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Summer list 2018 - our plans for the summer


Here is our 2018 summer list! We have borrowed the list from our travel blog colleague Travel Friday, which in turn borrowed it from the blog Life from the bright side. Feel free to make your own list if you have a blog, or answer the questions in a comment!


1. Where do you spend your summer?

First, we travel to northern Norway by air for a five-day trip. Then it will be motorhome trip around seven countries in Europenamely Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium. We will be on the road for two months, during both July and August.

We will probably see some mountains (picture is from Italy)

2. How long are you free this summer?

Peter always works on the blog (he's our "marketing department" and works on things like corporate partnerships, selling stories, administration around the company and also Instagram and film), so he moves his office with us when we travel. I (being the "editorial department") will of course also work on the blog all summer. My regular day job as a public health scientist, however, I will be on leave for two months.

3. Would you like to go somewhere else than the places you planned?

We are super happy with our travel planning, so right now we don't want to travel anywhere else. Of course, we always have dreams about different destinations, but that will have to wait until later.

4. What does your midsummer look like?

We spend our midsummer in Northern Norway, starting from Bodö!

5. What are your favourite summer days?

Rolling around Europe in our own motorhome and discovering new little gems - that's the best part! If we spice it up with nice weather, good summer food and idyllic places to stay overnight, it doesn't get any better.

Portugal, Camping Carminha

6. How do you deal with a rainy day?

Our summer trip will be full of experiences and impressions, so it will certainly be interesting even if it rains. Now we have also loaded both with sturdy rain ponchos and impregnated hiking trousers.

7. Do you have any travel plans after the summer?

Yes, we do! In October there will be group trip to Slovenia and Istria, in co-operation with Resia.

Istrien finns inte med på vår sommarlista 2018 - men på vår höstlista!
Istria is not on our 2018 summer list - but on our autumn list!

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