You can now read about the rules for restricted free camping in Spain. So it has happened again. A municipality is annoyed by the misbehaviour of motorhome tourists on the free camping sites and decides to stop free camping.
Calpe has had enough
This time it's the Spanish coastal town of Calpe that has had enough. Calpe is perhaps best known for its distinctive cliff, the Penon de Ifach, which rises 332 metres above sea level and is a classic landmark. Calpe is located in the region of Valencia, not too far away from Benidorm. We have never been here, but many people love the resort for its long sandy beaches, great hiking trails and wide range of restaurants and shops.
Tourism is an important source of income for a municipality like Calpe, so tourists are actually very welcome. It's just that they are fed up with motorhomes that park for long periods wherever they happen to fit, discharge waste water straight into the sea and connect to the local water network. You can now read, in an article Motorhome & Caravan, that the municipality of Calpe has decided to tighten the rules for motorhome tourism.

Can you travel to Calpe by campervan now?
According to the article, Calpe does not want to scare away motorhome tourists at all. Motorhomes are still very welcome, but you will now have to park in one of the 453 spaces available in car parks, or take up residence in one of the town's two campsites. Regular car parks are fine during the day, as long as you don't use outriggers, leveling blocks or outdoor furniture. In the evening, you should move to a car park or campsite.

What about free camping in Spain?
When we travelled Around Europe For a whole year in 2015 with our campervan, we were a bit shocked by free camping in Spain and Portugal. We also free-camped from time to time, but only for a few nights at a time. Then you have to enter a campsite or pitch to empty grey and black water, fill fresh water and so on.
But no, we realised that many motorhomes were fricamping for weeks, and sometimes months, on end on the coasts of both Spain and Portugal. We wrote a blog post about it back then, which we called "Irresponsible free camping ruins it for everyone”.

It's nice to be able to fricamp sometimes, but if motorhome drivers misbehave, more municipalities will follow in Calpe's footsteps. Sooner or later we will probably have to get used to the fact that in Spain and Portugal it will be just like in Croatia, where you actually have to stick to campsites and possible pitches.
We think it's a shame, but we can understand these municipalities. If tourism generates more litter than revenue, then no, it can't be fun. We hope that more motorhomers understand that you have to drive with respect for local rules and the environment. Moreover, we think it's perfectly reasonable to pay for camping and pitches, if not every night then relatively often. What are your thoughts?

Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
These municipalities have my full understanding. However, I have no sympathy for motorhome owners who cannot imagine paying a penny to stay at a site with the possibility of filling water and emptying rubbish, grey water, toilets, etc.
If you can afford to buy an expensive motorhome, you may be able to pay for this service too. Of course, we also freecamp sometimes, especially when we go north in Sweden-Norway.
On the other hand, I think some caravan parks' fees are becoming similar to those of campsites, where you often have a large area and more services.
01 November 2018 - 6:40
Helena says:
I agree with you completely Britt-Marie! There is a service for emptying toilets, grey water, etc. and it is only natural that you have to pay for it? Pitches are a broad concept and there are starting to be many very nice pitches with a lot of service, which also cost a lot. I think it's good if there are also simpler pitches, for example without electricity, which can also be cheaper for natural reasons.
01 November 2018 - 7:46
Across the board says:
When you even boast on social media that "I can stand for free and I empty black/grey water behind the hill when it's cloudy" I get really pissed off.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - too many motorhomes are being sold! Or at least it should come with some sort of disclaimer "I promise to look after myself..... "
01 November 2018 - 9:11
Helena says:
Very strange to brag about this! We have heard similar stories in southern Europe, where people joke about being driven away by the police. That's nothing to be proud of, is it?
01 November 2018 - 19:40
Solan says:
? No thanks to some crowded Spanish campsites! In addition to a motorhome, there are usually awnings, tarpaulins, outdoor furniture, outdoor kitchens and various decorations. Ugly and boring.
? Yes, thanks to the growing number of car parks.
Free camping understands that locals are getting tired of it...?
01 November 2018 - 9:15
Helena says:
Agree that some Spanish campsites can be very crowded! (Remember one where we had to take down the neighbour's Finnish flag to get out, and he did NOT like that ... ;)) But yes, more pitches are needed! Also understand that they get tired!
01 November 2018 - 19:41
Lennart says:
Unfortunately, we often see motorhome drivers behaving very badly!
01 November 2018 - 9:17
Helena says:
Yes, unfortunately. Probably that's the case in all groups ...
01 November 2018 - 19:41
Dan Gyll says:
Especially in Calpe, I think it has been unusually grey among those standing on the street so it is unfortunately easy to understand. Unfortunately, there are too many people who behave badly so then we gradually get more difficult to live in a motorhome. A subsequent problem is when you want to enter a business area and there are barriers (over e.g. 2.10 m) that make it difficult to enter and shop at all. This tendency is also increasing.
01 November 2018 - 11:13
Helena says:
I completely agree with you on this! Some people behaving badly has consequences for everyone. This with barriers has annoyed us many times. Not fun to not be welcome to shop in a supermarket ...
01 November 2018 - 19:43
Emma, sun like sun? says:
In Fuengirola here on the Costa del Sol, it has also been discussed a lot this year because it has been terrible! Along part of the Paseo Marítimo there are white marked squares, i.e. it is free to park there. And yes, there are motorhomes lined up and enjoying the free first floor by the sea. Those who paid for expensive hotel rooms or apartments behind the motorhomes are not nearly as happy. Neither are those desperately trying to find a parking space. We had to turn around many times this summer.
In Fuengirola it is free at the holiday site (no services are available) and there is a campsite with about 200 pitches 100 metres from the sea. Most expensive in August, then it costs 29 € per night, electricity is added, water is free. Then there is one at Sohail and there it costs 1-2 € per night to park but then it is only parking, nothing else.
I also read that at the holiday resort the police had fined those who parked motorhomes in the regular car park. 100 € in cash to the police or have the car towed away.
01 November 2018 - 11:15
Helena says:
I understand that it is boring, and in the end it gives motorhomes a bad reputation. So, I think it's better that they sort things out a bit. For our part, it is perfectly ok to pay what it costs to stand on a pitch (and occasionally camping). Of course, service in the form of garbage collection, water, sewage, etc. costs a penny, that's natural.
02 November 2018 - 8:44
Mr Steve says:
Motorhome people are like most people. Unfortunately, there is always a small clique that misbehaves in various contexts and destroys the vast majority. You were quick to point out these abuses back in 2015.
As I understand it, in many places in southern Europe, locals have become fed up with disruptive tourist behaviour and authorities have set limits and sometimes stopped certain activities. Sad, sad, sad. "Freedom with responsibility" is a motto that everyone should carry with them.
01 November 2018 - 14:49
Helena says:
Yes, you can understand that the locals get tired ... And this has happened with other types of tourists as well. There are simply more and more tourists and then you have to organise a bit ...
02 November 2018 - 8:45
Ditte says:
Calpe is a very beautiful town in itself and I have been there several times. I have then strongly reacted to these motorhomes and they have their roots from somewhere. Many Swedes too. Very sad that you can not "behave". Know that other cities along the Costa Blanca have also reacted and want to limit where you can stand - Fully understandable. We have no motorhome but see them here along the entire coast and it is those who misbehave we see. So it is quite reasonable that free camping is limited. And you are actually a guest in a city or a country ...
01 November 2018 - 16:17
Helena says:
Interesting that you have seen that the motorhomes come from different places, and also Sweden, I also understand that they have to be stricter with rules. It can probably be good for us motorhomers too, otherwise this behaviour only leads to a bad reputation.
02 November 2018 - 8:46
BP says:
I think Calpe is doing the right thing there. What a pity that a few who misbehave ruin it for so many others. To my knowledge, free camping has always been prohibited in Benidorm. I have seen some who tried, but it did not take long for the Guardia Civil to "chase" them away.
01 November 2018 - 18:51
Helena says:
Yes, free camping is probably prohibited. But then it can sometimes be a matter of interpretation what is free camping, and whether sleeping in a vehicle is prohibited or not. Do not know exactly what applies in Spain? Then it is also about whether someone follows the rules or not ...
02 November 2018 - 8:49
Reiselinda says:
Sad when some people ruin it for everyone! The municipality understands that they want to be attractive to everyone and not become a rubbish dump because of the motorhome people...
01 November 2018 - 21:37
Helena says:
Yes, I can also understand the municipality ...!
02 November 2018 - 8:51
Maria / Magnolia Magis says:
Understands the municipality. Free camping but with reason and responsibility, one might think. But it is just to see this summer's fire ban here at home because of all the fires. Reason should have said "of course we do not burn!"...but many people complained, and did it anyway....
01 November 2018 - 23:45
Helena says:
Good comparison! I was very surprised at all the people who defied the fire ban, but that's how it was!
02 November 2018 - 8:52
Anna / Boihusbil says:
I fully understand that free camping is banned. Have seen and heard far too much stupid behaviour already... and then we have only been in this circus for 7 months. And Calpe did not happen for us this time, but we will definitely come back.
02 November 2018 - 8:11
Helena says:
I think it will become stricter everywhere. But I'd rather that than everyone starting to hate motorhomes, because that's not much fun ...
02 November 2018 - 8:53
Lena - good for the soul says:
But my God! You get so tired! That it should be so difficult to be considerate! Or think further than the nose is long. I wonder if they are happy now that they can't stand there at all instead!?
Good that you write about it!
Hug Lena
07 November 2018 - 6:16