Soon it will be Easter ... again! Are we the only ones who think time goes by fast? We've finally made some plans for Easter, and we're going to go on a little, little trip. What are your plans for Easter?
Table of contents
Our "Easter traditions"
We are not very traditional, and we can hardly say that we have any Easter traditions. If we can, we like to travel. For example, at Easter 2017 we visited Tallinnwhich was a really lovely Easter trip with spa visits and cosy restaurants.

Last year I don't really remember what we did, which may indicate that we didn't do anything special? One Easter that we won't forget, however, was Easter 2015 when we experienced the Spanish Easter processions in Tarragona. It was a special experience! However, this year there will be no such "exotic" trips.

What about the motorhome?
What about the motorhome? We have also travelled with the motorhome in Sweden for several Easter weekends, but no, that's not happening this year either. The motorhome will have to wait a little longer, for better times.

Our plans for Easter 2019
This year it will be a different "Easter trip" for us. It's time for us (well, mostly Peter perhaps) to continue helping our friends Lennart and Beata with the construction of their house at Ringsö in Lake Mälaren. The house is beautiful and in an idyllic location, but living here has so far been primitive, with no toilet or running water.
Step by step how to make your house more comfortable! At our last visit to the log cabin it came to both the floor and the kitchen. Now it's time to get the chimney up through the roof. We hope for good weather and progress in the construction!

What are your Easter plans?
What are your Easter plans? Are you staying at home or travelling? Do you celebrate traditionally or more non-traditionally?

Hasse says:
We celebrate part of Easter at a campsite in Båstad and at the end we ride our bikes to a family dinner. Hopefully there will also be rhubarb premiere in the days.
17 April 2019 - 7:32
Helena says:
That sounds great! Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 13:49
Ditte says:
We are in Spain for Easter and it won't be particularly traditional Swedish. I'm not much for traditions ...
However, Easter is the Spaniards' biggest holiday, so we do take part in their celebrations. There are a lot of different processions all over the country and they all have different symbolism.
17 April 2019 - 9:51
Helena says:
Easter processions are a bit special for us Swedes! 🙂
17 April 2019 - 13:50
Goatfish says:
That sounds nice! Helpfulness is a virtue and can bring joy 😀.
I don't do anything, as far as I know, until Boxing Day, when there's choir singing.
Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 10:20
Helena says:
Sounds sooo nice with choir singing! Have fun Gerd!
17 April 2019 - 13:51
Memoirs of Mary says:
I celebrate quite traditionally at home, at least when it comes to sweets ? Memma, pasha, Fazer's mignon eggs (the pride of Finland - real eggshells filled with nougat chocolate), and some other sweets? Maybe I'll make a small excursion in my home region or try a new hiking trail, we'll see!
17 April 2019 - 11:05
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
We spend part of Easter with our children and grandchildren. Birgitta and I saw some good food and just be. But after Easter we are going out for a drive with the motorhome and the small car is going into the workshop,
Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 12:20
Helena says:
Those sound like great plans! Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 13:51
Emma, sun like sun? says:
I'm quite traditional, but things do loosen up over the years, you create new things depending on where you are and who you have around you.
On Easter Eve, there will probably be some small and good on the dining table, will probably be some candy as well, otherwise there will probably be an outcry in chorus here at home.
However, I am looking forward to Good Friday because we are invited the whole little family to the blogger friend Lena in Wales! Well, we are not going to Wales, she is here in Spain right now. It will be great fun to meet her and her husband again!
It sounds like you will have a nice Easter weekend, fun to be able to help some with what you can and are good at!
Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 13:18
Helena says:
How nice to meet Lena in Wales, but in Spain then 🙂 Have fun!
17 April 2019 - 13:52
Across the board says:
We roll away with the motorhome and will meet both family and good friends in both Gnesta and the Stockholm area 🙂 .
17 April 2019 - 13:27
Helena says:
Those sound like nice plans!
17 April 2019 - 13:53
Ruth in Virginia says:
In the US, Easter is nothing special. We have no extra
holidays; it's like a regular week end.
If you have children, there will be egg painting and an Easter egg hunt,
Easter basket with sweets is standard for the kids.
For some reason you have to eat ham at Easter???
When I lived in Sweden, Easter was my favourite holiday...
so many days off and usually it was wonderful.
ski weather in Dalarna - sun and snow - It was nice.
Helping your mate with the house sounds very nice.
the location is marvellous. Fingers crossed for good weather.
17 April 2019 - 15:03
Mr Frank Olsen says:
This Easter I am in Crete to prepare our little resort for the season, which for us starts on 5 May.
There is a lot to do here; the whole place needs to be cleaned after the harsh winter that has been in Crete. The worst in 60 years, they say.
And there's a lot of painting to be done, both inside and outside the flats.
In a couple of the flats this year there is quite a lot of dampness from water entering the concrete during the winter. This needs to be brushed off, primed and painted.
Also a couple of outdoor terraces need to be painted, and the pool too.
So this is what I do at Easter.
Have a nice Easter too!
17 April 2019 - 15:08
Snows says:
We will stay at home during Easter. Our son is coming down from Stockholm and our youngest daughter is also joining us. On Good Friday we will have dinner and on Easter Eve we are going to my sister's house. Will probably be herring and salmon then ...
Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 16:06
Anki says:
We are not so tradition-bound, but it will probably be a normal weekend. Maybe some work in the garden - we'll bring the motorhome home next weekend ...
Happy Easter!
17 April 2019 - 16:56
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Easter will be a quiet weekend at home with guests and a three-course meal on Saturday.
We've realised that after four weeks on the road, we suddenly have a lot to do.
The first priority, however, is to get the motorhome ready for future trips.
17 April 2019 - 17:52
Anna / says:
We never celebrate Easter as such, but were happy to take a long holiday. Now it will probably be that we work a lot. Have bad line when we roll in France so it will have to catch up a bit as we stand on a campsite and hope for better wifi there. In previous years, it has always been travel at Easter, Abu Dhabi and New York are probably the last destinations we did before we moved into the motorhome.
17 April 2019 - 19:07
Ann says:
Easter means work, work, work, to be able to go to Edinburgh in two weeks 🙂 .
17 April 2019 - 19:10
Maria/Magnoliamagis says:
We have no Easter traditions other than trying to meet the closest family and eat something good one of the days. At Easter, the son turns 25 so we will celebrate a little extra at the same time with a salmon dinner.
Your Easter, despite/because of construction, sounds wonderful. What a place!!! Hope you enjoy!
A really wonderful Easter wishes me and my husband!
17 April 2019 - 19:32
Eva/ Levasomeva says:
Riding in the Albanian mountains! Let's see if there will be something special around Easter, in the families we live with, but everything is wonderful in any case. And only three holiday days were used!
17 April 2019 - 19:45
Matts Torebring says:
The Easter weekend will be Öland's first of the year. I hope for a good Easter buffet in Kårehamn.
17 April 2019 - 19:56
BP says:
Then it will be a working Easter for you this time;-) We do not celebrate Easter (either) and have no plans except to eat and drink well, as always;-)
17 April 2019 - 21:39
Lisa says:
Easter walk with sausage grilling and during the walk looking for Easter eggs. An Easter walk is an Easter tradition we have. Since the grandchildren don't eat sweets this year, there will be fruit in the eggs and then we make fruit salad on what we find.
17 April 2019 - 22:55