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Rally Estonia in Tartu - a great festival of people

In co-operation with the Estonian Tourist Board

Rally Estonia in Tartu is a great festival that attracts lots of Estonians to spend the weekend at the rally roads around Tartu. We had a great day in the sun watching rally cars and rally trucks (!) jumping, skidding and sometimes almost going off the road in their eagerness to get to the finish line.


Rally Estonia in Tartu

Rally Estonia in Tartu is a popular event held every year in July, this year on 12-14 July. We are currently travelling around Estonia by motorhome, and it was perfect for us to catch the rally. Fun! This is a real folk festival!


Friday night - prelude to Rally Estonia

Friday evening started with festivities for the Rally Estonia in the centre of Tartu. There was a large stage in the centre of the city, where speeches were made and artists performed.

Rally estonia i tartu

There was also an exhibition with lots of cars. You could look at rally cars, of course, but also some lorries, camper vans and military vehicles.

Some people couldn't resist climbing up on those military vehicles... I (Helena) was taking photos of Peter, while taking photos of helicopters and fireworks. There was a lot going on at the same time!


In connection with the rally in Tartu, a triathlon was organised. We didn't watch this specifically, but we happened to see the swimmers as they entered the finish line in the river that runs through the centre of Tartu.

Triatlon under rally Estonia

Rally Estonia - in several locations around Tartu

Rally Estonia takes place in several stages, in several different locations around Tartu. There is a website where you can read about the rally, but we didn't find it easy to understand where to go and when, and especially how to get to the different locations.

After a lot of research we found a place in the countryside, south of Tartu, where we got a good view of the rally. Here we first looked at "regular" rally cars, and then at rally trucks.

Rally Estonia i tartu

Truuta Spectator Area

We then proceeded to one of the larger spectator arenas: the Truuta Spectator Area. Here we gathered lots of spectators for stage 5 of Rally Estonia.

Truuta spectator area på Rally estonia i Tartu

It was really fun to watch the rally, which started with a "bump" so all the cars came flying into the track. Soon after, they had to skid in the corners and the dust was flying.

rally estonia i tartu
Tartu rally

Many had brought tent chairs, blankets, food bags and drinks to spend the whole day at the rally. Others brought ladders (!) to make sure they got a good view. There were also places to buy food, beer and ice cream, and some activities for children.

rally Estonia i Tartu
Matstånd på Rally Estonia i tartu

Video from the Rally Festival

We had some very fun and enjoyable days! Do you like rallying? Have you seen a rally, and where? Please tell us!

All our top tips for Estonia. Click on the image!

Facts about Rally Estonia in Tartu

  • Tickets: Tickets (Rally passes) can be purchased at Circle-K stations in Estonia. In 2019, prices ranged from €24-40, depending on how early the passes were purchased. VIP tickets cost €298 in 2019, and provided access to specific stages and tents both in Tartu and in the spectator arenas.
  • Spectator venues: Alaküla spectator area, Truuta spectator area and Leigo spectactor area. In addition, you can watch the rally at many smaller venues along the rally route.
  • Service: The three spectator areas have parking, toilets, food stalls and activities for children.

Visiting Rally Estonia

  • Find here: Inaugural festivities are organised in the centre of Tartu. You can find the different venues by searching for Alaküla, Truuta and Leigo on your GPS. These locations are 30 minutes or more away from Tartu and you will need a car to reach them. Check the current timetable to make sure you are going to the right stadium at the right time.
  • Accommodation: There are plenty of hotels and other accommodation in Tartu, but it will be full during the rally so book well in advance! If you are travelling with a motorhome, you can stay at Alaküla or Leigo spectactor area from the start of the rally. Free camping is also allowed in Estonia.
  • Read more: You can find more information at rally website.

Programme "Promoting Estonia as a Tourism Destination" is supported by European Union Regional Development Fund.

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