Instagram 2019 - how does it work and what is Instagram for? I (Helena) took over our Instagram account about a month ago and have now familiarised myself with a platform that is already familiar to many others. Here are my reflections. Do you agree, or do you think differently? Do you use Instagram, or is it not for you?
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Instagram 2019
I (Helena) have been hanging out on Instagram just over a month, since I took over our account @freedomtravelnews from Peter. Peter has been running the account for many years but got bored, so we thought it might be a good time for a change!
Reflections on Instagram 2019
This has been an interesting (and fun!) time and I have to say that I like Instagram. I think posting pictures is fun and scrolling through other people's photos is an inspiring pastime. It's also an easy way to communicate. But, I have also made some reflections. Do you agree, or do you think differently?

1. Instagram in 2019 is what blogs were in 2009
On Instagram, you upload a picture (or several) and write a small text, which can be anything from a single word to a fairly long story. The pictures are usually fairly current and you tell what you're thinking, feeling, planning, having goals or maybe what tips you have for exercise or food. In other words, it's pretty much exactly what blogging was ten years ago. Same thing, but new packaging!
2. everyone says "it was better in the past"
Most Instagrammers you talk to think that "it was better before". They wax lyrical about how it was before the new algorithm and before everything became so pretentious. I find it hard to relate because I have nothing to compare it to. I enjoy posting photos and don't see anything specifically "wrong" with the algorithm, but maybe that's because I started five years after everyone else and haven't gotten tired of it yet...?

3. Now it's all about Insta Stories
This point is related to the previous point. Since Instagram became pretentious and a bit "boring", Insta Stories (events) came along. You post photos or videos, which don't have to be fancy but can be decorated with various texts and animations in different colours.
Insta Stories do not end up in the feed but disappear after 24 hours - unless you choose to save it in an album. This is where everyone hangs out it seems? I'm trying to understand Insta Stories, which is sometimes fun, but I have a bit of a problem with all the texts being so damn small, often appearing at an angle and rushing by at a furious pace, haha ....
4. it has been difficult to understand how to think about stories.
I've asked a lot of people what the idea of Insta Stories is, but no one has been able to explain it properly (or maybe I'm just slow on the uptake). Now think I realised that the idea is that it should be a bit "here and now" and "behind the scenes". I have also tried to ask how a good Insta Story should be, but here I have found it a bit difficult to get a clear answer. Maybe an Insta Story shouldn't be very good? Or maybe it should be a bit "off" ... but in the right way? Please help me here!
5. "Give and take" doesn't always exist in the world of Instagram
If I start following a world star on Instagram, I don't expect the world star to follow me back. But if I start following a fellow blogger that I've known for many years, and perhaps partied or travelled with? Well, I was probably a bit naive and imagined that social media was just "social". Now I've learnt that mutual exchange between industry colleagues is far from a given on Instagram in 2019. That's a bit sad, I think.

What do you think about Instagram?
- Do you use Instagram? Why/why not?
- Do you prefer "regular" Instagram or "Insta Stories"? Why?
- What do you like in a "good" Instagram account?
- What do you think a "good" Insta Story is like?
- How do you think Instagram has evolved - better now or better in the past?
- What do you think the mood is like on Instagram in 2019?
Sandra Kristoffersson says:
I just want to point out that if you put your finger on the instastory, you pause and can read the full text that is displayed. When you remove your finger, it scrolls as "normal again".
Wishing you a great day!
16 June 2019 - 7:49
Helena says:
Hi Sandra! Thank you very much! Yes, I have started to discover it, but I still find it a bit tricky. Often the letters are too small for me to see them, even when I pause.
16 June 2019 - 13:11
CheapRecipes says:
But if we are to believe Alexander Bard, Instagram will soon be out 😉 Although he may not be right, nice pictures in any case!
16 June 2019 - 8:03
Helena says:
Well, who knows? There's nothing to say that Instagram will last forever.
