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Our list on Europe - first? longest? best?


Today we are running a list here at FREEDOMtravel. We love travelling in Europe, so what better than a list about European countries? These are the countries in Europe that we visited the most, least, most often, shortest and preferably. Feel free to join in and answer the questions too?


A list about Europe

This list about Europe was created by our creative blog colleague Gunilla, and you can read her version at the blog 4000 miles. Several other travel bloggers have already responded, and now it's our turn. Feel free to respond too - either in a comment or in your own blog post if you have a blog.


First country in Europe?

Peter: Spain! I visited Malaga with my mum and little brother when I was 13 and a half.

Helena: Denmark! I don't remember what year or how old I was, but I grew up in Skåne and went to Copenhagen several times before my first visit to Stockholm.

Denmark is not that far away (especially if you live in Skåne).

Last country in Europe?

What will be the last country we visit in Europe? We have travelled extensively in Europe (including a whole year in 2015) but we still have quite a few countries left to visit. We have never "chased" countries, but rather travelled for a long time in each country to discover and experience properly. It is difficult to know which will be the last European country we visit. Maybe it will be Moldova? We haven't really been on that path. or Monaco? It seems so crowded to park the motorhome there ...

We don't have a plan for Monaco yet, but who knows? Photo: Pixabay

Largest country in Europe?

Which country in Europe have we visited the most times? This league is probably led by Poland, where we have been 9 times and usually several weeks each time. I (Helena) travelled by train through Poland in 1996. We have then travelled together by motorhome in Poland in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2017. In 2016 we visited our friends' apartment on the coast in the summer and then the Christmas market in Warsaw. This year we arrived in the country by sailboat.

Leba strand
Helena on Poland's miles of sandy beaches

Best country in Europe?

We like many countries in Europe, but when faced with a choice, the choice falls on France. We love the beautiful west coast, the green and dramatic canyons, the paradisiacal 'golden islands' off the south coast, the polite people, the delicious food, the wonderful language... and of course Corsica! Could it get any better?

Frankrike Ardeche
Beautiful Ardeche in France

Longest country in Europe?

We don't mean which country is the longest, but which country we have spent the most time in. longest time in. This is a difficult question, but we believe that together we have spent the longest time in the France where we hung out for about three months. If we count the time before we met, I (Helena) have also spent about 8 months in the Centre. Icelandwhere I was an exchange student in 1992/1993.

The Icelandic flag flies at Thingvellir

Shortest country in Europe?

Which country in Europe have we visited the fastest? Here we can answer in different ways.

Peter: During a blogging trip to Greece, I, and a bunch of other bloggers, stopped over in Turkey. We took a taxi to a hotel and had a drink, before it was time to fly on.

Helena: When I was travelling by train many years ago, the train took a turn through Belarus. We stopped at the train station in Minsk and had a quick peek at the platform before moving on.

Peter didn't even have time to take photos on his lightning visit to Turkey! This photo from Antalaya is from Pixabay

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