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Flight from Stockholm to Hurghada - charter to El Gouna

Our flight from Stockholm to Hurghada in Egypt went really well, and the five hours in the air disappeared unexpectedly quickly. When we arrived in Hurghada, it turned out that we had booked a hotel in El Gouna. Exciting!


Flights from Stockholm to Hurghada

You may remember that we just recently decided to go on a new trip. We had actually planned to travel to Sharm el Sheikh with 1001 Natt Resor, but when they went bankrupt we quickly bought a last minute ticket from Stockholm to Hurghada.

We booked the trip via Airtours and flew with SAS charter, on Saturday morning just after seven in the morning. The journey took about five hours directly from Stockholm to Hurghada and was fairly comfortable. We slept, read books, worked on the computer (you can buy good internet for SEK 50) and ate sandwiches (you can also pre-order meals). In the middle of the day we landed in a wonderfully warm Hurghada!

Flyg från Stockholm till Hurghada

Travelling by charter

We are travelling very rarely with charters. We don't mind the concept, but we are curious and often prefer to travel more on our own. This time we thought we found a really affordable charter option, and we couldn't resist. On site in Hurghada we were met by nice and helpful representatives from Airtours. Excellent, but a little unusual!

Flyg från Stockholm till Hurghada
Peter as a charter traveller

To ... El Gouna?

We showed our tickets and ticked our names and were clearly shown to a small bus that would take us to El Gouna. El Gouna ...? But Peter, hadn't we booked a hotel in the centre of Hurghada?

It turned out that Peter had mainly checked if the hotel was cosy and if it was close to the water, but not so much. which city it was located in. El Gouna is 2.7 miles from the centre of Hurgahada and can certainly be good enough, but we were a bit surprised ...!

Från Stockholm till Hurghada med Airtorus
Our charter bus that took us to the hotel

Sultan Bey Hotel in El Gouna

After a 45 minute drive (through desolate desert with empty half-finished houses) we arrived in El Gouna and our Sultan Bey Hotel. How cosy it looked! The city felt welcoming with green plants, and the hotel was really picturesque with small houses, paths and beautiful flowers. This felt like just the right place for us right now. It was probably not so bad with El Gouna!

Från Stockholm till Hurghada och El Guona
El Guona i Egypten

Our hotel room is excellent - cosy and with good facilities for charging all our electronics. However, the hotel's free Wifi works rather poorly, so we have bought local sim cards with data traffic. We bought 16 GIG each at Orange, and for this we had to pay 90 SEK per person. It works really well, so we are satisfied!

Vårt rum på Sultan Bay i El Guona

The hotel is nicely located on the waterfront, in a bay with surrounding buildings. To get out to a good beach, you have to take a boat, which leaves every 45 minutes from the hotel. We have not tried this yet, but we will report back!

Från Stockholm till Hurghada - El Gouna

Have you been to El Gouna? Tell us about it!

Peter i Egypten
Peter (and I) having a beer at the hotel's beach bar.
All our top tips on Egypt. Click on the image!

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