16 June 2019 - 13:12
Ama de casa says:
Instagram is not for me. The blog takes up enough time. Posting something that then disappears? I use the blog as a diary for myself as well, so I want to keep it....
Yes, yes, yes. I guess I'm a backwards person, but I'll probably stick around on the blog if I stick around anywhere at all 😀.
16 June 2019 - 9:02
Helena says:
I also like to have things left, as a memory 🙂 And I fully understand that you can not put your energy in all places! Although, yesterday I posted an Insta story when we went on the Little Train. Did you miss it ??
16 June 2019 - 13:14
Ama de casa says:
Ouch, ouch, ouch... It was bad that I missed that little bit 😉.
17 June 2019 - 8:18
Minette says:
Totally agree that the text is too small. I shouldn't have to press, using my finger, on the text to read it. Many people who use instastories sometimes have too much text and they use too poor colours to make the text more readable. I liked Instagram more before, everything has its time, I guess.
It's sad to read that colleagues in the industry don't stick together. But then we live in an age of full-blooded egoism and many people seem to lack a certain understanding of other people.
16 June 2019 - 10:40
Helena says:
Minette, Isn't it a bit strange that many people write in such small letters? I also agree about the contrast, it makes it difficult for me too. Maybe they don't think about it because they themselves have super vision ...? ? And yes, there are certain moods among industry colleagues that make me sad sometimes. But there are also nice and generous colleagues in the industry! ?
16 June 2019 - 13:17
Ruth in Virginia says:
Speaking of small letters
The post today is written in much smaller letters
than the previous ones, and quite pale letters at that.
Not as easy to read.
Instagram - don't get the finesse.
16 June 2019 - 13:26
Ruth in Virginia says:
Now it's in capital letters. Much better.
16 June 2019 - 18:32
Helena says:
Great that it worked out and got better!
16 June 2019 - 19:40
Maya Nordlund says:
It's great that you have taken over, and started to familiarise yourself with, Instagram 🙂 As you say, it's a more modern, and simpler, version of blogging. Personally, I think stories have become hotter than the feed itself because the feed is no longer chronological, as it was about 5 years ago. Everyone I have talked to misses the chronological flow, and since many people today follow a large number of people, everything gets messy.
I also think that many people feel that videos don't look good in their personal feed, as you can't edit videos in the same way as pictures and there is always a small camera icon in the top corner. That's why people put videos in stories and the edited, prettier images in their feed.
I think you do a great job on Instagram! 🙂 I like your colourful pictures and think your feed just gets prettier and prettier (sorry Peter) 😉 Keep it up!
16 June 2019 - 14:01
Helena says:
Thanks, glad you like what we do! 🙂 (Peter was tired, and when you start to think it's boring, you don't have the same feeling for it anymore). Have heard from many that the flow has become strange, but I have nothing to compare with 😉 .
17 June 2019 - 5:39
Snows says:
I like Instagram more and more I must say! But one doesn't exclude the other 😉.
16 June 2019 - 16:32
Helena says:
Totally agree, one does not exclude the other!
17 June 2019 - 5:40
Anna / says:
I love Instagram 🙂 For me, it is not a replacement but a complement. I have different strategies/thoughts about the different media.
The blog ( - writes about all sorts of things related to our motorhome lifestyle.
Instagram - pictures - nice pictures that become a diary. Often views or places. I want it to be beautiful, because then I like to go back and look too. A bit of a party planner.
Instastories - everyday life in pictures and short messages or explanations about what the picture shows. Get to know others better through stories than I do through the image feed.
To follow or not to follow. We all like different things. I can't follow an account that I don't think gives me what I want and need. It has nothing to do with the person behind it - just what is being shared. We need to adapt our feeds to show what we feel good about, not follow tbx just because. I follow you anyway 🙂 .
