myself sweat easily and then it feels good, but what do I know? Never like when there are too strong scents, regardless of the product. Glad you like our posts! 🙂
05 November 2017 - 13:45
Maria's Memoirs says:
I probably have a lot more in my toiletry bag, but still less than many other travellers I think, and of course in as small travel packages as possible. Perfume and regular skin cream, for example, I can leave at home, but if I go on a sun trip, for example, I need sunscreen and aloe vera gel (which I use as an after sun, against any sunburn, mosquito bites and other skin irritations that may occur) etc.
08 November 2017 - 19:45