It's Monday and time for travel news again! Today we can tell you about the best Swedish alternatives for travelling abroad - according to the Swedes themselves. We can also tell you about an exciting new concept for motorhome drivers in France. Of course, we want to hear your reflections on this week's news!
Table of contents
NCL removes plastic straws
Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) is now removing all plastic straws on its fleet of 26 ships and two island destinations, which is estimated to mean the removal of 50 million plastic straws per year.
NCL also joins the Trash Seas Alliance, which works to keep plastic waste out of the ocean. Together with All Hearts and Hands - Smart Response, NCL has also raised $2.5 to rebuild schools affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Caribbean.

Maritime Museum prepares for electric boat show
On 11-12 May, the Sjöhistoriska museet in Stockholm will host the country's first exhibition dedicated to electric leisure boats. The industry's manufacturers and suppliers will be there, showing the latest products and offering test rides. There will also be talks with different perspectives on electric power and the opportunity to build your own small solar-powered boat with your children. Admission to the Electric Boat Show and Sjöhistoriska is free.

Best Swedish alternatives for travelling abroad
Swedish travellers have voted for the best Swedish alternative to travelling abroad this summer. With the initiative "Show your fantastic Sweden", SJ has been looking for beautiful and interesting places around the country that are international class and climate-smart. In total, more than 10,000 votes were received during the vote. Here are the results:
- Lake Troll at Abisko instead of Lake Garda
- Skuleskogen at the High Coast instead of Tingvalla in Iceland
- Stone head in Österlen instead of the Caribbean
- Åstol in Bohuslän instead of Hydra in Greece
- Kosterhavet in Bohuslän instead of Abel Tasman in New Zealand
- Friend in Skåne instead of Islay in Scotland
- Djäknesundet on Lake Vättern instead of Samos in Greece
- Sundborn in Dalarna instead of Giverny in France
- Borås instead of New York
- Mölle in Skåne instead of Biarritz on the French Atlantic coast.

New concept for motorhome drivers in France
Already available in France, "France Passion" allows motorhome owners to stay overnight at vineyards and farms by downloading an app and paying a membership fee. Husbil & Husvagn now reports that the new "Park and View" platform is coming soon.
The idea is that private scenic spots are made available for a fee of around €5-10 if there are no services, and a little more if there are services. The website is so far only available in French, but the app and website will soon be available in other languages.

Reduced demand for air travel expected to continue
After nine years of uninterrupted growth, the number of air passengers at Swedish airports is expected to fall by almost 5 per cent in 2019. But already in 2020, demand is expected to pick up again. This is according to the Swedish Transport Agency's spring forecast. According to the Swedish Transport Agency, increased environmental awareness may have an impact, but mainly lower demand is expected due to the National Institute of Economic Research lowering its forecast of GDP development.

