The future is here, and both robot journalists and robot influencers are a reality. It crept up on us without us really noticing, and suddenly we find ourselves in the middle of what we thought was a film. Maybe it's too late to protest, but let me protest a little, a little.
Table of contents
Journalists writing in the Chamber
A few months ago we wrote about travel reports written in the office. We were a bit upset about journalists writing about "the 10 best things to do in the Philippines" without ever having set foot in the Philippines.
In this case, we didn't really want to complain about the journalists, who are certainly good and do their best under the circumstances, but rather about ... the circumstances. But still, this was before we realised that journalists (and bloggers) can be replaced by robots.

Robotic journalism is here
Let's face it, the future is here with its robots. Just as we have seen it countless times on film. We like to think that humans are a bit special. Maybe we can accept that a robot will replace us on the assembly line. But in the newsroom? Well, that seems a bit too much like science fiction.
In fact, we are not even talking about the future. The future is here. Back in November last year, jajja! wrote an article about how Aftonbladet is investing in robot journalists. You can read that data from articles such as the Swedish Transport Administration, SMHI and sports result services are put together into articles with the help of artificial intelligence.
This new service will complement traditional journalism and create content on an unprecedented scale. Automatic writing means that there are no limits to the number of texts that can be produced in a day.
Michael Poromaa, editorial director at Aftonbladet.

But what about influencers, aren't they real people?
When blogs appeared on the media scene, they were favoured because they were ordinary people writing real opinions. It may not have been polished or perfect, but it was genuine and personal. But that was then. Since then, blogs have become more and more professional, and there has been much debate about collaboration, labelling and transparency. But despite this, it has always been people.
The future is here, did we remember to say that? A few weeks ago there was an opinion piece in the newspaper Aftonbladet about the fact that a robot influencer never messes up. Caroline Hainer is referring to Isabella Löwengrip, who previously stated that a clone to take over her Instagram account in New York, arguing that virtual influencers give companies full control.
According to Hainer, human influencers are always ... human, which means they can make mistakes, publish a wrong word or perhaps cause a scandal in their private lives. A robot is easier to control, and experience shows that it works. In Asia, there are several robot influencers, such as the virtual Lil Miqaela, who has 1.5 million followers on Instagram.

Want to read robot articles and follow robot influencers?
The future is already here. Many articles that you read (well, not the most advanced ones perhaps) are written by robot journalists, and if you want, you can choose to follow any exciting robot influencer in the world. Is that what we want?
I get a bit upset and want to resist. I want to write something the robot can't, a poem perhaps? I need the poetic words and the illogical thoughts. No robot can ever replace human language at all levels, right? We would love to hear your opinion!

All images of robots in the post are borrowed from Pixabay.
Solan says:
? To be honest, some bloggers write as if they are robots...
But reading is voluntary...but it's good for the bloodstream to get a bit of a kick out of it.
? But it's all about money. Of course it is economical for e.g. AB to invest in robots. Are well everywhere as in health care and so on.
But you keep the flag flying high even though you also do some PR in co-operation with .... And here we are again... most of it is about money...?
09 February 2019 - 8:03
Helena says:
You are so wise Solan? Well, a lot of things in this world are about money... I first thought that the cooperation issue is not the same as the robot issue, but both things are certainly about money! And yes, we do collaborations sometimes. Of course, it can be a balancing act sometimes, and I may not be super proud of all the collaborations we've done. Others, however, I think are fun and can contribute good and valuable information. I will try to get better at this, and of course continue to be clear. Feel free to check if we do something that feels wrong! ?
09 February 2019 - 11:15
Lena - good for the soul says:
I'm not surprised it's coming. I would possibly read something and be fascinated by the technology, but not to follow and read daily. So uncharming. It's the authenticity I want to get to. Good that you fight a little 🙂
Hug Lena
09 February 2019 - 9:14
Helena says:
I don't think my "fight" will help much ... but it's nice to let off some steam anyway 😉.
09 February 2019 - 11:16
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
It's a bit scary that this can utilise robots.
But the development is racing ahead. My brother-in-law, who was a typographer, used to complain that his profession was disappearing more and more when journalists were typing directly into the computer and the plates came out for printing. Now it's the journalists' turn to go backwards.
09 February 2019 - 9:25
Helena says:
But how interesting about your brother-in-law! Development means that conditions change ... all the time ...
09 February 2019 - 11:17
Ama de casa says:
When I read that we can imagine "a robot replacing us on the treadmill", I immediately agreed, because I thought of a treadmill in a gym... Haha! The robot can easily take over there for me. Not that I'm ever there myself, but maybe it would feel good to have someone do that for me? 😉 But then I realised the treadmill thing....
No, I wouldn't like to have robot-produced texts. But on the other hand... A little Robo-Ama might not be so bad when you want a holiday from the blog for a while 😉.
09 February 2019 - 10:46
Helena says:
Haha, yes, if a robot could replace me on the treadmill - and if it would have the same effect on my fitness - then I would not protest. But guess we're not there yet 😉 And being able to take a blogging holiday sometime, that might not be so bad either 😉.
09 February 2019 - 11:49
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
It's great that robots have taken over many monotonous and even dangerous jobs, but I could really do without robot journalists.
Unfortunately, it's all about money.....
09 February 2019 - 12:06
Helena says:
I completely agree with you! And the part about dangerous work was a good point, people shouldn't have to do that!
10 February 2019 - 1:36
Maria /Magnolia Magis says:
I want real people and real reports! Otherwise I would feel cheated! I want emotions! Experiences! No way would I want to let a robot write our blog, so it doesn't matter.
09 February 2019 - 13:54
Helena says:
Isn't that right? Can only agree ...!
10 February 2019 - 1:37
Ditte says:
Interesting! Have also read a bit about this. Know that in China there are a lot of robots behind Instagram and blogs and have read that I have been sent and translated into English. Certainly a lot is about money. And soon books will probably be written by robots too. I wonder if this isn't already happening.
I find it a bit sad because in the media world, just like everywhere else in the world, money rules.
But I like to slow down a bit in favour of craftsmanship and people.
09 February 2019 - 15:10
Helena says:
I don't know if books are written by robots, but I heard on the radio about a film script written by a robot ... so who knows. But I don't feel so tempted to read a book like that... 😉.
10 February 2019 - 1:39
BP says:
I have missed that. Interesting post and I can only agree with you. Robots on the factory floor are fine, but articles should be personalised with "feelings" and real experiences. AI in all honour, but not "in writing".
09 February 2019 - 19:25
Helena says:
If robots take over everything... what do we humans have left? It's a bit scary, isn't it?
10 February 2019 - 1:39
Anette says:
Hahaha, I wrote a comment earlier that didn't go through. Maybe I was flagged as a troll because my comment about robots wasn't very nice. Make another milder attempt.
I have checked both of the accounts you mention and will not do so again.
Not at all to my taste.
An interesting post (yours) anyway.
10 February 2019 - 2:23
Tia says:
Reading a newspaper or articles written by robots by collecting information and assembling it into a text...maybe I would still read the morning paper anyway...hard to say.
Following a robot on insta or fb ed. NOT A CHANCE. There are more important things in life, such as people, feelings and The real life / reality that gives me feelings and experiences. That can never be replaced by a robot!!!
10 February 2019 - 15:07