Are you keen to travel over Christmas and New Year? Maybe to the warmth? Today we're offering tips on 15 (more or less) warm destinations - 8 that we've visited ourselves and 7 that seem to be popular this year according to booking statistics.
Table of contents
Travelling over Christmas and New Year 2019
This year is truly the workers' Christmas, and you only need to take a few days' holiday to get a long break. Of course, this means that many people are thinking about travelling further afield for Christmas this year. We like travelling abroad over Christmas and New Year, but it's not certain that we'll do so this year. But you can think and dream regardless!

Where to find warmth over Christmas and New Year?
Thailand, USA (Miami) and Canary Islands are perhaps the most popular destinations for Swedes seeking warmth this winter. But what are the alternatives if you want to try something different?
We have listed 15 destinations where you can find (more or less) warmth over Christmas and New Year. We start with 8 that we have visited ourselves, and then add 7 bubblers, which seem popular according to a press release from Resia.
How to read the figures
As you can see, we put some numbers under each destination.
- Temperature shows the maximum and minimum temperature during December, according to
- Water temperature indicates the water temperature during the month of December, according to
- Cost situation indicates landsidex for winter 2018/2019 according to Forex(The summary shows the cost of holidays in different countries compared to Sweden, which has an index of 100).

1. Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a wonderful destination with real heat, beaches for sun and surf, and lots of exotic animals.
- Temperature: 23-30 degrees
- Water temperature: 28 degrees
- Cost situation: 49
- Read more: Sri Lanka

2) Israel
Eilat in Israel is a nice holiday resort, and from here you can make trips to places like the Dead Sea and Jerusalem.
- Temperature: 8-20 degrees
- Water temperature: 23 degrees
- Cost situation: 117
- Read more: Israel

3rd Malta
Malta is a beautiful archipelago with a lovely small capital city and opportunities for great nature experiences.
- Temperature: 11-17 degrees
- Water temperature: 17 degrees
- Cost situation: 92
- Read more: Malta

4th Malaysia
In Malaysia, you can enjoy sunbathing and swimming, experience the wild nature or perhaps visit the intense capital city.
- Temperature: 23-32 degrees
- Water temperature: 28 degrees
- Cost situation: 37
- Read more: Malaysia

5. Morocco
Agadir is slightly milder than Marrakech in winter. Here you can experience Moroccan cuisine or go on exciting excursions.
- Temperature: 9-20 degrees
- Water temperature: 18 degrees
- Cost situation: 42
- Read more: Morocco

6. Vietnam
There is a big difference in temperature between the north and south of Vietnam in winter, but in the south (e.g. Nha Trang) it is really warm.
- Temperature: 21-28 degrees
- Water temperature: 26 degrees
- Cost situation: 43
- Read more: Vietnam

7. Egypt
You can travel to Egypt for sunbathing, swimming and snorkelling, but also for trips to the desert and historical sites.
- Temperature: 13-22 degrees
- Water temperature: 24 degrees
- Cost situation: 56
- Read more: Egypt

8. Philippines
The Philippines is made up of lots of different islands, suitable for sunbathing, water sports and boat trips.
- Temperature: 21-30 degrees
- Water temperature: 28 degrees
- Cost situation: 34
- Read more: Philippines

And then some bubbles where we ourselves have not been ... The following countries or destinations are included in Resia's top lists of most booked regular trips or most booked charter trips for Christmas 2019.
9. South Africa
- Temperature: 14-24 degrees
- Water temperature: 18 degrees
- Cost situation: 58
10. Bali, Indonesia
- Temperature: 24-31 degrees
- Water temperature: 29 degrees
- Cost situation: 42
11th Mexico
- Temperature: 18-28 degrees
- Water temperature: 27 degrees
- Cost situation: 42
12. the Gambia
- Temperature: 17-32 degrees
- Water temperature: 25 degrees
- Cost situation: unclear
13th Madeira
- Temperature: 13-18 degrees
- Water temperature: 19 degrees
- Cost situation: unclear
14. Jamaica
- Temperature: 18-28 degrees
- Water temperature: 28 degrees
- Cost situation: 90
15. Cape Verde
- Temperature: 20-26 degrees
- Water temperature: 25 degrees
- Cost situation: unclear