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Motorhome hire at campsites and train journeys to Switzerland
Anette says:
I just read that Norway is going to ban single-use plastic items, something we should also do.
The Swedish alternatives to some foreign destinations may not quite live up to expectations even though they are well worth visiting?
06 May 2019 - 6:25
Helena says:
Totally agree with you about the plastic! We talked about it yesterday. If a cruise ship can reduce by 50 million straws per year, how much could not be reduced in the world if these and similar products were banned...!!! When it comes to the Swedish travel destinations, I would love to experience them, possibly without the international comparison haha 😉.
06 May 2019 - 6:39
Mickey says:
My first comment here, I think your blog is fantastic and what a lot of information! Have a motorhome for three years mostly travelled in Sweden to relatives and friends and some campsites, last summer Croatia without AC. Fortunately, it got cooler the further south we came .... this year newer car with AC. The plan was to sell, but stuff I use I get to keep. And shit what we used it! It is practical to just be able to load teenage children and pets and go when you have time, the summers can no longer be planned with all the camps and other things.
About the Swedish proposals: Hahaha! It was impossible not to laugh out loud at Mölle-Biarritz!
06 May 2019 - 6:57
Helena says:
What fun that you comment Micke and thank you for nice words about our blog! 🙂 Great that you got such benefit from the motorhome! Will there be a motorhome trip this summer?
06 May 2019 - 17:08
Liniz Travel says:
The straw thing is so good! We have removed it on the plane as well. Also noticed that McD did it last time we were there.
Longing t Czech Republic soon we will see you. Hugs
06 May 2019 - 7:08
Helena says:
Good thing airlines have also removed the straws! Unnecessary thing ...
06 May 2019 - 17:09
Britt-Marie Lundgren says:
Of the Swedish places, we only have Ven and Åstol left. A half-day hike to Trollsjön is magical (but there's no need to compare them with foreign alternatives).
The French "Park and View" sounds interesting, provided it is in English!
06 May 2019 - 7:49
Helena says:
Wow, you have seen many of the Swedish places! 🙂
06 May 2019 - 17:10
Ruth in Virginia says:
After seeing photos of "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch",
you realise that everything that ends up in the sea makes a difference. 🙂
Speaking of which, a few years ago I came across Ulrika Player's blog.
Ullie sold everything she owned and moved to Malaysia, where she eventually founded 'Trash Hero Langkawi'. She has become well known in the area.
Sundborn ????
06 May 2019 - 8:38
Helena says:
It's disgusting with all the plastic that ends up in the oceans, so yes, something really needs to be done. Disposable items and straws are quite unnecessary, so we should be able to live without them!
06 May 2019 - 17:11
Maria/ Magnolia Magis says:
Sweden is fantastic! Yes, we are all home-loving. There is nothing better than Swedish spring and early summer! Of those on the list we have two and a half we have NOT seen. The first two and Ven is half... Or whole... Yes, we haven't been to Ven but we've lived so we've seen it across the water... No, that didn't count, ok then, three we haven't visited. Think Falsterbo beach would also fit with their own slogan Swedish Riviera. It is actually like Italy! But it's best to just enjoy without comparing! Right now we are in love with the Bjäre Peninsula. Yes Kulla Peninsula is also nice... And Skåne, and Halland. . And... Happy Week to you!
06 May 2019 - 10:43
Helena says:
Wow, then you have seen a lot of Sweden! 🙂 And thanks for all the tips on nice places in Sweden, we have a lot left to discover!
06 May 2019 - 17:12
Ann-Louise Paulsson says:
Good that Norwegian Cruise Line removes the seat suction tubes. Disney Cruise Line had just done it when we cruised with them in February. I thought the cardboard straws worked just as well, but the discussion forums are filled with upset Americans who say that from now on they will bring their own plastic straws, which is a bit counterproductive to the whole idea of reducing environmental pollution ...
06 May 2019 - 11:12
Helena says:
So, sad ... I don't even really understand why you have to have straws ...? When I was a child, we had straws at parties, but never otherwise. And as an adult it would never occur to me. But the debate is different over there I guess, even though it's the same planet.
06 May 2019 - 17:16
Ditte says:
Have read that most cruise ships both in Sweden, Europe and more internationally have removed the plastic straws and many plastic items. Good so!
I like Sweden in the summer and have been to most of the places on the list and would be happy to return to many of them. But I don't compare with foreign destinations.
There are many nice things both away and at home. and I will continue to fly. I don't have a car at home, hardly drive a car abroad and am careful about the environment in general. And when I fly, I try to choose airlines with a more environmentally oriented approach (but without carbon offsetting, because emissions do not decrease as a result).
06 May 2019 - 13:13
Helena says:
Good that most cruise ships are removing straws and toiletries! Of course, it's also good to choose airlines with environmentally oriented work, but such choices can also be an economic issue, so maybe not always easy. We're not going to stop flying either, but we're certainly thinking about our choices today. Ideally, I would like to see the whole world take one day a week without flights, cars and factories, so that nature can recover a little from time to time ...
06 May 2019 - 17:20
Christine - 29°. says:
So very interesting! 🙂
And great that Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) is removing all plastic straws. It's a shame that Sweden isn't further along in banning single-use plastic items. Even little Bali in Asia has introduced a ban on plastic straws and bags now.
06 May 2019 - 15:50
Helena says:
Well done Bali! And I agree, doing without plastic straws and other disposables is a pretty painless sacrifice ...
06 May 2019 - 17:21
BP says:
Excellent that NCL is removing all plastic straws. There are huge amounts of plastic we are talking about Almost so that you can not imagine it. I hardly know the Swedish destinations, oooooops, I know! Would also love to visit them, but without comparison with the foreign resorts.
I have a feeling that air traffic may have decreased even with all the recent air accidents, such as yesterday in Moscow.
06 May 2019 - 19:26
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
I have visited Kosterhavet and Stenshuvud National Park, but most of the other Swedish places are completely unknown to me. But when I look at the picture of Trollsjön, I think that I would just as soon go there as to Lake Garda. How beautiful it looks there!
06 May 2019 - 21:36