Today we talk about Swedes' New Year's resolutions for the coming year, their biggest holiday worries and Norway's focus on aurora tourism. Among other things. We usually run travel news on Mondays, but since we have zero control over the days of the week right now, it happens to be a Tuesday this week. Time for the last FREEDOMtravel News of the year!
Table of contents
More alcohol on holiday
More than 8 out of 10 Swedes change their lifestyle when they go on holiday abroad, according to a Sifo survey by Ticket. The most common change is to drink more alcohol. However, not all changes are for the worse. 30 per cent eat less healthy food while 6 per cent eat more healthy food. 19 per cent exercise less, while 23 per cent exercise more. Top 5 changes:
- Drink more alcohol (50 %)
- Reading more (40 %)
- Sleeping more (31 %)
- Eat less healthy food (30 %)
- Exercise more (23 %)

Swedish men have the most expensive skiing injuries
When Swedes go on a skiing holiday, men's skiing injuries will be both more numerous and more expensive for insurance companies than women's injuries. In fact, Swedish men have the most expensive skiing injuries in the entire Nordic region. This is according to a new survey from the assistance organisation SOS International. Some of the higher costs for Swedish men are related to the fact that they often ski far away, such as in the USA, Canada or Japan.

Swedes' New Year's resolution: more travelling
Two out of three Swedes have already made their New Year's resolutions, according to online travel agency Most promise to travel more, but many also say they will stress less and exercise more often. Here is the Swedes' top list of New Year's resolutions:
- Travel more (31 %)
- Stress less (24 %)
- Exercise more (23 %)
- Save more money (17 %)
- Lose weight (17 %)

Swedes' holiday worries
Booking a holiday creates excitement and expectations, but it can also cause travel fever and anxiety. According to a survey by Finnair, the most common concerns are lost luggage and possible delays. Here is a top list of Swedes' biggest worries when travelling:
- Lost luggage (28 %)
- Travel delays (25 %)
- Baggage restrictions (20 %)
- Unable to book favourite accommodation at the right price (17 %)
- Secure payment solutions when booking online (17 %)

Northern Norway focuses on the Northern Lights
Between late September and late March, the northern lights are a natural part of life in northern Norway. This is why Norway has invested heavily in aurora experiences in recent years. There are many ways to experience the northern lights, and here are a few variations:
- From the deck of the Hurtigruten - between October 2017 and March 2018, you get an aurora guarantee.
- Above the clouds - The airline Widerøe offers northern lights tours departing from Tromsø.
- From luxury cabin in Narvik - you are taken to Narvikfjället in the Gondola and can see the Northern Lights from three outdoor platforms.
- Via dog sledding expedition - The Tromsø Wilderness Centre organises two-day dog sledding expeditions.
- From an igloo - The Sorrisniva hotel outside Alta is made entirely of ice and snow, and if the northern lights appear, guided tours are organised.

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Most Googled in 2017 - and this is where Santa finds Swedes
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
It's fun to compare yourself to the above lists.
- As for New Year's resolutions, I'm not making any, but the whole list could be mine.
- When it comes to lifestyle changes, most of this is probably true, except that we are not eating less healthily, but rather the opposite
- I've never felt much anxiety about travelling, just longing and anticipation.
- and finally the northern lights, which I have never seen. A couple of years ago we missed it up at Vildmarksvägen. When we arrived at a small nature camp, a German couple had admired the incredible northern lights the night before and we read about it on Aftonbladet, but unfortunately it was overcast so we are still waiting.....
26 December 2017 - 8:34
Helena says:
Interesting that you haven't seen the northern lights either! When we meet people abroad they always think we've seen the northern lights, but we haven't ...
26 December 2017 - 14:47
Mr Steve says:
I stopped making New Year's resolutions a long time ago.
I experienced the Northern Lights during my youth in Norrland.
Good luck!
26 December 2017 - 9:01
Helena says:
Great to see the Northern Lights Steve! Keep up the good work!
26 December 2017 - 14:48
Nils-Åke says:
The experience of the North has probably fascinated people throughout history.
There are no New Year promises here.
26 December 2017 - 9:24
Helena says:
The northern lights are fascinating! I hope to see it someday 🙂
26 December 2017 - 14:48
Razzy says:
I'm skipping New Year's resolutions too. Fun with the lists, some of the listed things matched me. I have photographed the northern lights out here on Resarö, very beautiful. Hugs Eva
26 December 2017 - 11:22
Helena says:
Cool that you saw the northern lights on Resarö! I also hope to see it sometime! 🙂
26 December 2017 - 14:49
Role o Carina says:
We have never experienced the northern lights live, but the mother-of-pearl cloud!
Keep up the good work.....
26 December 2017 - 11:48
Helena says:
I don't even know what a mother-of-pearl cloud is? May google 🙂
26 December 2017 - 14:50
Marina says:
Exciting list of the changed lifestyle habits on trips. I admit to all of them except the one about exercising more, no health trips here not 😉 When it comes to New Year's resolutions, I only make one and that is that I will not make a New Year's resolution! Good continuation!
26 December 2017 - 12:36
Helena says:
We are also bad at exercising more, although we try to get some exercise in sometimes. More food and alcohol is easy ... 😉 ...
26 December 2017 - 14:51
Lennart says:
Great to see the lists!
26 December 2017 - 13:51
Ruth in Virginia says:
After living in Alaska for 15 months, we got to see
northern lights on the last night of the state. 🙂
Only time in my life.
26 December 2017 - 13:58
Helena says:
Wow! I can't believe you got to see it on the last night!!!
26 December 2017 - 14:52
Matts Torebring says:
Some more fun statistics that I read somewhere last autumn. Only 27 % have intimate relationships on holiday. Then I commented on this with... could this be why almost everyone talks about long beds in the motorhome?
26 December 2017 - 15:29
Helena says:
Haha, that's an interesting statistic! We don't want long beds 😉.
28 December 2017 - 6:02
Steel city anna says:
Good luck and happy new year! I hope to see the Northern Lights someday.
26 December 2017 - 16:43
Helena says:
Thank you very much Anna!!!
28 December 2017 - 6:02
BP says:
I have never seen the Northern Lights in person, but judging by the pictures on various blogs, it must be an amazing experience.
Then it is fun to compare your own "opinions" with the lists. I am surprised that as much as 23% exercise more on holiday. Then I think that travel delays are much worse than lost luggage. Because in the meantime you have to buy "new things" that the airlines pay for;-)
26 December 2017 - 17:26
Renate's travels says:
The Northern Lights are almost impossible to describe unless you have seen them yourself. No wonder Northern Lights tourism is on the rise! I am so lucky that I can see it just by walking out the door on a starry night. 😉 One of the luxuries of living in Northern Norway.
As for New Year's resolutions, I've basically stopped making them... but I always want to travel more, haha!
26 December 2017 - 20:15