What a contrast! One moment we were in the oppressive heat of Egypt, and the next we were at home in a grey and rainy Sweden. But contrasts are good sometimes!
Table of contents
Lovely Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt
There's no doubt about what's the best of the week - it's obviously our lovely trip to Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt. You sometimes hear doubts about Egypt as a travel destination, and we travelled with a feeling that "we might not love everything". So nice to be proven wrong sometimes!

The water was crystal clear, the desert was dramatic and all the people we met were... fantastic friendly. We can highly recommend travelling to Sharm el Sheikh in autumn or winter with the 1001 Night Journeys (the only company that flies there directly from Sweden). Here is what we have written so far:
- Flying directly from Stockholm to Sharm el Sheikh
- Desert safari in Sharm el Sheikh by quad bike and camel
- Snorkelling in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt - a lovely boat trip
- Turkish bath in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
- Ras Mohammed National Park in Egypt
- Dahab on the Sinai Peninsula - day trip from Sharm el Sheikh
- Catherine's Monastery at Mount Sinai - where Moses received the commandments

Autumn in Stockholm
When we were about to land in Stockholm, the captain announced that it was 6 degrees outside. Six degrees! It was reasonably warm when we left Sweden and we only had one thin summer jacket each. Huh! And it was raining... We took the airport bus and metro, and hurried home to our warm (we thought!) houseboat.

No electricity in the houseboat
When we got home, it turned out that someone or something (?) had switched off the electricity outside our houseboat. We just had to switch it on again, but when it's freezing cold it takes a while to get the heat up again. Then we had to make a fire in the stove!

The week ahead
Unfortunately, I (Helena) feel a bit of a cold now, but will try to take it easy this weekend ... We still have a lot to tell from the trip to Sharm el Sheikhand you can expect posts on beaches, hotels and food, among other things. We also have posts coming up on Germany and Austria. This week there may also be one or two events ... haven't really had the time or energy to look at the calendar yet.
How has your week been? What can you highlight as positive?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Electricity fair, after work and new travel plans
Reiselinda says:
Yes, you can really see that autumn is coming now! But it's nice too!
The best thing this week is that we have a house full of family from Norway for the annual Fårikål weekend!
04 October 2019 - 7:44
Helena says:
Ah, that mutton weekend sounds like a lot of fun! 🙂 Wishing you a nice weekend!
04 October 2019 - 7:53
Ruth in Virginia says:
Fårikål !!!! Reminds me of when I was a child.
During the war, my mum used to cook this stuff, and oh boy.
what a bad smell in the kitchen! Maybe the recipe has
modernised, so it doesn't smell like wet wool anymore. 🙂
04 October 2019 - 15:50
bmlarstravellingblog says:
What contrasts for you!
We've just woken up at Bengt's house in Örkelljunga and have been told that the first snowflakes of the year are falling at home, so we have to take it easy on the last bit home.
Get well soon. I have managed to cure my cold that came along with the rain and cold in the Moselle, concocted a lemon-ginger tea that has been drunk in large quantities....
04 October 2019 - 7:49
Helena says:
Snow!? Ojojoj! We don't have it here anyway, not yet 😉 You have to drive carefully!!! And thank you very much!!!
04 October 2019 - 7:55
Sandra Lifsresor.se says:
Welcome home! And what a nice final picture of you.
04 October 2019 - 8:20
Helena says:
Thank you!!! And glad you like the picture, a guy on the snorkelling boat that took! ??
04 October 2019 - 12:12
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Autumn, I agree that it is cold to walk the dog in the morning. A padlock on the electricity switch ?
04 October 2019 - 9:28
Helena says:
Good idea, but the electrical cabinets are not ours but the landlord's ...
05 October 2019 - 18:24
Ditte says:
Welcome home again! And glad you are so positive about Egypt and what you have seen and experienced.
My favourite part was/is/ the work trip to Krakow. And I have been here before and I will return. A lovely city. Other good things? Yes, everything. Planning a new trip now at the end of October and have plans for a long trip in February-March. Plus some fun shorter work trips. Have received proposals for some collaborations and even sold some pictures. So much fun.
Great picture of you!
Have a nice weekend
04 October 2019 - 14:22
Helena says:
Have seen some of your pictures from Krakow! Great! It is a nice city. Wishing you a nice weekend!
05 October 2019 - 18:26
Ruth in Virginia says:
The last photo is marvellous.
Sun outside - Sun inside
Sun in heart - Sun in mind
Hope you have warmth in the "cottage" for the weekend!
04 October 2019 - 15:53
Helena says:
Glad you like the photo! It was an Egyptian guy on the snorkelling trip who took! 🙂
05 October 2019 - 18:26
Elisabeth says:
What a week you've had! I can't complain about spring either, warm and nice. We rediscovered the surroundings at G C.
04 October 2019 - 18:37
Helena says:
It sounds wonderful! Wishing you a nice weekend!
05 October 2019 - 19:16
Ama de casa says:
Yes, talk about contrasts!
This week's highlight has probably been that we are travelling - love travelling 🙂 .
Welcome home again 🙂
04 October 2019 - 19:10
Helena says:
Yes, travelling is fun! Will look in and read soon! 🙂
05 October 2019 - 19:16
BP says:
Away good but home best is clearly over-advertised, especially in your case. Coming home from 30 degrees to a measly 6 degrees and a freezing cold houseboat - no wonder you got a cold. Hope you can rest during the weekend!
04 October 2019 - 19:57
Helena says:
Yes, it was a contrast! But as I said, we will take it easy this weekend. Wishing you a nice weekend!
05 October 2019 - 19:17
JoY says:
Fun week that you have shown pictures from, just a bit sad to get sick at the end of it.
We came home this evening and only +3 degrees. Work is already waiting tomorrow. Should not complain because we have had almost 5 wonderful weeks in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Get well soon
04 October 2019 - 23:17
Helena says:
Typical to get sick, but sometimes you do ... Thank you! It sounds like you had a really nice trip! Wishing you a nice weekend!
05 October 2019 - 19:18
Maria / MagnoliaMagis says:
What fun when you are a little hesitant and it turns out so well! I have to admit that I am a little hesitant about Egypt but maybe I don't need to be now! It is of course this with heat .... Very nice pictures! Snopet when you come home to cold both outside and at home!!!
I am now sitting in the awning at Borstahusen and writing. It has been a fantastic sunny day which has made it warm and cosy here. But now I'm wearing a scarf and two sweaters... As soon as the sun goes down it gets chilly!
Best of the week? Visited the children in Skaraborg!!! Plus one more super secret that I'm not allowed to say... 😉 Oh what I have a hard time with such things!!!
Take care and get well! Hugs!
05 October 2019 - 17:57
Helena says:
Yes, it was fun to be positively surprised! 🙂 Superhemlis!!!?? Oh how exciting! Hope you can tell us soon!!!??
05 October 2019 - 19:19
Goatfish says:
What a beautiful photo of the two of you! Welcome home from Egypt 😀 As I wrote before, I have seen a lot there, it was my dream trip then and a nice memory together with my husband for two weeks.
My favourite part of this week is taking it easy and finishing my thick book.
05 October 2019 - 21:05