No, there won't be a single snowdrop in this post. But surely there are other signs of spring? It's still cold, but it still feels like spring is on its way. We hope at least on that!
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Searching for signs of spring
In the absence of snowdrops and winter geese, you have to look for other signs of spring! A sure sign of spring in our marina is when they put in the pleasure boats, but we are not quite there yet. However, we can hear the birds chirping! Here are some other signs of spring from yesterday's walk.

1: The ice is melting
Melting ice is a sure sign of spring! Now I do think it has been doing that for quite some time, i.e. freezing, melting, freezing, melting. But that's part of it. Right now it is melting. Sign of spring!

2: Humans (and animals) take to the air
I (Helena) went for a short walk yesterday (while Peter, who has a cold, worked at home at the computer). I was not alone out there! People were walking, jogging, walking dogs and pushing prams. Even the ducks were out for a walk.

The sheep and horses did not walk directly, but stayed nicely inside the fences on the farm. Augustendal 4H farm in Huvudsta. Yes, this is how rural we have it in Stockholm!

3: The catering facilities open
I would like to write that "the outdoor cafes are opening", but it is perhaps little exaggerated. It is possible to note that chairs and tables are displayed in an optimistic spirit. For our two closest restaurants, K4 and Grodhavet, it is clear that the more intense season is underway!

4: Our pier is being renovated
Those of you who follow the blog may remember that I (Peter was in Greece at the time) woke up rather dramatically one September morning to find that one of the bridges of the houseboats dropped. The bridge was salvaged soon after, and last autumn work began on the construction of a new pier with new stores. But then winter came, and we have continued to walk on the temporary detour bridge. Now the work has started again, and that must be a sure sign of spring!

What signs of spring do you find?
What signs of spring do you see where you live? Tell us in a comment or upload a photo in the our Facebook post!

