Swedes can be recognised by their flip-flops, many bring their dogs on holiday and travelling with only hand luggage has become increasingly common. These are some of our travel news this week. We also take the opportunity to wish you a great week!
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More people are travelling with hand luggage only
More and more airlines are charging for checked luggage, which has resulted in more travellers choosing to travel with hand luggage only. This is according to Ticket's latest Sifo survey.
It is mainly younger travellers (18-30 years) who travel with hand luggage only, while travellers aged 51-65 years have been least affected. Travellers from the Malmö area travel more often with hand luggage only than travellers in other parts of the country.

Norwegian launches digital temperature map
The airline Norwegian is launching a digital temperature map on its website. This is a brand new feature that allows travellers to select a destination according to their preferred temperature. The search function selects destinations based on temperature, price or type of travel, using a digital route map.

Bonus Malus scheme affects motorhomes
On 1 July, the new bonus malus tax system enters into force, affecting, among others, motorhomes. The new rules provide a bonus for low-carbon cars and increased vehicle tax for the first three years for new class I and II passenger cars, including motorhomes.
According to a press release from the trade fair company Elmia, the Swedish Caravan Industry Association (HRF) has been active against the proposal, as they do not think it is right. According to their calculations, the effect will not be so great for motorhomes, but one of the things that will happen is that many more people will park and park their motorhomes several times a year.

What Swedes look like on the beach
In a new survey, online travel agency eBeach.se found out which beachwear is considered typically Swedish. As many as 41% believe that flip-flops are the most typically Swedish thing to wear, while almost as many believe that it is the Foppa slippers that distinguish a Swedish traveller. Swedes' most typical holiday clothes, top 6:
- Flip-flops (41 %)
- Foppa slippers (38 %)
- Cap (28 %)
- Solhatt (25 %)
- Fanny pack (22 %)
- Sandals with Velcro straps (20 %)

8 out of 10 take their dog on holiday
78% of dog owners take their dogs on holiday, according to a new survey by dog food company Doggy. According to camping chain First Camp, this is reflected in the increasing number of dogs playing on the country's campsites.
Tips for travelling with a dog include checking out dog-friendly options in advance, for example on tamedhunden.se, travelling safely with your dog in the car (in a special car cage or strapped in with a special seat belt for dogs), getting an EU passport and checking rules if your dog is travelling abroad, and taking it easy in the heat.

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Swedish travellers are happy - but limited by concerns
Lena - good for the soul says:
Hehe, flip flops. Yes, perhaps it is typically Swedish. I have never thought about it 🙂
Have a great start to the week!
Hug Lena
28 May 2018 - 6:20
Helena says:
I don't know if that's the case? I haven't thought about it either.
28 May 2018 - 13:35
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Flip flops are not for me.
But the dog is harnessed when travelling in the motorhome.
28 May 2018 - 8:01
Helena says:
There are probably dogs in many motorhomes 🙂 .
28 May 2018 - 13:35
Anna/Bo in a motorhome says:
I love flip-flops and Foppa slippers 🙂 And even though I'm over 50, we usually only travel with hand luggage. But of course it depends on how long we will be away and where we will fly to.
28 May 2018 - 8:12
Helena says:
I can enjoy travelling only with hand luggage sometimes, but of course it all depends on where you are going and for how long, I agree!
28 May 2018 - 13:37
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
I recognise myself when it comes to Foppa slippers (when we go camping) and sandals with Velcro (I am on my fourth pair of identical Ecco sandals. They are outstanding). I thought the fanny pack had played out its role at least 20 years ago.
We have travelled with only hand luggage a few times, but since backpacks with cameras etc. are often allowed, that part is already used up.
28 May 2018 - 8:20
Helena says:
Sometimes it is difficult to get that with only hand luggage. To keep costs down, we have sometimes been able to make sure that ONE of us is travelling with only hand luggage 😉.
28 May 2018 - 14:58
Ama de casa says:
I think I recognise that top picture. Benidorm, right? 🙂 What did I win? 😉
Have a great start to the week!
28 May 2018 - 9:52
Helena says:
Absolutely right! The prize is glory and fame, or well, honour anyway 😉.
28 May 2018 - 14:59
Travel Linda says:
Only the foppa slippers I recognise myself in. They are always in the motorhome and are used around where we live, never leave the campsite or the pitch with the slippers.
28 May 2018 - 11:17
Helena says:
I've never had floppy slippers, but I agree that it's good to have something that you can easily put your foot in and out of 😉.
28 May 2018 - 15:00
Ditte says:
I seem to see flip-flop shoes around the world where there is both beach and city life. Maybe not in inland cities though... And I don't think it's Swedish at all. But "foppa slippers" are. Another thing that is fairly Swedish (well...) is not to use parasols against the sun.
As far as caps and sun hats are concerned, almost all Spaniards wear them and they are good sun protection, so it's nice if that characterises Swedish people too.
Fun with what is considered Swedish...
28 May 2018 - 14:18
Helena says:
I haven't realised that flip-flops are Swedish either, but maybe foppa slippers! Not parasols ... interesting ... yes, that might be true!!!
28 May 2018 - 15:01
BP says:
So the image of what Swedes look like on holiday cannot have changed since the 1980s. I am not a typical Swede, as I have not worn flip-flops since the early 1970s. No fanny pack either for that matter. I have never owned floppy slippers either...?
28 May 2018 - 21:26
Helena says:
Haha, we may not change! I have also never had Foppa slippers, possibly Filip-flops (depends on the definition of these ;)).
29 May 2018 - 21:20
Elisabeth says:
What a fun compilation! Nice with the temperature map on Norwegian!
29 May 2018 - 6:10
Helena says:
Glad you like our summaries Elisabeth!
29 May 2018 - 21:20
Lena Holmström Davidsson says:
We have been travelling with hand luggage only for many years. The advantages are many. No lost luggage, faster at the airport, less to pack, keep track of and wash when you get home.
Lena HD 61 years old
29 May 2018 - 6:38
Helena says:
Can agree that there are advantages, when you have the opportunity!
29 May 2018 - 21:21
Marina says:
It is always fun with such "statistics". For myself, I absolutely fall into the group "only hand luggage and Filip flop" and that despite both the wrong age and the wrong place of residence 😉.
29 May 2018 - 7:07
Helena says:
Aren't statistics a bit interesting? 😉
29 May 2018 - 21:21