Last Sunday it was finally time for a camping cruise on the Viking Cinderella, with the magazine Husvagn & Camping. What is a camping cruise, you might wonder? Simply a cruise for campers! Very, very fun!
Table of contents
Camping cruise with Caravan & Camping
Then it was time! On Sunday afternoon we boarded the Viking Cinderella. We, along with the other exhibitors, used a different entrance than the other guests and really had a great time! so much to lug around. We had a tiny pier, which we just bought for SEK 199, and lots of heavy boxes with brochures. It was a miracle that we got on board, but eventually we were in place!

The cruise was organised by Caravan & Campingand the German Tourist Board was the main sponsor. Then we had a whole bunch of exhibitors, lecturers and entertainers who contributed in various ways.

Caravan exhibition and camping equipment fair
An exhibition of camping vehicles was organised on the car deck. Since you are not allowed to stay on the car deck while travelling, the exhibition was only open for the first few hours, and the departure had been delayed. We had intended to look but did not have time, but instead focused on preparing our table at the camping gadget fair.

We brought brochures about Estonia, the Czech Republic and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Germany, i.e. countries and places we visited during the year. We also brought some small flyers about our blog.

Other exhibitors at the camping equipment fair included Caravan Club, the German Tourist Board, Campingvaruhuset, EP Hydraulics and Oxyg. The picture below shows our nice stand neighbours from Awimex, who sell solar cells, batteries and a lot of other technical stuff for vehicles.

We were not only exhibitors, but also lecturers (and press!). In other words, we were busy throughout the cruise. On Sunday, we held a lecture on "The beach basket challenge" and Germany's beautiful Baltic Sea coast, and on Monday we held a lecture on the Estonia. Really fun, not least to talk to all the audience afterwards!
Unfortunately, we didn't have time to listen to any other lectures, but you could also listen to everything from camping stories to everything about tyres and rims. Håkan and Carina from the blog Motorhome Holidays & Adventures also provided inspiration and tips on travelling by motorhome in winter.

Dinner at the Ocean Grill
Many of the guests on the camping cruise had dinner in the large buffet restaurant. Those of us who were exhibitors and lecturers were instead served a buffet at the Ocean Grill, so we didn't have to queue and leave our stands for too long. A really, really good buffet, with everything from herring and cold cuts to hot dishes and vegetarian options. And of course a big table with sweets. Fantastically good!

Sweden's youngest magician
One of the more unexpected features on the main stage was Sweden's youngest magician Anthon Lövbom. He performed twice and we managed to check out half of them. Entertaining!

In the evening, of course, there was entertainment and dancing. Among other things, the dance band Martinez played, which is one of the country's most touring dance bands. There was a lot of action on the dance floor, we can say!

Anne-Lie Rydé
Anne-Lie Rydé also provided entertainment. We watched her entire performance and must say that it was impressively good. She's not exactly young anymore (can you say that?), but there was nothing wrong with her stage presence!

Mingle and party on the camping cruise
One of the most fun things on a cruise like this is of course all the friends you meet from the camping world. For example, we looked at Anne-Lie Rydé together with Arne and Benita from the blog A&B on the road, who travelled with us to Wismar once.
A little later we met Robert and Anette and Aila and Niklas, who we also know from the motorhome world. We initially got to know them through blogs and Instagram, but also met them at various fairs. It was a very nice evening!

Sleep, breakfast and a new day
There were a few hours of sleep, in our comfortable cabin on deck 11. Then it was time for another day of trade shows, photography and lectures.

Fortunately, we could start the next morning with a good breakfast in the buffet restaurant. Here we found, among other things, scrambled eggs, good liver paste and some small smart pea steaks with cottage cheese. Ready for a new day on board!

Quiet camping cruise
We were really tired when we got home, but wow, what a fun cruise! The mood was great and we met nice people. just all the time. Now we are looking forward to next year's camping cruise!

