Europe's smallest capitals, what are they? Big cities are great, but small cities can be very cosy. When a small town also happens to be the capital, it often becomes even more interesting. Here we list Europe's ten smallest capitals.
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Europe's smallest capitals
We recently listed Europe's largest cities, and then Europe's largest countries. Whilst it's exciting to visit big hectic cities and populous countries, sometimes it's just as nice to visit smaller towns.
If the cities also happen to be capitals, it becomes a bit special. From politics to culture, a capital city is often the centre of everything. Here is a list of Europe's smallest capitals. We start at number 10 and count down to the smallest capital in Europe.

10) Ljubljana
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia and has a population of around 288,000 people (2016). We passed through here during our motorhome trip in 2011, but didn't get to see more than Ljubljana campsite Unfortunately. Now the capital of Slovenia is quite high on our bucket list.

9th Bern
Bern is the capital of Switzerland, with a population of around 133,000 inhabitants (2017). We visited this city last summer and fell in love with the fountains, the rose garden and the old bell tower. We also took a refreshing swim in the flowing River Aare.

8th Reykjavik
The capital of Iceland Reykjavik with its 123,000 inhabitants (2016), is the eighth smallest capital city in Europe. We have been here several times and we love this vibrant and cultural little city, so intensely surrounded by geysers, volcanoes and lava landscapes.

7. Luxembourg
Luxembourg is the capital of the country of the same name and has around 114,000 inhabitants (2017). We have never been to the country of Luxembourg, but when we visited the German city of Trier this summer we almost touched the border. Unfortunately, we didn't have time for a visit, but at some point we want to experience Luxembourg!

6. Monaco
Monaco is a microstate and capital city located on the Mediterranean Sea, bordering France. The state and city have around 37,000 inhabitants (2016). We have driven past Monaco several times on the motorway, but as we suspect that it is difficult to park a motorhome, we have not dared to stop.

5. Andorra la Vella
Andorra la Vella is the capital of the Principality of Andorra. Andorra and has about 22 000 inhabitants (2015), making it the fifth smallest capital city in Europe. The entire country of Andorra, located between Spain and France, has no more than 85 000 inhabitants. The language is Catalan.

4. Valletta
Valletta is the capital of the island nation of Malta and has around 5700 inhabitants (2016). We've been here several times, and it's impossible not to fall in love with this medieval stone town, full of impressive buildings, grand arches and charming balconies. We'd love to come back!

3. Vaduz
Vaduz is the capital of the small country of Liechtenstein, with a population of around 5400 inhabitants (2017). The city was founded in 1150 and has been the seat of the Count of Vaduz since the 14th century. Pictures show a high castle, with dramatic mountains in the background.

2. san marino
The city of San Marino is the capital of the Republic of San Marino and has just over 4000 inhabitants (2018). This small microstate is completely surrounded by Italy and the entire country is home to just 33,000 people. However, the capital is not the largest city Dogana has 7,000 inhabitants.

1. Vatican City
First on the list of Europe's smallest capitals is Vatican Citywhich is also the smallest country in the world. There are between 800 and 1000 inhabitants according to various sources (2017). This is a very different and interesting place to visit, steeped in history, religion and architecture.

Which of Europe's smallest capitals have you visited?
We have visited a total of four of Europe's smallest capitals: Bern, Reykjavik, Valletta and Vatican City. We really like the first three of these. Vatican City is a bit different as a city, but very interesting to visit! The six we haven't visited all sound exciting!
Which of these cities have you visited, and which did you like best? Which ones would you like to visit?