16 June 2019 - 18:16
Helena says:
Glad you like Instagram Anna! I completely agree that it is a complement, that's how I see it too! Good description that Insta Stories is also to get to know others better, than via the feed! To follow or not to follow? I understand how you think, but this is where I meant that I thought Instagram was a little more social. That is, in addition to beautiful accounts, I follow friends, relatives and close friends' small businesses, for example. It's not necessarily because they have beautiful pictures, but because I think it's fun to see what they do, how they are doing, etc. Same with travel bloggers who I perceived as friends. Now I've realised that many others don't think that way and that it probably works as you say. You follow beautiful pictures, not friends. In other words, Instagram is less social than I thought before I started. Personally, I think it's sad, but it could be because I misunderstood the purpose of Insta, I'm still learning 😉.
17 June 2019 - 5:53
BP says:
For me, the blog is enough. But I learnt a lot of new things by reading your post. I have no idea about Instagram.
16 June 2019 - 19:05
Helena says:
Instagram is not a must in any way. I'm trying it out now and finding it quite fun, but the blog always comes first! ?
17 June 2019 - 8:24
Goatfish says:
I have been using Instagram for a long time. Just like with Facebook, I can't easily go back and see the first post. I guess Insta is also owned by FB.
I think Insta is easy to use and suits me especially when travelling. I love posting nice pictures. Sometimes I post stories, which are uncomplicated.
I still have my blog since 2006 but it takes up a lot of time. Blog walks include personal comments and I don't have time for all of them.
I follow you on all social media. In moderation 😀 /Gerd
16 June 2019 - 21:46
Helena says:
Both social media and blogging take time, so you just have to choose!
17 June 2019 - 8:25
Daniel on FlyingDryden says:
The bad thing about Insta today compared to before is that the feed is not chronological. If a picture swishes by but the feed reloads, you will never see that picture again, unless you look it up manually. Sometimes you can't see who posted it either. However, Insta is not alone in not having things in the right order. Twitter and FB are the same, boring I think and it has made me scroll less feed now. On the other hand, I check more Stories so the time in the app is the same I guess.
For me, Stories is more "behind the scenes", where I can mess around freely, while my pure Instagram pictures are more like a "prettier" photo album. At least that's how it has evolved for me. But it doesn't have to be that way for anyone else.
But, I think it's good reflections you make and there is nothing that says how you or anyone else should think. Can myself get tired of people who say that "it was better before", because it is almost never true. 🙂
17 June 2019 - 10:09
Maria/Magnolia Magis says:
I think you do instagram well! Insta stories are not something for me either. On the one hand, I want to be able to look in peace and quiet, maybe go back and I am not so much for texts, voting, etc. Insta I like because I am a picture person. I like to see and take pictures. Instagram does not take as long as a blog. I have a slump when it comes to my own blog but I can handle insta. I've had insta for a long time but don't know what the change really is? Better before? Have I missed something? ;D
17 June 2019 - 22:22
Lenaiwales says:
I have had Instagram for a few years now.
Haven't tried Insta Stories.
I think it's an easy way to see beautiful/fun pictures.
I just don't understand why many people have such strange names, hard to find friends.
19 June 2019 - 8:36
Lena - good for the soul says:
I think IG is quite fun. It feels a bit relaxed. Especially Stories. A little "behind the scenes", as I said, and a little different orientation than in the regular flow, if you want to of course.
Some are very strict about who they follow. They only follow those who fit into their own brand, or those who are "right" to follow. Not because they necessarily want it to be that way, but because it's the best fit. Sort of. I guess. Pretty sad. But it is fortunate that everyone can do what they want.
I like the IG better the way it used to be. You knew you weren't missing anything.
Hug Lena
21 June 2019 - 8:46
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
How interesting to read about your thoughts on Instagram so far! I thought I was late to the game but have now been on it for a few years.
I think the channel has deteriorated because the feed is no longer chronological. Likewise, you don't see all the posts anymore. There is a rush to get many likes on an image shortly after publication, as well as several comments. Otherwise, the algorithm prioritises the image and it is not even visible to all your followers.
A little trick to still be able to see the accounts you want most is to click on the three dots next to the account in question and choose to see notifications for new posts.
Good job with your account and good luck!
25 June 2019 - 22:44