Are you travelling abroad for Christmas and New Year 2019?
Are you planning to travel abroad this Christmas? If so, where are you travelling to? What are your top travel tips for those seeking warmth this winter?
Ann says:
Malta, Cape Verde or Morocco would not be bad to visit. But I have been told that Malta will be cold and windy during December 🙂.
19 October 2019 - 8:03
Helena says:
Yes, Malta can certainly be a bit "cool" in winter 😉 Heat is relative in this case. That is, it is a mild climate there compared to Sweden, but no real heat. Even Morocco can be a bit cool actually. But I wanted to include some examples closer to home, for those who just want to get some "mild weather" and get away from our severe cold 🙂.
19 October 2019 - 10:55
4000mil says:
No unfortunately, it will be Christmas at home for us. Children's Christmas this year. As well as family and home focus after death, stroke, etc.
If we had travelled, we would probably have bought tickets to Singapore and gone on to some nice islands from there.
19 October 2019 - 9:36
Helena says:
Yes, there are many things in life to relate to! Sounds like an exciting idea to fly to Singapore and move on to "nice islands" 🙂 🙂.
19 October 2019 - 10:56
Christine - 29°. says:
Over Christmas we stay at home, but a month later we are off to the heat and the tropics again. 🙂
Vietnam we thought was soooooo delicious! But really shifting in temperature. We travelled from south to north and went from sweating to freezing. Ha, ha! But cool and incredibly beautiful country.
19 October 2019 - 10:48
Helena says:
But so wonderful!!! Yes, I have understood that there is a big difference in different parts of Vietnam. We ourselves were there in the summer actually. But liked Vietnam a lot! 🙂
19 October 2019 - 10:57
Daniel on FlyingDryden says:
I miss Zanzibar on the list! Celebrated Christmas there four years ago, fantastic trip and experience! 🙂
This year, however, I'm staying home. I have never looked forward to a Christmas at home as much as this year. Strolling around in pyjama pants and slippers and drinking cinnamon-spiced coffee. Plus snow and minus degrees outside. That's nice.
19 October 2019 - 13:09
Helena says:
Yes, Zanzibar is a good candidate for the list! Very nice this time of year! But sometimes it can be nice to be home too! ??
19 October 2019 - 18:37
Snows says:
No, I don't. Dubai or Egypt if you don't want to go that far. One year I went to Brazil in December and it was a fantastic trip. Perfect weather and a lovely summer heat in an exciting country.
19 October 2019 - 13:57
Helena says:
Brazil sounds like a really exciting destination!!!! ??
19 October 2019 - 18:38
BP says:
Sure, you get the urge to go away for Christmas and New Year...
We have actually visited Malta and Madeira during the winter. Malta was windy and in Madeira it rained all the time. Israel, which we visited in October/November, and Morocco (Christmas/New Year) are safe bets.
19 October 2019 - 18:25
Ama de casa says:
Many nice tips there! 🙂
We usually celebrate Christmas at home nowadays, it is usually very nice days on the Costa Blanca and it feels unnecessary to travel away when it is most expensive.
19 October 2019 - 20:39
Lena - good for the soul says:
It would have been wonderful to go away over Christmas and New Year, but a long trip is never an option for me because of work. A couple of times I have managed to travel over Christmas anyway. It still feels most right to be at home over Christmas, for me.
Hug Lena
20 October 2019 - 9:15
Across the board says:
Gambia!? Once and never again!!!
No we are so happy with Spain ???
20 October 2019 - 21:40
Helena - Oh darling, let's be adventurers says:
I am spending both Christmas and New Year in Lapland again this year. However, I am not at all hungry or ready for winter right now. So really, I dream a little about travelling to the summer in Australia instead.
21 October 2019 - 0:04
Jossus Travelpics says:
Wow so many fantastic destinations, I wish I didn't have to spend Christmas and New Year at home. However, going to Vietnam this winter so was pleased to read that the cost situation is so low.
21 October 2019 - 20:37
Daniel says:
Morocco and Cape Verde would be nice destinations for Christmas.
28 October 2019 - 21:21