What is happening in the motorhome industry? Shortly before the Caravan Stockholm 2018 fair, it became apparent on social media that something strange was going on. A motorhome company claimed they were not allowed to participate in the fair and there was talk of cartelisation and blackmail. Then the lid was put on it. What is going on behind the scenes and how does it affect us as motorhome owners and customers? We will dig deeper into this and follow up with a new article next Sunday.
Table of contents
Conflicts in the motorhome industry
It seems that there are obviously conflicts in the motorhome industry. We want to be clear that we are not taking anyone's side in this. The reason we want to write about it is because we believe that what happens behind the scenes can affect us motorhome owners. We are currently reporting what we have seen and read in the media.
Several did not attend Caravan Stockholm
We were very pleased with Caravan Stockholm, but an interesting detail (which does not necessarily have to be conflict-related, but may have to do with priorities) was that several motorhome companies, and thus several motorhome brands, did not participate in the fair this year. For example, Kabe and Adria were missing. Forsbergs Fritidscenter also chose to display their motorhomes at their own annual Forsbergs fair in Sollentuna, on the same date as the Caravan Stockholm fair.
Why didn't svea Husbilar participate?
The company Svea Motorhomes, a motorhome and caravan broker, was scheduled to attend the Caravan Stockholm 2018 trade fair. They were not going to show any motorhomes. Together with the fair, they planned an outdoor area called "Vintergatan", where visitors to the fair could see motorhomes from Nordic, take photos on the red carpet, talk about motorhomes and more. But that was not the case. Shortly before the fair opened, both the programme item and Svea Husbilar's participation were cancelled.
We have not seen any official explanation as to why Svea Husbilar did not participate in the fair, but if the company itself is to be believed according to their video on Youtube (update: now removed), they were simply denied participation. However, we want to emphasise that this is one side's view, and that there may be other sides of the coin.
What has been said in the media?
Discussions have been heated on Facebook and many people have been upset, but it has been difficult to get any answers. In one of the larger motorhome groups, the administrators quickly closed the thread so that it was no longer possible to comment. They wrote that they would inform the company concerned and then get back to you. You can see the email sent to the fair, and then the thread is silent.
One of the few motorhome magazines to report on the incident is Husbil & Husvagn, which called it "Sad start to Caravan Stockholm". They refer in the short article to Svea Husbilar's criticism, and write that the fair does not want to comment but focuses on making a good fair for the visitors.

what is happening in the motorhome industry?
We don't know what's going on in the motorhome industry, but it's not surprising that events like these make motorhome owners' heads spin. If it is the case that there is cartelisation, blackmail and pressure on who can and cannot be seen, then there is a risk that this will affect free competition and the pricing of motorhomes.
And that affects us as consumers. This topic should be interesting for motorhome magazines to write about, but can they do so if they are funded by advertising from the big motorhome companies?
How do you think?
We always write our honest opinion, and we'd love to hear what you think too. We won't close any comment fields! Of course, we do not accept personal attacks or other inappropriate content, but otherwise you are free to comment! (Please note, however, that your comment may need to be approved before it becomes visible).
We now plan to follow this up by digging a little deeper during the week. We will reach out to various players in the industry to see if they have any comments, and will return with a new article next Sunday. If you have any information or comments, you are also welcome to email us at kontakt@freedomtravel.se.

Matts Torebring says:
As an entrepreneur, I know that it costs millions of dollars to exhibit at a motorhome and caravan fair. I myself previously concluded that it was a balance of costs and human resources when I chose not to participate. That there would be other reasons does not surprise me one bit. This occurs in several different industries. But of course it is boring in all forms.
04 March 2018 - 7:52
Helena says:
The cost is of course a relevant factor for all companies to consider, and we have also realised that it costs a lot to stand at a trade fair. Fully understandable if you make priorities. The question is whether other things have also taken place.
04 March 2018 - 21:42
Mr Jonas says:
If you organise a fair, everyone should be allowed to participate. Otherwise, the fair gets an income that they do not get, the company that makes this demand, they stand for the missing cost for the fair organiser, they hope. Sad that some brands were missing, and this happened, so for my part, the next fair in coffin will not be in my calendar. So I may organise my own in 2020, I have already started to check the possibilities... Thank you for good and interesting reports.
04 March 2018 - 9:50
Helena says:
Your own trade fair? Do you work with motorhomes Jonas?
04 March 2018 - 21:43
John Alden says:
This is not a case of cartelisation. Sveahusbilar is a grey importer. They have also lied to everyone and said that they do not import new or used motorhomes. Just go back and you will see that they have imported lots of new motorhomes. I understand that the general agents get annoyed when someone imports motorhomes from Germany and then sends their guarantees to the Swedish general agents when it comes to guarantees and other things. I am not taking anyone's side. But the worst thing I know is lies, and that's exactly what Svea husbilar is. They have made a fool of themselves. Fooling poor people who think they are innocent.
04 March 2018 - 9:53
Tobias Linusson says:
Hi John!
I don't know where you got your information from but here is a clarification from Svea Husbilar.
Svea Husbilar does not import any vehicles except for possible trade-ins when exporting (this has happened once and applies to 2018 when we exported a motorhome to Denmark).
When we started our business in 2016, we imported 4 motorhomes, 2 new ones of the Adria brand (1st Adria Sonic, 1st Adria 670) and 2 used ones, (1st Autoroller and 1st Chausson). Svea Husbilar decided in 2017 not to import any more motorhomes as our business with sales assignments took full speed,
Regarding our sales assignments, we currently have customers from, for example, Åland, then we help with the entire registration in Sweden. Svea Husbilar has never lied to anyone, on the contrary, we are extremely transparent with our business as we have no reason to withhold information.
