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Prejudices about Swedes - and travelling Sweden on foot, by bike and by kayak


What are the most common prejudices we Swedes encounter about our own population when travelling? Check if you recognise yourself and tell us if you think you have encountered any preconceived ideas about Swedes! Also, don't miss reading about Linda, who travelled 485 miles through all of Sweden's landscapes, on foot, by bike and by kayak.


Most common prejudices Swedes face on holiday

When many Swedes go on holiday abroad, they hear about the preconceived ideas the world has about our population. The most common prejudice is that we are blonde and blue-eyed, according to a new survey by the online travel agency Here are the most common prejudices that Swedes have heard:

  1. That all Swedes are blonde and blue-eyed (46 %)
  2. That all Swedes are often drunk on holiday (37 %)
  3. That Swedes are from Switzerland (26 %)
  4. That Swedes are loose (20 %)
  5. Polar bears walking on the streets in Sweden (19 %)
Isbjörn Orsa björnpark

Tourists offered 'home visits' by doctors in popular tourist destinations

SOS International is planning to meet the needs of many travellers to get medical attention at their hotel or holiday accommodation in Spain, Portugal and Andorra with the new House Call Service. The service starts just in time for the autumn holidays. SOS International expects that mainly elderly people and families with children will utilise the House Call Service. Home visits are expected to be relevant especially in connection with stomach infections, where it is uncomfortable to have to travel.


More German than Norwegian tourists in Sweden

Most foreign guest nights this year came from the German market, according to the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. Between June and August, the number of guest nights at hotels, campsites, holiday villages and hostels in Sweden increased by 5 per cent compared with the same period last year. Guest nights from Germany increased by 12 per cent, making it Sweden's largest foreign market, a position that Norway has held for the past ten years. Guest nights from Norway decreased by one per cent.


Linda has travelled 485 miles through the Swedish countryside - on foot, by bike and by kayak.

On Saturday 1 June, Linda Åkerberg, with her blog Wilderness Stories, started a nearly 500-mile journey through Sweden. The journey began at Smygehuk in Skåne, Sweden's southernmost point. From there, Linda has travelled north, passing through all 25 landscapes. On Thursday 3 October, she arrived at her destination, Treriksröset! You can read more about the journey at Linda's blog.

Linda at Treriksröset, photo Tony Öien

Gothenburg gets an amphibious bus

It is now time for Gothenburg to get the tourist attraction Ocean Bus, which drives tourists both on land and on water while giving them an entertaining guided tour of the city. This is reported by, among others, the travel industry magazine Travel News. We have for some time had amphibious bus in Stockholmand now the tour has come to Gothenburg. The premiere tour for special guests will take place on 26 November, and the tours for the general public will start on 30 November.

Ocean bus

Did you miss the last travel news? Read the Autumn holiday travel by train and where Swedes are travelling this Christmas

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