Ditte says:
Nice to see Augustendal because I grew up nearby and have ridden in the stables at Huvudsta Farm.
We have seen snowdrops at home in the South and the blackbirds are singing. So there is hope.
It's great that your piers are being repaired to make them more stable.
17 March 2019 - 7:37
Helena says:
So, you grew up in that neighbourhood? Funny! 🙂 And great to hear that there is hope! 🙂
17 March 2019 - 9:07
Kenneth Risberg says:
Not much of a sign of spring today, because here it is snowing (snow-mixed rain) and only a degree plus.
But by pure coincidence I happened to see snowdrops near where I live so there is hope for a coming spring, just a few more weeks and there will be more sun.
17 March 2019 - 7:42
Helena says:
Snowdrops promise good! 🙂 Wishing you a nice Sunday!
17 March 2019 - 9:09
Across the board says:
How nice that the bridges are being renovated, it must feel good. However, I would like to get some reports about a little more heat and no minus degrees at night. ? Otherwise I can say "We have ours, where do you have yours"?
17 March 2019 - 8:20
Helena says:
Hehe, I would love to leave reports of more spring warmth... but yet it's a bit difficult 😉.
17 March 2019 - 9:10
Mr Steve says:
Lovely hopeful post you offer today. Wonderfully rural, I see that you also have it in the big city.
This morning when I looked outside, our signs of spring were suddenly covered in snow again. I dared to write about the signs of spring (snowdrops and outdoor laundry) already at the end of February.
17 March 2019 - 8:44
Helena says:
Yes, it usually comes and goes in a few rounds, that winter ... 😉 .
17 March 2019 - 9:12
Lisa says:
I hope the light has returned. Hope for more signs of spring to enjoy when we return to Kinnekulle in about 14 days. Listen in Nîmes, spring is in full bloom.
17 March 2019 - 9:24
Helena says:
I imagine spring is in full bloom in France! How marvellous!
17 March 2019 - 17:06
Ama de casa says:
The surest sign of spring is when Tintero (a restaurant) opens down at Playa del Cura (it already has) and the beaches become more crowded (check it out too). So we definitely have spring.
Now just waiting for Hombre del Mar (a kiosk at the foot of the pier) to open - summer is here 😀.
17 March 2019 - 9:46
Helena says:
What good and concrete signs of spring! 🙂
17 March 2019 - 17:06
Ann says:
A sure sign of spring is when the drunks start hanging out outside the company 😛.
17 March 2019 - 10:02
Helena says:
Ah, another type of spring sign! 😉
17 March 2019 - 17:07
Snows says:
Here the mini daffodils and mini tulips are blooming. I think this is a good sign. By the way, the weather leaves a lot to be desired...
17 March 2019 - 10:20
Helena says:
Wonderful! (Well not the weather then maybe ;))
17 March 2019 - 17:07
JoY says:
Very changeable weather, one day the sun warms nicely when you go to work and the next day the wind feels like nails in your face.
The snowdrops are up and the deer have eaten all the tulip leaves!
Hugs to you
17 March 2019 - 12:10
Helena says:
Sad that the deer eat the tulips, although it sounds like a real sign of spring!!!! 🙂
17 March 2019 - 17:08
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Imagine that these signs of spring are just as welcome every year and it feels as if we humans are also thawing out. I read on Aftonbladet about coming heat, up to 20 degrees?
We hope that when we return home in three weeks, spring will have really arrived.
17 March 2019 - 12:49
Helena says:
Up to 20 degrees? It sounds a bit too good to be true ... but it sounds nice! 🙂
17 March 2019 - 17:09
Ruth in Virginia says:
17 March - St Patrick's Day is a sign of spring.
"May the Lord keep you in his hand and
never close his fist too tight." -Irish blessing-
Made me think of your wonderful photos from Ireland.
Waking up to 0-degree weather. Last Friday, it was summer.
26 plus degrees! The neighbours had a 13th birthday party
for the daughter outdoors. (including trampoline jumping).
Not many spring flowers, but the birds have started singing and whistling.
17 March 2019 - 12:59
Helena says:
Yes, St Patrick's day is of course a sign of spring!!!! We have watched the parade sometimes, but not this year.
17 March 2019 - 17:10
Maria / Magnolia Magis says:
The sign of spring here in Lidköping is that the blackbird sings so beautifully. Another sign of spring is that people at the campsite start to come and spring clean their caravans and take down the winter tents. Now the summer tents go up! The sign of spring for us is that we start to pack up our home for moving...
But it's very windy here today so the weather doesn't feel like spring.
I look at the pictures I got from the daughter yesterday and pretend that it's here outside... She was in Florence, 22 degrees, bright sun, only shirt no jacket, Santa Maria del Fiore (Il Doumo) in the background and another on beautiful houses...sigh... When is the next flight??!!!
17 March 2019 - 14:39
Helena says:
Spring cleaning sounds like a clear sign of spring! 🙂 22 degrees in Florence sounds lovely!!!
17 March 2019 - 17:12
Maria's Memoirs says:
No direct signs of spring here yet, other than that the sun is starting to warm up and that it is (for now) not minus degrees during the day. But maybe it starts to feel more spring-like from April 🙂 .
17 March 2019 - 14:42
Helena says:
Haha, you have to be happy for the little things ðŸ™'
17 March 2019 - 17:12
Matts Torebring says:
The tulips are looking up and the bushes are starting to change a little, a little in green.
17 March 2019 - 17:48
Helena says:
18 March 2019 - 6:57
Susie on the Star Road... says:
It's crazy how much has happened in the 15 years since we moved from "kortstan" to Gotland. You do not recognise yourself even in pictures and it is even worse in reality. The traffic, for example, has become much worse - or it is so simple that you have become accustomed to the much calmer pace that is here!
But so far, it only takes half an hour before you are just as hot and tough as all the other Stockholmers. Probably because you've lived there for over 50 years and have always driven a car.
I have tried to read your blog, but it was so interesting that I will probably have to come back lots of times!
17 March 2019 - 18:40
Helena says:
Thank you for your comment Susie! Kortstan ...???? But just as you say, you probably get used to it pretty quickly ... both to one and the other 😉 And welcome back to our blog! 🙂
18 March 2019 - 6:59
BP says:
Definitely a sign of spring! Superb pictures by the way, not least of the Golden Gate which is incredibly beautiful. I have missed that sculpture completely, and then I have still gone there so many times. Maybe it's new or...
The only signs of spring I have found so far are buds on various trees. Not a snowdrop and not a single crocus - yet. Or maybe I am in the wrong place every year;-)
17 March 2019 - 19:05
Helena says:
Glad you like the pictures BP! 🙂 I also like the Golden Gate! It says on the sign next to it that it was created in the early 70s, but it does not say whether it was set up then ... Regardless, it stands a bit remote, at a viewpoint among the residential buildings in Huvudsta. It's easy to miss, I think!
18 March 2019 - 7:03
Solan says:
Nice to see the Golden Gate in pictures.
We met the artist on Gotland. A tough guy in a hat and cowboy boots. A young man of 90+.
Signs of spring?
Many in Tarragona! ?
17 March 2019 - 19:58
Helena says:
Wow, how nice that you met the artist behind the Golden Gate!!! I like it 🙂 And understand that you have a lot of spring signs there in Tarragona!!!!
18 March 2019 - 7:04
Ann-Louise Paulsson says:
Here in Stockholm I haven't seen so many signs of spring, but maybe that's because I've more or less gone into hibernation while waiting for spring. 🙂 But when I was at my mum's in Vetlanda a month ago, there were snowdrops there. When I see snowdrops, I always get spring feelings.
17 March 2019 - 21:19
Helena says:
Snowdrops are a clear sign of spring.
18 March 2019 - 7:04
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
In Oslo, there aren't many signs of spring at the moment. The few flowers that had appeared disappeared under another layer of snow last night. Hope it melts quickly, I'm ready for spring!
17 March 2019 - 23:20
Helena says:
Then we keep our fingers crossed that the snow melts soon! 🙂
18 March 2019 - 7:05
Lena - good for the soul says:
I discovered yesterday, to my great delight, snowdrops and other spring bulbs emerging. How marvellous!
Hug Lena
18 March 2019 - 6:07
Helena says:
Great! Real signs of spring, it bodes well! 🙂
18 March 2019 - 7:05