4000mil says:
The Vatican, Valletta, Monaco, Reykjavik and Ljubljana. There will be 5. Monaco very quickly, but there will be a return visit in September.
03 April 2019 - 7:14
Helena says:
Well done! Then we are a bit behind 😉 Fun with a return visit to Monaco!
03 April 2019 - 8:11
Happy Campers says:
Monaco is very difficult with a motorhome, it is easier to stop in Nice and take the fast train.
03 April 2019 - 7:24
Helena says:
Yes, we can imagine it! We've thought about it, but it hasn't materialised yet.
03 April 2019 - 8:22
Vackralillavardag says:
There is also a car park for motorhomes, which we used when we were there. It was very easy to get to the old part of the city.
03 April 2019 - 10:20
A little more pink - Cornelia Tonéri says:
What a wonderful list!
Love this kind of list and I want to book a trip to all the places right away!
The only city I've visited is Valetta and then on a transit trip. So I save the list for the future ?
03 April 2019 - 21:48
The Shetland Wife says:
I have only visited Luxembourg out of these 10. Lux has a special place in my heart, I love that city! I think it's beautiful, reasonably sized, has an amazing variety of food (!), great shopping and a nice atmosphere. I would love to visit all the other 9 cities on the list, especially #2 and #3 seem exciting.
03 April 2019 - 7:31
Helena says:
Glad you like Luxembourg! We'd love to come there sometime!
03 April 2019 - 8:23
Susjos says:
Valletta and Vatican City, where charming Valletta wins!
03 April 2019 - 7:35
Helena says:
I agree that Valletta is much more cosy!!! But there are two cities that are difficult to compare, Vatican City is interesting in a different way perhaps.
03 April 2019 - 8:24
Monet says:
As my daughter and her family have lived in Luxembourg for many years, we have been there a number of times. In the past we did as most people do, passing by. It's a shame because it's a beautiful little country with rolling countryside, vineyards along the river and a beautiful capital city. It is clear that this is a "rich" country, the bank and finance palaces are towering as you drive into the city. But the inner oldest core is down in a "pot" and is incredibly charming. The city centre is full of chic shops but also restaurants, squares and palaces. It's an international melting pot with French as the main language but most of the natives also speak Luxembourgish - a funny mix of languages that sounds more like Dutch. It's clear that the country has been under alternating German and French rule - the German influence is strong and can be seen in the buildings and traditions. You really feel like you are in a Franco-German mix of cultures. One of Europe's few countries where you can get around in English - almost everyone speaks it. The presence of fancy and extremely expensive cars is palpable! Very much worth a visit!
03 April 2019 - 7:54
Helena says:
Thank you for your description Monet! We were keen to visit Luxembourg even before, but now even more so! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:13
Solan says:
There is actually a car park with motorhome spaces in Monaco.
We discovered it when we checked out the new part of the city on the waterfront.?
03 April 2019 - 8:02
Helena says:
Is that true? Then maybe you can go in with a motorhome anyway!? 😉
03 April 2019 - 16:13
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
We have visited Ljubljana, Monaco and Vatican City. Ljubljana is really cosy.
Of the others, Reykjavik is at the top of the wish list.
03 April 2019 - 8:08
Helena says:
We really want to visit Ljubljana! And we can recommend Reykjavik! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:14
Mr Bertil LARSSON says:
Visited all but 8 and 9, Valetta but without a motorhome...
Vatican City and Reykjavik were the most impressive.
03 April 2019 - 9:34
Helena says:
Glad that you have managed to do so many! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:15
Ama de casa says:
We have visited 8 of these "little ones", some of them several times. Maybe it's because we don't have a motorhome? Easier to set up a tent in a small place, maybe... 😉.
Ljubljana and Valetta remain. The fact that we have never been to Malta saddens me, it is on my bucket list 🙂.
To say which one is the best is impossible, everyone has their charm. But in San Marino there are a lot of annoying stairs and the whole city is very bourgeois... But I like it anyway 🙂.
03 April 2019 - 10:15
Helena says:
Glad you managed to visit so many! However, I wonder how many of these capitals you have pitched your tent in ...!??? 😉 Malta is really worth visiting! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:17
