Today is a wild mix of travel news! We can tell you about the first luxury car to install airbags as standard, how many people have sex on aeroplanes and how often trains are on time... really. There's also news about travelling to Russia, Legoland's 50th anniversary and our connected habits on holiday. It's Monday and it's FREEDOMtravel News day!
Table of contents
Travel to Russia increases tenfold
Interest in travelling to Russia increases tenfold during the World Cup this summer, compared to the same period in the summer of 2017. This is according to new statistics from Ticket. The World Cup is being played in several Russian cities, with a focus on Moscow and St Petersburg. Now the number of travel bookings to these cities in particular is increasing rapidly, for travel during the period of the championship.

World's first luxury car with an airbag
When you buy a new car, it is equipped with airbags, but the same is not true for luxury motorhomes. Now Niesman+Bischoff report that with their new safety concept in the Flair motorhome brand, they have developed the first luxury liner motorhomes with airbags as standard, for both driver and passengers. This is despite the fact that there is no legal requirement for airbags in motorhomes.

Legoland celebrates 50 years royally
Legoland in Billund turns 50 this year and has celebrated royally. HRH Prince Joachim, Princess Marie, Prince Felix, Prince Henrik and Princess Athena opened the doors to the new season, which is characterised by new features such as the new Flying Eagle roller coaster, the relaunch of the classic Lego Canoe and the premiere of Ninjago 4D movie.

How people have sex on aeroplanes
Dating company SaucyDates asked 11,179 members on its website about their experience of sex on aeroplanes. According to the results, 5% have had sex on a plane, with most of them using the toilets (59 %) or the seats (31 %). Here are some additional findings from the study:
- 18 % out of six on aeroplanes are with airline personnel
- 30 % of sex on aeroplanes is with a stranger
- 78 % would like to have sex on an aeroplane
- Boeing 747 is most popular for the purpose

Nine out of ten trains are on time
Nine out of ten trains arrive on time, according to statistics from the government's traffic analysis. This is reported by TravelNews. In 2017, 90.3 per cent of trains were on time (delay of five minutes or less), an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to 2016.
However, the long-distance train only had a punctuality rate of 78 per cent. In February, SJ presented a survey saying that the Swedish population believed that half of the trains were on time. The correct figure is that nine out of ten trains are on time.

One in three want to connect while travelling
The sun holiday specialist has surveyed Swedes' digital habits on sun holidays. More than one in three say they want to be constantly connected, while 62 per cent prefer to have access to Wi-Fi from time to time. The main reasons for holiday surfing turn out to be family at home, social media and finding the right restaurants.
- I prefer to be connected to wifi all the time (35 %)
- I prefer to be connected to wifi sometimes (36 %)
- I want to be able to use Wi-Fi, but I usually choose not to be connected (26 %).
- I prefer not to be connected to wifi at all (3 %)
- Don't know (1 %)

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Eco-zones, excursions and private holiday destinations
Matts Torebring says:
I got confused, this post is probably an April Fool's joke. In any case, when we bought our first motorhome in 1999 or second motorhome in 2003, we asked for airbags. Then the manufacturers did not know what I was talking about.
02 April 2018 - 8:20
Helena says:
It's funny how airbags are less important in a motorhome than in a normal car ...
02 April 2018 - 20:16
Marina says:
I can't help but think about how it would work, having sex in an aeroplane toilet... there's not a huge amount of space, so to speak... But at least it's nicer for the surroundings compared to having it in the seat 😉.
02 April 2018 - 11:09
Helena says:
Can agree with that ... 😉 😉
02 April 2018 - 20:17
Liniz Travel says:
Interesting news! Didn't realise it was so common
Sex on board hihi
Happy Monday!
02 April 2018 - 16:40
Helena says:
Haha, no. One might wonder if members of a dating site are representative of people in general ...
02 April 2018 - 20:17
Veiken says:
It must be awkward having sex up in the air in an aeroplane. Not the least bit appealing....
The son who works at the transport authority has informed his mum that the trains to over 90% are on time. Plus or minus 5 minutes. Fan tro't said Rellingen! 🙂
02 April 2018 - 18:54
Helena says:
Maybe it's that people notice and talk about it when the trains are delayed, and then it feels like it's more frequent ...?
02 April 2018 - 20:19
Anna says:
I travel by train a lot and have only been noticeably delayed 2-3 times. So I can believe that figure. Sex on an aeroplane doesn't appeal to me at all, but you can build up expectations no matter where you are 😉.
02 April 2018 - 19:16
Helena says:
I can't say that I understand the appeal of aeroplanes for this purpose either ... but maybe you can make a slow flight more exciting ...? 😉
02 April 2018 - 20:21
BP says:
I thought all cars had airbags today, but apparently not. Oh then I ask myself why of course.
The train delays were a (positive) surprise. I never thought so, as you often read about delayed trains in social media. Maybe it's the commuter trains in Stockholm then, and they are run by SL.
Sex in a cramped toilet on an aeroplane - well, no. If I had been 18 years old today, maybe;-)
Being connected while on holiday is a matter of course for me. First priority when choosing a hotel/apartment.
02 April 2018 - 20:47
Lena - good for the soul says:
Hehe, oops. 30% has sex with a stranger!
Well, nine out of ten trains on time! I thought it was much worse.
Hug Lena
04 April 2018 - 9:46