Many Christmas holidays to the sun are booked by now, but there are also Christmas holidays with places left. If you prefer snow this winter, we can tell you about two Norwegian destinations with news for this year. Plus, if you haven't seen it yet, we tell you which destinations Lonely Planet recommends for 2019.
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SAS presents Youth Go Light
SAS presents SAS Youth Go Light between the Nordic countries and the USA from 31 October 2018. This means that young travellers, between 12 and 25 years old, can get a better price on the SAS Youth ticket if they choose to travel with hand luggage only. Young people travelling with SAS Youth Go Light can bring one piece of hand luggage and a small handbag or PC bag on board in the cabin.

Solresor flies with SAS and Norwegian
A while ago we reported that Primera Air, which flies for Solresor, has been put into bankruptcy. Now Solresor has signed new agreements and will cooperate with SAS and Norwegian, according to a press release. Solresor flies all winter with SAS and Norwegian and is expected to send 30,000 travellers on holiday from October to April, mainly to the Canary Islands.

75 per cent of Vings' Christmas trips are booked.
At Ving, just over 73 per cent of Christmas holidays have already been booked, which is slightly more than at the same time last year. The destinations that have been booked the most are the Canary Islands, but also Thailand, Egypt, Gambia and the Caribbean. Although many trips have already been booked, there are still opportunities to get away for Christmas. There are mainly places left for Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Thailand, Cape Verde and Egypt.

News and early snow in the Norwegian mountains
The ski destination Hafjell in Norway is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a new six-seater lift and a new top station. The new lift is an express lift with heated seats and protection from the wind, and runs from Mosetertoppen up to Hafjelltoppen. This is the new summit at 1059 metres above sea level, with a 360 degree view of the valley and the high mountains. Kvitfjell is already open for skiing, as snow has been stored during the summer in order to open on 29 September.

Best travel destinations 2019
Lonely Planet has unveiled its list of top travel destinations for 2019. The 'best cities' category is topped by Copenhagen, the 'best regions' category is topped by Piedmont in Italy and the 'best value' category is topped by the South Nile Valley in Egypt. Best countries to visit in 2019 according to Lonely Planet are:

Get paid to travel around the world
The New York Times is currently advertising a dream job for those who love travelling, writing and photography. The newspaper is looking for a journalist who can report from all corners of the world for one year. Applicants should be well-travelled, have a good grasp of social media, be able to film and preferably speak several languages. The deadline for applications is 30 October.

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Winter destinations and 2019 travel trends
Mia's Mix says:
What a dream job! Being able to travel and get paid for it.
I prefer to celebrate Christmas at home with my family, but I like to go away for a few days after Christmas. I like both snow and sun and warmth.
Have a great week!
29 October 2018 - 8:31
Helena says:
Nice if you can get both snow and sun and warmth. Agree! 🙂
29 October 2018 - 15:51
Renate's travels says:
Exciting! Maybe you should apply for that dream job? 😉 Have a great week!
29 October 2018 - 9:27
Helena says:
Hehe, well why not? 🙂
29 October 2018 - 15:52
Ama de casa says:
Hmm... Youth discount? I wonder when they will introduce a special price for housewives? Waiting with excitement... 😀.
Have a great start to the week!
29 October 2018 - 9:48
Helena says:
Haha, I'm sure it's coming any year now 😉.
29 October 2018 - 15:52
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
We celebrate Christmas at home even though we are not big Christmas enthusiasts.
I think Lonely Planet's list of best countries to visit is a nice mix of countries scattered around the globe: some we've visited and several that are on that long wish list.
29 October 2018 - 11:04
Ditte says:
Always fun with news. And many old ones that have been there before reappear. Others are permanent. Great fun with Sri Lanka where we have been a few times that it is now calm there. so that travelling is possible. The daughters were born there, so the first trip went there in March 1981. Next year we are planning another trip there. Then together with daughters, grandchildren and the rest of their families.
29 October 2018 - 13:18
BP says:
Too bad SAS doesn't offer pensioners a discount;-)
SAS and Norwegian are probably laughing all the way to the bank now that Solresor is using their aircraft.
Had I been in my 30s, I would have immediately applied for my dream job. WOW!
29 October 2018 - 18:05
marina says:
Maybe it's time to saddle up ... no stupid job at all if you say so! I can understand that there are many who have booked trips this year, considering how Christmas is, it does not need so many holidays to get a really long holiday.
29 October 2018 - 19:14
Lena - good for the soul says:
Chair heating and wind protection in the lift! I'm leaving right now!
Hug Lena
04 November 2018 - 10:39
Johnny Friskilä says:
What luck then that I have two trips to Sri Lanka planned. 🙂
04 November 2018 - 19:07