Vackralillavardag says:
We have visited Luxembourg, Vaduz, the Vatican, San Marino and Monaco. Bern and Valetta will be done in spring/summer. Small cities are so cosy and easy to visit.
03 April 2019 - 10:24
Helena says:
Glad you had time for these, and that you have Bern and Valletta in front of you! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:18
Renate's travels says:
I think I've been to all of them minus one! I really like Ljubljana and San Marino. I have visited the country of Luxembourg, but not the capital. Fortunately, I'm going there in a month's time. 😉 Looking forward to seeing this small but cosy city!
03 April 2019 - 10:25
Helena says:
Wow, well done!!! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:19
JoY says:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
It's hard to say which of these we like best.
San Marino has a beautiful hilltop location with views all the way to the sea. Vaduz with the mountains and the tunnel to Alp Malbon with hiking/skiing. Monaco, where we were invited on board one of the big luxury yachts. etc etc all have their charm and what memories you have from there.
Two places from your list remain and in turn it will probably be Ljubljana, although Reykjavik of course also attracts. Yes it is not easy to choose hihihi
03 April 2019 - 10:54
Ann-Louise Paulsson says:
Have been to Vatican City and Valletta. Would like to go to all eight that I haven't been to but Ljubljana is at the top of my wish list.
03 April 2019 - 10:56
Helena says:
Like you, we're excited about Ljubljana!
03 April 2019 - 16:19
Lena in Wales says:
6 of them, Bern Luxembourg, Monaco, Andorra, Vaduz and San Marino. Most visits have been as tour guides in Europe.
03 April 2019 - 11:10
Helena says:
Not bad! Understand that you get drunk as a tour guide! 🙂
03 April 2019 - 16:20
Berit says:
I have visited Monaco and San Marino. Would love to imagine a visit to Vatican City 🙂 .
03 April 2019 - 11:44
Helena says:
Fun! Vatican City is also interesting!
03 April 2019 - 16:20
World by Tina says:
Actually only Monaco and the Vatican if you look at the cities, but spent time in both Luxembourg (valley of the seven castles) and Andorra in a national park that I can't remember the name of right now, high up in the clouds. I also realised that I had long thought that Zurich is the capital and not Bern. You learn something new every day *and feel a bit stupid.
03 April 2019 - 15:32
Helena says:
"Valley of the Seven castles" sounds like a fairy tale! 🙂 Thinking that Zurich is the capital of Switzerland is very common I think, you are not alone! 😉
03 April 2019 - 16:22
Lena - good for the soul says:
Of these cities, I have only visited Vatican City. I was a child then. I still remember it as very special.
These lists are fun.
Hug Lena
03 April 2019 - 19:42
Ruth in Virginia says:
Vatican and Luxembourg / Luxembourg only in case of
the airport. In the 1960s, Lbg was the centre of Loftleidir,
which was the cheapest airline from the USA (via Rejkjavik).
In 1966 we bought a VW Beetle in Europe, which we picked up at the airport.
in Lbg. I travelled with my children, then 12, 10 and 5 years old,
At the border with France, I was caught between an oil tanker and a lorry.
a large passenger car; thought we would all be killed, but managed to survive
with a broken lamp and drove to Sweden without any problems.
The Vatican is incredibly interesting!
03 April 2019 - 20:38
BP says:
Have visited all except Ljubljana, Reykjavik and Andorra. Valetta is my absolute favourite followed by San Marino which was the most "unexpected". Monaco was too "fancy" for my taste and Bern was the one I liked the least, mostly because of zero atmosphere and old-fashioned views of the inhabitants.
03 April 2019 - 21:15
Ditte says:
Have visited 7 of them; Bern, Luxembourg, Monaco, Andorra la Vella. Valletta, San Marino and Vatican City.I think I liked San Marino and Luxembourg the most and Valletta as third. Vatican City is special and with a lot of history but does not really feel like it counts for me.
03 April 2019 - 23:14
Laila MA - Around the Equator says:
I have visited, Monaco, San Mariono, Vatican City and Valetta. I have also been to Luxenburg. Nice and educational post. I didn't realise that Bern was such a small city. I would like to travel to all the ones I haven't been to.
04 April 2019 - 7:24
Maria's Memoirs says:
Oh dear, I haven't seen any of these yet 😀.
14 June 2019 - 19:31
Mr Peter Jacobsson says:
Faroe Islands... 17000 inhabitants in the capital Torshavn. 50000 in total...
06 October 2019 - 9:41