It's unfortunate that you think we import cars when we don't, it's also unfortunate that you paint Svea Husbilar as untruthful. If you are impartial as you write, why not just pick up the phone and call us?
I would like to clarify that this question is not about whether there are companies that import motorhomes or not, it is about the fact that Hymer Sweden and its dealers have put pressure on Caravan Stockholm not to have Svea Motorhomes at the fair. If a player conducts this type of pressure to try to maintain market share, this will affect prices for consumers. We at Svea Husbilar will never tolerate this event and like you, we are also looking for answers to the question of how this could happen.
I promise to answer all your questions if you call me! You can reach me on 0700-914448
Tobias Linusson
Svea Motorhomes
04 March 2018 - 11:55
Anonymous says:
10 March 2018 - 19:12
Imelda says:
I think it's good that you're digging, I hope you find some answers? I wouldn't be at all surprised if there is foul play in the motorhome industry, why should it be spared?
Good luck with your research!
04 March 2018 - 10:07
Helena says:
Thank you for your feedback Imelda! We feel this is important for motorhome owners/customers.
04 March 2018 - 21:44
Lena in Wales says:
It's difficult to decide when you're not really in the know, but I'm used to Spain and there are many forces that control a lot of things. Maybe the Swedes are not so used to it, although I think there is a lot of corruption in Sweden, but no one wants to recognise it because it simply should not be there.
04 March 2018 - 10:26
Helena says:
Interesting comparison with how it can be in other countries Lena!
04 March 2018 - 21:45
Fredrik Karlsson says:
What is a trade fair? Traditionally, the idea is to present the latest models and accessories available on the market. Is there a need for a separate fair to sell and broker used motorhomes? Everyone wants the chance to be seen and market themselves where there is a good flow of potential buyers. Quite natural. Should it be mixed together or separated?
04 March 2018 - 11:48
Helena says:
Interesting thoughts! But shouldn't a trade fair offer everything about a topic of interest to the customer?
04 March 2018 - 21:46
Ditte says:
I don't know anything about this at all, but it's good that you're trying to find out what's going on, because even according to the comments, opinions seem to differ greatly. And what is true and whose truth applies. Looking forward to more about this even if I am not at all concerned. But maybe similar applies to other fairs regarding, boats etc.
04 March 2018 - 12:27
Helena says:
There are probably a lot of opinions on this, as we understand it.
04 March 2018 - 21:47
Elisabeth says:
I think it is good that you are digging further and letting different sides emerge. Whatever the brand, they should be able to withstand daylight. I definitely want to know these things for my next house car change.
04 March 2018 - 13:21
Helena says:
We will ask more questions during the week!
04 March 2018 - 21:48
Liniz Travel says:
A completely different world for me! Interesting! Hugs
04 March 2018 - 15:08
Helena says:
Welcome to the world of camping Lina 🙂
04 March 2018 - 21:48
BP says:
I know nothing about this either, but see that you have triggered "reactions", including a comment from Svea Husbilar.
04 March 2018 - 19:11
Helena says:
That's right, there are many different opinions here I think.
04 March 2018 - 21:49
Annar Aas says:
Great that you provide an opportunity for dialogue through your blog! Looking forward to more posts and possible new facts
04 March 2018 - 20:58
Helena says:
Thanks for the feedback Annar! We will get back to you!
04 March 2018 - 21:49
Weavers says:
I would not think that this industry is spared. It may be difficult to know exactly what the situation is, but it's good that you want to try! If it is the case that a company wanted exclusivity at the fair and the organiser agreed to it, it is tragic, I think.
04 March 2018 - 21:04
Helena says:
We'll see what we learn, but we'll keep digging during the week!
04 March 2018 - 21:50
Lena - good for the soul says:
Impressive that you are digging into this! It is probably necessary that some neutral party dares to shed light and try to sort it out! Well done!
Hug Lena
05 March 2018 - 6:08
Travel Linda says:
Read about this before the fair. Probably very difficult to get the whole truth, but good on you for trying!
05 March 2018 - 7:26
Ama de casa says:
Haha! I've already commented on this post, but that comment disappeared with the post, kind of... 😀!
05 March 2018 - 13:33
Kjell/Dessan says:
We were very surprised when we went to the Kista fair and heard about this. Absolutely incredible that it is only possible to exclude certain motorhome sellers??.
07 March 2018 - 7:29
MR L says:
I really hope you manage to get a sensible comment from the Hymer group about what they are afraid of... Svea has chosen to run with open cards. If Hymer is serious, they will explain why they chose to do what they did. Good luck to them
09 March 2018 - 23:38
Gaisars says:
See on Svea Husbilar website that they sell some Mclouis Mc4 75 ,2017.
Three of them have walked 849 kilometres
One has walked 625 kilometres.
One reports rainfall. The others nothing.
Could it be 'grey imports'?
10 March 2018 - 18:55
John Lönnqvist says:
Hello Gaisaren.
Thank you for your question regarding the Mc Louis MC4 73 G we have for sale.
These are referrals from a small group of people who have bought their motorhomes in Italy, had them for a while and now want to sell them.
Since Svea Husbilar is specialised in brokerage, they contacted us and asked if we could help them sell these motorhomes, and we see no reason to refuse these brokerage assignments.
We are therefore not the importers of these vehicles, but we have photographed some of them before the Swedish plates were introduced. Hence the pictures without the plates.
If you have any more questions, just ask, we have nothing to hide.
John Lönnqvist
Founders & Co-owners - Svea Husbilar
Tel: 0707702098
Here is also the object in question:
11 March 2018 - 10:56