Eva says:
It's great that you had a nice trip. We were a bit excited when the invitation went out the first time, but when we realised it was Sunday-Monday and the price was a bit steep, we backed out. Great that we can get an insight into the trip without participating. ??
12 November 2019 - 8:11
Helena says:
I understand that Sunday-Monday can be tricky for many. Guess it is very difficult to rent the boats on the weekend, when they have their own popular weekend cruises. A nice cruise it was in any case!
12 November 2019 - 12:15
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
A bit far to go now to Stockholm and join a camping cruise. See next year! Was certainly a good event.
Nice to see from there.
12 November 2019 - 9:21
Helena says:
Yes, it becomes a biton if you live far from Stockholm. It was really fun anyway! ??
12 November 2019 - 12:31
Emma, sun like sun? says:
I understand that you have had a fantastic experience! It's a pity that you don't have time for all the other things because you are exhibiting yourself, but that's the way it goes. Just hope that everyone was happy with their experience. Looking at the photos, it seems so!
Glad you got to see Anne-Lie Rydé. Maybe not always my type of music but she is a good singer and very beautiful! Looked at her website, fun with the nostalgia pictures:
12 November 2019 - 9:36
Helena says:
Yes, it's really impossible to do everything... Thanks for the link, fun! 🙂
12 November 2019 - 19:58
Ditte says:
It's great that it was so successful and that many people joined in.
12 November 2019 - 10:11
Helena says:
Yes, fun! There was a good atmosphere on board! 🙂
12 November 2019 - 20:13
Ama de casa says:
But so much fun! Fun with so many like-minded people in the same place and cruising is not wrong either 🙂 Many fun arrangements as well.
The fact that you are not allowed to stay on the car deck while travelling is something you have "grown up" with. So we were very surprised when we spoke to a couple on a ferry between Greece and Italy - they were staying in their campervan on the overnight trip. We were also camping, but I suspect we wouldn't have been allowed to pitch our tent there anyway 😉.
12 November 2019 - 10:24
Helena says:
Right? 🙂 I have also heard about ferries where you can sleep in the motorhome down in southern Europe, but have never experienced it myself. However, we have experienced people camping, actually between Italy and Greece. Look here:
12 November 2019 - 20:14
Ama de casa says:
HAHAHA!!! What a mistake of us not to pitch our tent on deck but instead to pay for a cabin overnight. We could at least have inflated our mattresses and slept on them... 😀.
13 November 2019 - 9:27
bmlarstravellingblog says:
Will this be a regular event? If so, we'll have to make a hole in the calendar.
It seems to have been really fun!
12 November 2019 - 17:18
Helena says:
Yes, it seems so! The organisers were talking about organising again! 🙂 So, best to make holes in that almanac! 😉
12 November 2019 - 20:15
The Dream Team says:
We'll have to see if we can join you next time?
Worked this time unfortunately ?
14 November 2019 - 11:43
BP says:
You seem to have had a lot of fun! Nice to see that your lecture was so well attended. I hope the organisers were satisfied too, so that it might become a recurring event.
PS.Like Peter's orange... whatever that is. A real burst of colour on this rainy day. DS.
12 November 2019 - 20:06
Helena says:
The organisers seemed happy, and it sounded like there will be another one next year. Great! 🙂 And glad you like Peter's orange Taracci garment (no, I don't know what to call it either... ;)).
12 November 2019 - 20:16
Liniz Travel says:
How nice it looked! You do so much fun! Hugs
12 November 2019 - 21:37
Anette Åhnbrink says:
It was a fun cruise! The food was just so good and the desserts? and your lectures were very interesting, we hope there will be a continuation of this! Ps. Lucky you took the picture early...
12 November 2019 - 22:21
Lena - good for the soul says:
I can imagine that it was really fun and nice atmosphere to mingle around among a lot of people with the same interest. I can also imagine that your lecture was great!
Hug Lena
14 November 2019 - 5:56